Bungie Addresses Destiny 2 Lightfall Launch Issues as Player Count Surges

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The hype of the Destiny 2 Lightfall release has yet to die down. However, Guardians have already encountered some launch issues.

Server overload and glitches are common during annual releases. However, most of those who purchased the expansion have successfully loaded into the game this time despite some server throttling. While working their way through the campaign and exploring the new Guardian Ranks and loadouts, players have reported some teething problems. Bungie Help has taken note of these reports. You can check them out below.

The developers are working to resolve the problems. They acknowledged the issues might have been caused by the title’s player count surging to its all-time peak on Steam. Yet, the latest expansion is facing mixed reception from fans for its empty city of Neomuna. More information about the topic is on the way. So, remember to keep a close eye on WowVendor Guides and News to stay up-to-date on the latest developments!

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