Cataclysm Classic PvP

Wow Cataclysm PvP Boost

With WoW Cata PvP boosts, you will receive selected PvP service.


What is the strongest PvP class in Cataclysm Classic?
Depending on the player’s role, several classes can be considered strongest among their peers.
For tanks, the strongest is Blood Death Knight. With their mitigation and self-sustain, they feel like unkillable machines. While damage and crowd-control options ensure that they cannot be ignored.
For healers, the best remains Restoration Shaman. Their ability to heal and dispel various effects on demand is helpful in a DoT-heavy meta of Cata Classic PvP.
For DPS, the best option for PvP in Cata Classic may vary on the preferred style, but we recommend the Fire Mage. With Combustion and other spells, Fire Mage is an insanely fun and powerful spec that cuts through opponents like a hot knife through butter.

Who is the PvP vendor for Cataclysm Classic?

The following PvP vendors are available in Cataclysm Classic:
• Horde. Blood Guard Zar’shi, Sergeant Thunderhorn, Doris Chiltonius.
• Alliance. T’Maire Sydes, Capitan Dirgehammer, Lieutenant Tristia.
• Neutral. Nargle Nashcord — a neutral goblin PvP vendor, can be found in the Underbelly of Dalaran (59; 59)

Where can I buy Cataclysm PvP gear?

All the seasonal PvP sets can be bought at faction capitals — Orgrimmar for the Horde and Stormwind for the Alliance. Different vendors sell sets for Honor and Conquest points. Alliance vendors reside in Champions’ Hall [71.3; 58.8], while Horde vendors — in Hall of Legends [41.5; 68.2].

Where is the honor vendor in Orgrimmar?

The honor vendors in Orgrimmar are located in the Hall of Legends [41.5; 68.2]. The Hall itself is in the Valley of Strength — the primary valley of the city. Its Alliance counterpart is Champions’s Hall [71.3; 58.8], located in the southern part of the Old Town district of Stormwind City.

Where can I buy PvP weapons in Cataclysm Classic?

There are no weapons for Crafted or Honor PvP sets. But, there are weapons you can buy with Conquest points. The vendors are the same ones that sell gear sets. You can find them in Orgrimmar or Stormwind. The Horde vendor, Sergeant Thunderhorn, awaits in the Hall of Legends [41.5; 68.2], while the Alliance vendor, Captain Dirgehammer, is located in Champions’ Hall [71.3; 58.8].
The legendary weapons, The Fangs of the Father and Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest, are really powerful in PvP as well, despite being PvE weapons.

Why You Need Cataclysm PvP Boosting Services

The unique part of PvP is that, unlike with dungeons or raiding, here you fight not against scripted AI, but against fellow players. Arenas and Battlegrounds are where the real battle of wits and skill starts to show who is the better player. Compared to PvE, here, you cannot learn patterns and mechanics beforehand. Each combatant plays differently, making every match a unique ordeal. Being able to react quickly and make the right decisions on the fly is a deciding factor between a win and a loss. Considering all the above, climbing up the ranked ladder can be harder than completing a dungeon or even a whole raid.
Another important aspect is that due to the seasonal nature of WoW Cata Classic PvP, many rewards are available for a limited time. As the seasons change, new rewards come, while the old ones become unobtainable. Considering that PvP often provides unique mounts, titles, achievements, etc., as a reward, this is a horror scenario for a collector.
And some people just don’t like PvP. Yet because of the unique limited rewards, players are forced to participate in combat against others. Otherwise, they will miss rare collectibles. Thus turning what should be a fun activity into a tedious and unrewarding chore.
This is where Cataclysm Classic PvP carries come in handy. As they tend to cover every aspect of PvP, you can easily find the right service for your needs. Be it either a new Honor or Conquest gear set, or a particular amount of Honor/ Conquest points, achievements, coaching sessions, or a rating boost up to 1800 — there is a Cata Classic PvP carry for everyone.

Buy Cataclysm PvP Boost at WowVendor

WowVendor is here to provide fast and secure Cataclysm PvP carries for your needs. We offer the following plans and options:
• PvP Coaching. A PvP lesson with a true professional for you to learn firsthand all the tips, tricks, strategies, and tactics. Options allow you to choose a bracket and rating range.
• 2v2/ 3v3/ 5v5 Arenas. These offers are for those who want to reach specific ratings in ranked Arena matches. As a side bonus, you will also receive a decent amount of Honor and Conquest points.
• Honor and Conquest. Specific options for those who need these points and nothing else. Allows you to choose the desired amount of Honor or Conquest (up to weekly cap).
• Rated Battlegrounds. Similar to Arenas, get a desired rating in the ranked Battleground matches and all the numerous rewards that go with it, such as titles and achievements.
• Tabard of Brute Force. A unique tabard is available for getting 300 wins in Arenas. Our options include specific amounts of wins: x5 / x15 / x30 / x50 / Full Tabard.
All our services are carried out by a team of professional Gladiators. The delivery time varies based on selected options — it can take from 2–3 days for services like Arena rating boosts or coaching sessions, to several weeks to deliver some goodies (such as Tabard of Brute Force). The rating options are currently capped at 1800 rating. Be sure to browse our products for more information, you’ll find what you need there!
Start your PvP journey today and get all the unique rewards while they are still there with professional Cataclysm Classic PvP service from WowVendor!

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Amazing service

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No disappointment

No disappointments when raiding with boosters. Just wish mount drops already 😋

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Wonderful experience

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Custom Mythic+ 4 dungeons runs M+7

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The booster team was awesome

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