How to Fix Wow Performance Drops in Dragonflight 10.0.5

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Players of World of Warcraft have reported significant performance issues following the release of Patch 10.0.5, including frequent FPS drops and stutter. Luckily, the creator of the Deadly Boss Mods addon has found the root of the problem in a UI memory leak.

Under certain conditions, an interface memory leak may occur. You will most often encounter it using the standard UI. This is the reason why it gradually takes up more and more RAM. Thus, reduces the game’s performance, especially if you have a less powerful computer. The interface can consume several gigabytes in just a few minutes.
Fortunately, a simple and temporary solution exists. Since the problem is interface-related, the /reload command will refresh the UI and resets all consumed memory. Still, later the leak will occur again. Thus, you’ll need to reload often to continue journeying in Azeroth.

The origin of the issue in World of Warcraft remains a mystery. Even to the creator of the Deadly Boss Mods addon. The WoW development team is reportedly also investigating the problem. Still, so far, a solution has yet to be found. A fix has yet to be released. It’s high time for players to exercise patience and ensure their gaming gear has ample memory to weather this challenge.

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