Destiny 2 March 2024 Update: General Crucible Changes

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March update is a big surprise for PvP fans with major general Crucible changes!

Destiny 2 March 2024 Update General Crucible Changes

The Final Shape was supposed to greet us with huge adjustments to PvP. The developers realized that it made little sense to delay them again, and therefore they’ll come into force on March 5. Right now, we will tell you what will be included there!

The first exiting news is that after numerous tests, some of the modifiers from Checkmate will finally reach Base Crucible. These changes will affect the TtK of many weapons, as well as Abilities Damage and Cooldowns, but one step at a time. Note that none of these changes will affect Mayhem, Momentum, or Checkmate Modes.

The PvP Strike Team started their story with the goals they want to achieve with an upcoming Patch 7.3.5:

“1. Help players to more clearly understand the sequence of events that led to their death, so that they can more easily learn how to improve.

2. Alter the weapon sandbox to account for the increased average skill of our player base by reducing the number of high-reward, low-risk options.

3. Encourage primary weapon mastery to be an aspirational pursuit for players.”

— Bungie Team

They will achieve this thanks to feedback from the recently released Checkmate Mode, which players have been playing for half a year.

The most global change concerned Player Health, as every guardian will now have 30 HP more. Of course, this means that taking down enemies will take more time than before. However, along with this, developers also touched upon the damage of some things, namely:

In addition to this, cooldowns were also changed, as now Supers will charge 20% longer, and other Abilities only 15% longer (these changes will affect only Crucible).

An important change has been made to Special Ammo Acquisition in the game. It will no longer drop from enemies or replenish during respawn. Instead, you must be active during the game to acquire it. You can gain Special Ammo by making takedowns using Abilities or Primary Weapons, Assists, Deaths (from other players), Control zone capture, or by pulling Heavy ammo. Playing passively is not an option anymore if you want to progress in acquiring Special Ammo. The good news is that the Special Ammo will not disappear upon your death.

And on that note we’re done here. Today’s TWID also mentioned that Bungie is also working on improving weapons and subclasses in the upcoming update. We recommend checking out these articles as soon as possible!

Thanks for Reading! Owl is Flying Away.

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