Best PvP weapons Destiny 2: The Final Shape edition

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Almost everyone wants to know the current gun meta and we know the best PvP Weapons in Destiny 2 Revenant Episode!

Best PvP Weapons in Destiny 2

Key Takeaways:

  • The Destiny 2 meta is quite diverse, making it hard to name one best weapon. In this guide, you will find weapons for any slot to create the ultimate PvP Loadout in D2.
  • Among Exotics, Khvostov 7G-0X and Conditional Finallity are the best.
  • Among the Legendary ones, the brand-new Elsie’s Rifle and Mercurial Overreach especially stands out to our taste.
  • Heavy weapons are not as useful in PvP due to their use in rare cases, but we recommend taking Rocket Launchers or Grenade Launchers with Proximity Grenades.

The Final Shape came out not so long ago in Destiny 2, making it unlikely that the game’s meta will turn upside down during Revenant season. Our top PvP weapons in Destiny 2 have changed significantly over several seasons, so we decided to compile it from scratch with the latest information of the current season. Here, you’ll find what can be equipped in the Primary or Special slot, as well as some of our opinions on heavy weapons in PvP.

Sit back comfortably, get ready to make some precision Final Blows, and take out your pen and paper as we begin the breakdown of everything that will make you unstoppable in Crucible and Trials of Osiris.

Best PvP Primary Weapons in Destiny 2

Let’s start with what’s always at hand, namely Primary weapons. You always have ammo for these weapons and will spend most of your time in PvP with them.

Khvostov 7G-0X, Auto-Rifle

How to get: Mote of Primordial Light and Legendary Khvostov 

Since the release of TFS, Khvostov 7G-0X continues to lead the best PvP weapons in Trials of Osiris. This is thanks to excellent stats, relatively easy-to-control recoil, and Ricochet Bullets, which, even after the nerf, can still be very helpful during gameplay.

Graviton Lance, Pulse Rifle

How to get: Exotic engrams

Graviton Lance best pvp weapons trials

After the RPM change, Graviton Lance has started to appear more frequently in Crucible, ultimately breaking back into the meta. This Pulse Rifle features the Heavy Burst Archetype, but unlike Revision Zero or Nullify, its second shot in a burst has increased damage and recoil but no damage falloff. Don’t forget to earn and finish the Catalyst, as it grants not only +20 Range but also the Vorpal Weapon Trait, which is useful against Guardians in Super. In other words, Graviton Lance can be your perfect pick for PvP!

Ace of Spades, Hand Cannon

How to get: Monument to Lost Light

Ace of Spades

Old, reliable Ace of Spades, which has never let anyone down. The main feature of this Hand Cannon is the unique Memento Mori buff. It can be considered a counterpart to Kill Clip, but it disappears after six shots instead of after some time. Of course, like any of the best PvP weapons in D2, it has excellent Stats, making Ace of Spades a joy to use.

Even after being nerfed, Le Monarque remains relevant and annoys Guardians in Crucible. This bow stands out primarily because of two things: great Stats and the Poison effect. The Poison Arrows delay enemy health regeneration, allowing you or your teammate to finish them easily. So, do not hesitate to use it and show what the best PvP weapon in Revenant season is able to do!

Red Death Reformed, Pulse Rifle

How to get: Episode Echoes Season Pass or Monument to Lost Lights

Red Death Reformed Pulse rifle

Red Death has finally returned to us from Destiny 1, and it is now much better than the original. The first thing you’ll notice when playing with this Exotic is its extremely low recoil, making it very easy to hit targets. Another important factor is receiving Cure x2 on Final Blows, which makes getting Kill Streaks much easier. All of this makes Red Death Reformed one of the best PvP Exotics in Destiny 2, but you should also not forget about the Inverse Relationship trait. This trait increases handling and movement speed, as well as reduces flinch when dealing damage with Red Death Reformed.

The Messenger, Pulse Rifle

How to get: Trials of Osiris

Must-Have Roll:

The Messenger

Pulse Rifles are a good mid-range choice, especially since they are easy to use. That’s why The Messenger made our list, being the best Pulse Rifle in the game and one of the best PvP Legendary weapons in Destiny 2! A combination of good stats, excellent perks, and a great archetype with a TtK of 0.67 seconds makes this gun special. If you’re lucky enough to get Rapid Hit and Headseeker perks, you’ll understand why everyone loves The Messenger.

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Elsie’s Rifle, Pulse Rifle

How to get: Onslaught

Must-Have Roll:

Elsie's Rifle

An excellent alternative to The Messenger in the second slot could be Elsie’s Rifle from Into the Light Weaponry. This Pulse Rifle replicates the famous No Time to Explain, but only has Legendary Equality and Random Rolls, which does not prevent it from becoming the best PvP guns in Destiny 2 Season 25.

For 3v3 games, the best combo would be Zen Moment and Headseeker, providing you with Flinch Resistance, reduced Visual Recoil, and also bonus Aim Assistance with Critical Damage for body hits. For 6v6 games, Kill Clip might be more interesting as the improved damage upon reloading after a Final Blow allows you to take out one opponent after another.

Igneous Hammer, Hand Cannon

How to get: Trials of Osiris

Must-Have Roll:

Igneous Hammer

120 RPM Hand Cannons are always distinguished by their Forgiveness and huge damage, allowing you to defeat Guardians with two Crit Hits if you have a Damage buff. Igneous Hammer is considered the strongest among this archetype. With Keep Away or Fragile Focus, you can easily achieve 100 Range, annihilating enemies across the map. Eye of the Storm will be a good fit to have precise shots, while Precision Instrument will help return two crit one body final blows. If you’re looking for an alternative to Igneous Hammer in the primary slot, consider Round Robin or Sturm, which didn’t make this list due to huge competition.

Unending Tempest, Submachine Gun

How to get: Crucible

Must-Have Roll:

Unending Tempest

After the nerf to the Target Lock, this perk has become quite mediocre for SMGs, causing the popularity of The Immortal to start approaching zero. Fortunately, Lord Shaxx is ready to offer an excellent replacement in the form of Unending Tempest, which any player can easily obtain by playing PvP.

The best perks for the third column would be Dynamic Sway Reduction and Perpetual Motion, which would help improve low Stability. Additionally, Moving Target would be beneficial for increased Strafe Speed and Aim Assistance. 

In the fourth column, you have a choice between two perks. The first perk, Fragile Focus, gives you a +20 Range. However, this perk stops working when your shield is destroyed. The second perk, Tap the Trigger, provides Accuracy and Stability for 0.6 seconds every time you fire from the Unending Tempest. As you can see, the choices are quite extensive. Achieving the 100 Range or Stability won’t be a problem with these perks.

Rose, Hand Cannon

How to get: Legacy Competitive Focusing

Must-Have Roll:


In Season 23, developers added Legacy Competitive Focusing, making the beautiful Rose available again! It has so many good perks that it’s hard to choose, making it the best PvP Hand Cannon in Destiny 2. Explosive Payload will make everyone hate you because it increases the Flinch received by enemies. Quickdraw is suitable for those who like to switch between weapons quickly, and Slideshot helps increase Rose’s Range and Stability after sliding.

The Summoner, Auto Rifle

How to get: Trials of Osiris

Must-Have Roll:

Best PvP weapons

After the nerf to Precision Auto Rifles, the leader among this type of weapon is The Summoner, which has returned to us in Season 23. This gun’s combination of perks, such as Zen Moment and Dynamic Sway Reduction, with Tap the Trigger, makes it highly accurate and stable. For reducing Time to Kill in 6v6 modes, Kill Clip, Onslaught, or Golden Tricorn are the most promising options.

A distinctive feature of The Summoner is its fully vertical recoil, without additional Recoil Direction adjustment. This means that holding The Summoner will always be a pleasure, and it can easily be the Destiny 2 best PvP Auto Rifle. Remember that you can get it from Trials, and we recommend to check out Trials of Osiris Adept weapon this week to stay up to date!

Best PvP Special Weapons in Destiny 2

Moving on to Special weaponry, which stand out in PvP because they can one-shot enemies or deal great damage, allowing you to get instant melee takedowns. Either way, Special guns are called special for a reason, and our Destiny 2 PvP weapon tier list will explain why!

Conditional Finality, Shotgun

How to get: Root of Nightmares Raid

Conditional Finallity

For four seasons straight, Conditional Finality has been topping the charts in top Trials loadouts and is called one of Destiny 2 best PVP weapons in 2024, and it’s no surprise. Not only is this Shotgun extremely pleasant to use due to its high Handling and good Bullet Spread, but it can also quickly destroy enemies in Well of Radiance or Ward of Dawn thanks to Frozen and Ignite Debuffs. If you haven’t gotten Conditional Finality yet, wait for Root of Nightmares in rotation and farm Nezarec until you earn it.

Duality, Scout Rifle

How to get: Monument to Lost Light


After changing the shotgun’s shot spread, Duality sparkled with new colors. It’ll satisfy any Shotguns fan. It’s all about the Compression Chamber, due to which Duality fires a pellet spread in hip-fire or a single high-damage slug while aiming. Catalyst would also come in handy, as it raises Range by 20 points, which is very important for Duality.

Matador 64, Shotgun

How to get: Grasp of Avarice Dungeon

Must-Have Roll:

Matador 64

Matador 64 was a true legend in Destiny 1, and it became even better when it returned, easily making it to the Destiny 2 best PvP weapons list. Like any good Shotgun, it has an Opening Shot, the most useful perk for many Special Weapons. Few would refuse free Range and Aim Assist, right? Even its relatively low Handling isn’t a problem for Matador 64, as Threat Detector and Perpetual Motion can help. If we had to choose one of the two perks, we’d go for Threat Detector, as it only requires an enemy nearby.

Prophet of Doom, Shotgun

How to get: Garden of Salvation

Must-Have Roll:

Prophet of Doom D2

If you’re unlucky with Matador 64, it’s better to farm Prophet of Doom red borders in Garden of Salvation. It is in meta, which means it is a part of Destiny 2 best PvP weapons right now. Don’t rush to equip the Opening Shot and instead focus on Closing Time. This new perk is one of the perfect ones for special weapons, as it provides a tremendous range, handling, and accuracy bonuses if the magazine is less than half full.

Someday, Shotgun

How to get: Pale Heart

Must-Have Roll:

Someday Shotgun

Someday can be considered the Matador 64 in the first slot, as this shotgun has the same archetype and perks. As we mentioned earlier, Threat Detector with Opening Shot is an excellent choice due to the bonus handling and range, which are essential for this type of weapon. Unlike Matador 64, you can craft Someday and give it Enhanced Perks, making it even better.

Deadlock, Shotgun

How to get: Competitive Crucible

Must-Have Roll:

Dealock Best pvp weapons Destiny

Unlike Someday, you cannot craft Deadlock, but it compensates with the best stats among all shotguns, along with excellent perks. Similar to Prophet of Doom, it features the Threat Detector and Closing Time perk combination, which offers significant bonuses to Handling and Range. If you’re looking in Destiny 2 for the best weapons in Season 25, you should take a look at Deadlock and try to get a god roll.

Mercurial Overreach, Sniper Rifle

How to get: Legacy Competitive Focusing

Must-Have Roll:

Mercurial Overreach

The first Legendary Sniper Rifle on our list, and we already can call it one of the best PvP Sniper Rifles in Destiny 2. Its only downside is the inability to craft. Nevertheless, Mercurial Overreach has two excellent perks that allow you to aim quickly and have improved aim assist with range on the first shot. If you get a godroll focusing on Handling Masterwork, Destiny 2 will turn into an exciting point-and-click adventure for you!

Zealot’s Reward, Fusion Rifle

How to get: Garden of Salvation

Must-Have Roll:

Zealot's Reward best pvp guns Destiny 2

Many will be surprised to see Zealot’s Reward on this list, given its Rapid-Fire Frame, which is generally weak in Crucible. This conclusion applies to many weapons of this archetype, but Zealot’s Reward is an exception. So, what makes it a part of Destiny 2 PvP meta 2024? All thanks to Under Pressure and Closing Time, it can achieve up to 83 Range and 59 Stability, which was previously unheard of for this frame. Additionally, both perks provide a significant boost to accuracy, making it very easy to land shots with Zealot’s Reward.

Techeun Force, Fusion Rifle

How to get: Last Wish Raid

Must-Have Roll:

When it comes to the best Crucible weapons in Destiny 2, many immediately think of the updated Techeun Force from Last Wish. This rifle has not only a suitable archetype with a relatively low charge time but also excellent perks to focus on effective aiming or instant enemy elimination.

Rangefinder handles the first task, increasing Effective Zoom by 10%, while High-Impact Reserves deal with the second, increasing damage when your magazine has fewer bullets. Under Pressure remains a top pick in the third column, as it makes it easier to shoot with each shot.

The Origin Trait isn’t as useful in PvP, but in certain situations, using a grenade can help improve stability and reload speed, saving your life. And yeah, you can, without a doubt, call Techeun Force one of the best PvP Craftable Weapons in Destiny 2.

Pressurized Precision, Fusion Rifle

How to get: Iron Banner

Must-Have Roll:

Pressurized Precision

Not many of us like to play Iron Banner, but those who do can take a closer look at Pressurized Precision, which may surprise you.

If you want to have in your hand the Destiny 2 PvP Meta weapon, then you need Pressurized Precision.

Thoughts on the Best PvP Heavy Weapons in Destiny 2

Best PvP Heavy Weapons in Destiny 2

The situation with guns in the third slot is ambiguous here, mainly because you rarely use them in PvP and even more so in Ranked modes. Nonetheless, not having a good Heavy gun with you is also unacceptable. Regarding Exotics, we recommend any Rocket Launcher, like an amazing The Wardcliff Coil and a beatiful Deathbringer. In terms of Legendaries, it’s hard to give specific advice. Still, Grenade Launchers with Proximity Grenades, Machine Guns, and Rocket Launchers didn’t disappoint anyone.

Final Words

So, here are all the best PvP weapons in Episode Revenant. If you have a different opinion about guns or think our list is incorrect, we await your comments to discuss it with you there!

If you also need help choosing an endgame loadout, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the best PvE weapons in Destiny 2, where we describe all the best guns in the game currently.

Remember, you can always turn to professionals to get any desired guns within a few days. Just reach out to Destiny 2 Services, and your wish will be fulfilled!

Thanks for Reading! Owl is Flying Away.

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Owl Guy
562 articles


Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello! Khvostov was originally in this article, but we removed it after Bungie nerfed it.


One of the more detailed articles I’ve seen, got some solid info on the meta I was finally looking for. Thanks!