Warbands System Preview: Currency, Achievements, Transmogs

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Exciting news, heroes of Azeroth! Blizzard has recently released a preview of the Warbands system in The War Within.

Exciting news, heroes of Azeroth! Blizzard has recently released a preview of the Warbands system in The War Within.

Warbands is an entirely new account-wide progression and collection system. So far, players have access to all mounts, transmogs, heirlooms, and pets across their Battle.net account. With the new Warbands system, all your characters’ progression and items also become shareable between the alts in your squad. You can watch the full video here:

In case you do not have time to watch it all, we have gathered some key moments below for your convenience. This kind of innovation truly sounds interesting and time-saving. Let’s take a deeper look into the Warbands system and its impact on your gameplay!

New Selection Screen Design

You may agree that the more time you are into the game, the more you notice how the initial character selection screen looks out of date. But now, it is time you said goodbye to boredom!

With the launch of The War Within, you will see an entirely new character selection screen that displays four of your favorite alts. You do not have to switch between multiple servers anymore, so you can use a simple roster instead that includes all Alliance and Horde characters available on the account.

Warbank System

Another essential aspect to mention is that you will be able to share items between your characters. The old system of sharing items feels like a real hassle, but now you can quickly transfer valuable resources to your alts by simply placing them into the Warbank sections.

In case you require more storage space, you can always buy additional slots with gold. Sounds convenient, doesn’t it?

Currency Share

In The War Within, you will finally be able to transfer currencies between your alts. Rather than sending something through the mail, you can use the UI to share a currency with your Warband characters directly.

This new feature really facilitates the process. However, it is important to note that some currencies that play a significant role in your character development will stay unshareable. As an equivalent of The War Within currency, you are not allowed to share Crests and Flightstones.

Map Exploration

When you are a newcomer, map exploration feels very interesting, so you start feeling like you are a true pathfinder. But what if you are an old-timer who has played the game for many years and has had time to explore every nook and cranny?

Well, that is a poser, but do not despair! For those who are not that interested in re-exploring locations from the previous expansions, Blizzard has presented a toy called The Warband Map to Everywhere All At Once. This handy thing shows you all the regions’ maps explored by your Warband member so you can continue your journey with convenience.

Transmogs For Everyone

Let’s agree that it is quite a disappointing experience to find out that the cool transmogs you have got are dedicated to another class. In The War Within, collecting new clothes for transmogrification becomes much easier
For instance, let’s say you are playing as a Druid, and you obtain a good-looking plate helmet. Despite the fact that you collected it while playing as a Druid, who can wear only leather, any character who can wear plate items is allowed to use this item for transmogrification. The exception to this is that if you want to obtain some class-specific items, you still have to play as the class this item is created for.

Achievements Earning

The last thing we want to talk about is achievements. It’s no secret that some achievements apply to the whole account and some only to one character. Due to the new Warbands system, all achievements will be account-wide.

Plus, you will only see the overall number of achievements completed on all your characters. However, Blizzard says that such important achievements as Memories of Teldrassil will be only for one specific character. It is a part of history, so it remains as it is. Anyway, it will not have any adverse effect on the number of achievements or awards you have received in the past.


That is all for now. We would love to hear your thoughts on this news. Feel free to share your opinion with us!

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