Warbands system overview: Currency, achievements, and more
The pre-patch has been underway for some time, which means it is time for an updated overview of The War Within Warbands system!

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Warbands introduces a new account-wide progression and collection system in The War Within. With this system, all your progress and items — like mounts, transmogs, heirlooms, and pets — can be shared among all your characters on your Battle.net account. This feature works across all realms, factions, and subscription types but is limited to characters within the same region. That being said, let’s look deeper into what Warbands is and how it impacts your gameplay!
New selection screen design

Let’s be honest: the longer you play the game, the more you realize that the character selection screen appears outdated. But now, it is getting a much-needed makeover, so say goodbye to boredom! Once you launch the game, you will see a bunch of your favorite characters huddled around a campfire, while the rest will be listed in a drop-down menu to the right. What’s more, according to Blizzard, we will see more variations of the login screen to collect in the future.
Warbands Bank system

Another essential feature to mention is the new Warbands Bank system, also known as Warbank among players. With Blizzard removing the old “mailing” system, which was quite a hassle, and introducing a new account-wide one, you can now easily share various items and reagents between your account’s characters.
You can access Warbank through bankers found throughout Azeroth. It offers five tabs, each with 98 slots. If you need more storage space, you can purchase additional slots with gold, but the price increases with each purchase. To buy all the slots, you’ll need to spend a total of 3,126,000 gold:
- Tab 1: 1,000 Gold
- Tab 2: 25,000 Gold
- Tab 3: 100,000 Gold
- Tab 4: 500,000 Gold
- Tab 5: 2,500,000 Gold
The Warbank can also be accessed using the Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor. However, it’s not available right away — you’ll need to complete a short series of quests first. For more details, check out our informative article on this topic:
Currency share

In The War Within, you can finally transfer currencies between your Warband characters with the help of the UI. This method facilitates the process and helps you avoid situations when the required currency is spent on the wrong character. Note that some currencies that play a significant role in your character development will remain unshareable (for instance, Crests and Flightstones from Dragonflight). Here is a comprehensive list of all transferable currencies in The War Within:
Map exploration
Exploring the map as a newcomer is incredibly captivating, making you feel like a true pathfinder. But what if you’re an old-timer who has thoroughly explored every nook and cranny over the years? If you’re uninterested in re-exploring locations from previous expansions, Blizzard has presented a toy called The Warband Map to Everywhere All At Once. This handy tool shows all the regions explored by your Warband members, allowing you to continue your journey easily.
Increased Flight Path travel speed in Khaz Algar?
That’s right! Flight Paths are also integrated into this system, allowing you to unlock them on one character for access by the entire Warband. What’s more, previously collected Flight points on any character will also be available to the Warband. When you unlock all the Flight Paths in Khaz Algar, your Warband will receive the Khaz Algar Flight Master achievement, which grants a 25% increase in Flight Path travel speed across The War Within continent.
Transmogs for everyone

Once The War Within is live, collecting transmog sets becomes easier. For example, if you’re a Druid and find a plate helmet that catches your eye, you can now unlock it for any plate-wearing character on your Battle.net account. Of course, when it comes to class-specific items, you are allowed to use them as the class they are created for. Still, this fact should not spoil the possibility of collecting most in-game transmog sets in The War Within.

This change also affects gear roll in raids. If you want to get a particular piece of gear, you can now roll for transmog instead of just selecting Greed. If your current character is eligible to equip this item, they will have higher priority over those who cannot. For instance, if a Druid rolls for leather armor, they will have a higher chance of receiving it than a Paladin rolling for the same transmog armor.

Interestingly, completing appearance-reward quests now unlocks all possible appearances, regardless of your weapon, armor, or class. This makes it much easier to get all the rewards you want.
Warbound Until Equipped
The new Warbound Until Equipped system lets you freely transfer gear between characters until it’s equipped. Once equipped, the gear becomes Soulbound and non-transferable. This system will be available in raids, dungeons, and Delves, making it easier to gear up your alts.
What’s more, there’s a small bonus chance to receive extra Warbound Until Equipped gear as personal loot! You will earn this bonus piece of gear one tier lower than the other loot from that source, which can be used by any class. Although this bonus gear may not be immediately useful if you don’t have a character of the required class, you can still send it to one of your alts to aid them in their progression, which sounds awesome.
It is no secret that some achievements apply to the whole account and some only to one character. Due to the new Warbands system, all achievements become streamlined, allowing you to earn them using any of your characters instead of being restricted to just one. Let’s take a look at what has changed:
- Many achievements have become Warband ones, meaning you can unlock them once and for all characters.
- Character-based achievement scores are replaced by a Warband achievement score.
- Rewards from achievements, like titles and dungeon teleports, are available to all characters in the Warband.
- Progress for achievements can be tracked across all characters (e.g., completing 500 Personal Crafting Orders for Personal Crafter across multiple character counts for the Warband).
However, certain achievements will stay tied to specific characters, especially those unique or challenging to obtain (like Insane in the Membrane or Memories of Teldrassil). Plus, achievements like Dreaming of Wyrms are inherently tied to a particular character and won’t apply to the entire Warband.
In The War Within, any reputation progress made on one character will be shared across all characters on your account. This means it’s time to say goodbye to grind, as any reputation earned by one character will benefit all your characters, unlocking rewards for everyone. Overall, several Dragonflight reputations are being incorporated into this exciting system:
- Renown: Dragonscale Expedition, Maruuk Centaur, Iskaara Tuskarr, Valdrakken Accord, Loamm Niffen, and Dream Wardens.
- Standard: Wrathion & Sabellian, Cobalt Assembly, Artisan’s Consortium, Azerothian Archives, and Soridormi.
Note that the Winterpelt Furbolg and Glimmerogg Racer reputation systems are excluded because their unique elements don’t suit all characters and aren’t significant enough for a Warband-wide system.
Interesting fact: Completing quests for the first time with your Warband earns you extra rewards, mainly reputation. Repeating the same quest on a different character gives you bonus currency like Dragon Isles Supplies, which can be used to buy cosmetics, mounts, and pets across the Warband.
Also, since Diplomacy Human racial has been removed, which we have talked about in one of our articles, what about legacy account-wide reputations you managed to earn in previous expansions? In a YouTube interview with MrGM, Blizzard stated there is no exact time for this. Still, its goal is to eventually integrate such old reputations into Warbands as soon as possible. Once the developers decide, they will use the same criteria for these kinds of reputations as they did for converting Dragonflight ones.
That’s it for now. Have you tried the overall Warbands thing in the pre-patch? If so, what is your opinion on this feature? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below, so feel free to share them with us!