WoW: Should You Resubscribe to Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7?

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Patch 10.0.7 has been released on March 21 and is now unfolding its wings on live servers. So far, Dragonflight is definitely doing a lot better than its predecessor, Shadowlands, the expansion still has its ups and downs. So if your question is, should you resubscribe to the game? Then let’s take a look at this article to see if the choice is worth your time and money.


As stated above, we have yet the chance to experience the latest Patch yet. The opinion and information in this article may change over time as we get to dive deeper into what 10.0.7 has to offer. As of now, we do know the following is going to present:

Once said updates are on live servers, we will make sure to edit this article with deeper insight into the question.

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