Dragonflight: Uncharted Island Discovered on Dragonscale Expedition Maps

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An astute Reddit user named holoroh has made a remarkable discovery on the maps of the Dragonscale Expedition. They stumbled upon an unknown island that is not on the current live map. According to their picture, the uncovered area is near Ohn’ahran Plains’ crater.

The newly spotted island (Source: reddit user holoroh)
Current live map in Dragonflight (Source: World of Warcraft)

It has ignited a flurry of speculation and theories among the community. Some believe it could hint at upcoming updates or content from the game developers. After all, Blizzard had announced in their 2023 roadmap that new zones would arrive in the future.

Source: World of Warcraft

The true nature of the mysterious island remains a mystery. Only time will tell what secrets it holds.


Players will encounter many Renown factions during their adventure. One of which is the Dragonscale Expedition. This faction is made up of the Explorer’s League (Alliance) and the Reliquary (Horde). Their goal is to unravel the mysteries and secrets of the Dragon Isles. The higher your Renown is with them, the more rewards you may unlock, including three Skitterfly mounts.

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