Tarisland Closed Beta Test Is Ending Soon: Community Reception

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Tarisland Closed Beta Test Is Ending Soon: Community Reception

Surely, you haven’t forgotten about Tarisland? Widely known as the WoW clone, Tencent’s controversial title is on the brink of concluding its Closed Beta Test (CBT). And the community has a lot to discuss regarding said doppelganger. 

Step into the World of Tarisland

Tarisland Closed Beta Test Is Ending Soon: Community Reception

Tarisland was officially announced in April. Over time, it has gathered quite a fan base despite being called a WoW clone. What makes the title special is that it promises players to be an exciting MMORPG without having to put up with any pay-to-win system. Other than that, gamers can enjoy Tencent’s creation on different devices. All thanks to its cross-platform capability. 

The game takes place in a world where technology and fantasy coexist. Without a doubt, Tarisland shares a little too many similarities with the giant World of Warcraft. Thus, it has a lot of ground to cover to establish its own unique identity instead of being just another WoW rip-off. 

Tarisland Closed Beta Test

The Tarisland Closed Beta Test began on June 27, 2023. Until July 4, Players from all around the world can participate in this exciting CBT on their PCs. However, Android lovers can only access it in Brazil, Canada, the Philippines, or the United Kingdom.


During this special testing phase, players get a sneak peek into a whole new and unexplored land. Tarisland boasts a vast map system that brings together four unique regions: Ancash Canyon, SilverLit, and Misty Forest.

Players are presented with a selection of seven classes when creating their characters in Tarisland. They encompass the archetypal roles found in the majority of MMORPGs. From Warrior, Mage, and Ranger to Barbarian Fighter, Priest, Paladin, and Bard. The game also offers adventurers five distinct crafting professions. But the excitement doesn’t stop at character customization and crafting. Players can also prove their mettle in the Arena or on the Battlegrounds, and face off against formidable World Bosses.

Community Reception

Is it worth playing Tarisland?

The Tarisland Closed Beta Test (CBT) has evoked diverse reactions within the gaming community. A portion of players genuinely finds enjoyment in the game. But there are also those who harbor reservations or just pure dissatisfaction. And so, let’s dive into Tarisland’s pros and cons and see if it’s worth playing this game.

On the Bright Side

The combat mechanics in Tarisland have garnered positive feedback. Players find it to be quite decent and responsive. 

Gamers also have the ability to customize the UI. Not only can they adjust the position of various elements on their screen, but they can also resize them according to their preferences. 

The dungeons in Tarisland have been praised for their fast-paced and entertaining nature. They are quick and engaging, offering a good balance between challenge and reward.

In addition to the core gameplay, a plethora of minigames provide a break from the main quests and activities. Fun and lighthearted, they offer players a chance to relax from their duty as the hero of this world.

Another positive aspect of Tarisland is its friendly and visually appealing graphics. The game adopts a vibrant and colorful art style that serves as one of the most inviting features of the game. 

But on the Other Side

One aspect that has drawn criticism is the quality of the English translation. Players express concerns about the accuracy and fluency of the translated text. 

The world of Tarisland is often described as bland and lifeless. It lacks the excitement needed to captivate gamers’ attention. Because of its lackluster nature, many players feel unenthused and disconnected from the game’s setting.

Another point of contention revolves around the servers’ population. Fans have voiced dissatisfaction as the servers limit the number of players who can enjoy the game simultaneously. Many have to experience the frustration of receiving an invitation to the CBT but being unable to access the game after downloading it. 

Furthermore, the community as a whole has yet to be able to move past the fact that Tarisland is widely regarded as a WoW rip-off. The title is still viewed as lacking originality and innovation. It’s generic. It gives the impression that Tencent simply copied WoW and applied different names and art styles to the world and the characters. 

It remains to be seen how the developers will address these concerns raised by the community. And over time, we will see whether Tarisland will ever be able to escape from the shadow of World of Warcraft.

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