Weapons Are Leaving the Loot Pool in Season of the Seraph

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Destiny 2 Season 19’s launch date is set on December 6. Many changes and updates are on the way to bring players more memorable and exciting experiences. The weapons changes in the Trials of Osiris, Iron Banner, and Nightfall are one of them. In the table below, you can see some leave the racks, and others stay. Some are returning to the game or showing up for the first time in the game.

It’s hard to say farewell to these charming beauties, especially if they are not in your collection yet. Although it’s impossible to get anything from the Iron Banner and The Trials of Osiris as the events have passed, you still have an option for acquiring Nightfall’s firearm. The Duty Bound is an excellent daily driver that excels in high-end Nightfalls because of its origin trait and auto rifle Champion mods.

And you are fortunate because WowVendor has just the thing to help you get both this weapon and its adept version.

About the firearms coming to Season 19, it’s worth paying extra attention to earning the Hung Jury SR4. It’s an extremely powerful rifle that you will want to have in your collection.

Unique ornaments for Gambit, Crucible, and Vanguard strikes are also on the way.

Speaking of weapon skins, remember to vote for your favorite design of the Arbalest Linear Fusion Rifle on December 5.

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