Bungie Raises $200,000 to Support Earthquake Victims

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Bungie has raised over $200,000 in just 24 hours to support earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. The fundraising campaign partnered with Direct Relief and International Rescue Committee. They plan to provide shelter, medicine, and food for those affected by the catastrophe.

The 7.8 magnitude earthquake caused widespread destruction. It claimed over 30,000 lives, posing Turkey’s most destructive event of the century. Relief efforts for Turkey and Syria continue to grow. Twitch streamers Mizkif and HasanAbi are two of those who have extended their hands to the unfortunate. They have set up donation links to aid hundreds of thousands affected by the tragedy. Bungie will update the community on the fundraising campaign as it collects more donations.

The studio’s actions received a positive response from the community. The company plans to lead a community-wide initiative once per year. They hope to assist a natural disaster relief effort with the help of the United Nations Office of Humanitarian Affairs’ classification system.

If you want to lend a hand, visit the official website. Your contribution will make a difference in the lives of those suffering from the disaster’s aftermath.

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