Veritistrasz Questline Ending: The Name of The Black Dragon

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Veritistrasz is an ancient red dragon who chooses the guise of an innocuous old dwarf. He sits alone atop Ruby Lifeshrine. There wasn’t anything too special about him. No sparkling magic, no heavy armor, no powerful weapons, and no epic questline for players to face fearsome foes. He just sat there, admiring the view and reminiscing about a time long past. Yet, his questline is one of the most beloved ones in Dragonflight.

You are given the option to stay or to leave. That’s entirely up to you. If you take off, the quest ends. But if you wait a while, Veritistrasz will open his heart to you. He tells you his thoughts, his past, and the friendships between the dragonflights before the black ones fell. He remembers what it was like, having to end the friends who once stood by his side. And eventually, he reveals the story of his dearest black dragon friend, who was lost to corruption. He will send you to retrieve his time capsule if you have listened to everything he says.

Until recently, that was some conclusion to his tale. However, the Twitter account Portergauge has discovered a partially destroyed diary while doing their Wrathion weeklies.
While that, the Wowhead user Hojzti shed light on how to retrieve the long-lost diary. This is the key to unlocking the true ending of Veritistrasz’s questline by revealing the name of the black dragon: Distiya.

Source: Portergauge’s Twitter account
Source: Portergauge’s Twitter account
Source: Portergauge’s Twitter account
Source: Portergauge’s Twitter account
Source: Portergauge’s Twitter account
Source: Portergauge’s Twitter account
Source: Portergauge’s Twitter account
Source: Portergauge’s Twitter account
Source: Portergauge’s Twitter account

Many players are moved by this simple yet meaningful moment in Dragonflight and wish to see more of Veritistrasz in the future.

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