5 best classes in Delves in The War Within
The community wants to know everything about the best classes in Delves in the new expansion.

Table of Contents
5 Best classes in Delves
- Demon Hunter
- Hunter
- Death Knight
- Paladin
- Warlock
We’ve all finally received the new release we’ve been waiting for. Players now have access to a lot of new content, and everyone is ready for the adventure Blizzard has prepared for them.
Delves are one of the most important activities even after reaching the end game. Players dive into challenging dungeons for better loot, resources, and desired achievements. So, what are the strongest classes in The War Within? Here are the best Delves classes ranked for solo runs, in our opinion. Remember that this article was written for The War Within Season 1.
As always, this list is just one opinion of many. The best class for you is the one that brings you the most joy while playing. So, if your favorite class isn’t here on the list, don’t be disheartened, and let’s share about your class with us in the comments!
What are Delves for?
Delves were released as an alternative to earning high-quality gear, such as in Mythic+ and Raids. Completing Delves is rewarded with Great Vault gear comparable up to Mythic 10+ and Heroic Raids quality. Instead of long waits to find party members (which often happens in M+), you can quickly start your Delves walkthrough solo. But despite the fact just one hero may complete Delves, you can also visit them with a party.
In Delves, your brave companion, Brann Bronzebeard, will help you on your way. He can be a damage dealer or a healer, depending on what role you choose him to be. So you may attend Delves with any class/specialization.
For more information about Delves, loot you can get there, and more, be sure to check out our:
Delves best classes: Our top 5
Delves require independence if you want to progress solo. So here are the best Delves classes based on the performance of all their specializations, whether they are in a party or not. We sorted them by the pros and cons of choosing this or that class regardless of the specialization you want to play. Since last Delves tuning was directed toward a better experience during solo runs, we mainly focused on this side of the content.
Demon Hunter

Demon Hunters are a great class overall for solo-play content. They have excellent mobility due to Double Jump, Glide, Fel Rush, and Infernal Strike. Demon Hunters also have great self-healing. They can rehabilitate from almost any mistake. This class is known for its surprisingly fast pace. Their high Action Per Minute (APM) will never let you get bored. All of this lets this class handle any objective on their own and be capable of being a damage dealer in the party.
Despite being a DPS specialization, Havoc Demon Hunters have great survivability (thanks to Shattered Souls and Blur). Havoc Demon Hunters have many AoE abilities with short cooldowns, such as Blade Dance and Eye Beam. They ‘’dance’’ on the battlefield and always have the next spell to use. This spec performs very well in solo Delves, as self-healing significantly helps during runs. Very high mobility of these Demon Hunters also lets them kite enemies while fastly killing any pack with AoE damage.
New Hero Talents:
- Fel-Scarred: Better AoE damage and concentration around Metamorphosis burst.
- Aldrachi: Better solo target damage and extra defensiveness due to Army Unto Oneself.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Demon Hunter Husk of the Hypogeal Nemesis Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Blade Dance damage increased by 20%.
- 4 pieces bonus: Chaos Strike damage increased by 12%. Chance of Chaos Strike to reset Blade Dance cooldown and reduce its Fury cost by 30%.
These bonuses significantly increase the potential damage output of Havoc Demon Hunters. It is a little bit luck-based but can still be very pleasant and have a long-lasting impact on overall damage. Having these extra procs of Blade Dance cooldown resets really helps during Delves runs and groups of enemies clearing.
Vengeance Demon Hunters are excellent for different types of dungeons despite being a tank specialization. Moreover, being a high APM class, they might even let you forget you are playing a tank. Playing this Demon Hunter almost feels like a classic mele-DPS. You can use Infernal Strike to jump from one group of enemies to another, bombing them with Sigils (such as Sigil of Flame, Sigil of Chains, and Sigil of Silence). Such an aggressive playstyle lets Vengeance Demon Hunters compete even with the DPS in terms of outgoing damage. A big amount of CC and interruptions and respectful self-healing solves many problems in The War Within Season 1 solo Delves.
New Hero Talents:
- Fel-Scarred: Strong burst on Demonsurge with a short cooldown.
- Aldrachi: Decent damage and healing buffs and extra damage against the main target due to Glaive Flurry and Rending Strike.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Demon Hunter Husk of the Hypogeal Nemesis Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Soul Cleave damage increased by 10%. Soul Cleave has a 25% chance to extract one Lesser Soul Fragment upon use.
- 4 pieces bonus: Each Soul Fragment increases the next Fel Devastation damage by 2% (stacks up to 30%).
These bonuses give Havoc Demon Hunters a stable damage increase and a bit more survivability. Both these buffs are helpful for any Delves run. Being a Tank spec, this damage increase helps a lot in terms of faster clearing.

Hunters performed well in Mythic+, and they feel confident in Delves. They conquer any solo content and have everything you might need. Due to their helpful crowd-control (such as Wing Clip and Freezing Trap), damage reduction from Aspect of the Turtle, a bit of healing from Exhilaration, and very high mobility, they don’t suffer from such solo content. Camouflage grants Hunters stealth, which can be useful for skipping unneeded packs, and Primal Rage provides them with a significant Haste boost for the most challenging parts of Delves runs. Moreover, this class does not require a high skill level, so it suits new and experienced players. Hunter is probably the best class for solo Delves.
Marksmanship Hunters deal very high damage on solo targets and are capable of remaining distance from enemies. Good coordination between offensive abilities and mobility spells may lead to defeating enemies before they get close enough to fight with you. Marksmanship Hunters don’t have any problems with groups of enemies. Trick Shots makes your originally solo target spells like Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire ricochet between opponents. All of this means these Hunters can manage any objective in The War Within Season 1 Delves. Kiting works well in many Delves, giving them even more survivability due to Brann’s healing.
New Hero Talents:
- Dark Ranger: Great survivability due to Smoke Screen, but is more complicated to play.
- Sentinel: Better AoE damage and simple rotation improvements due to Sentinel.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Hunters Lightless Scavenger’s Necessities Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Multishot and Arcane Shot damage increased by 20%.
- 4 pieces bonus: Precise Shots consumption increases next Aimed Shot damage by 10% (stacks up to 20%).
These bonuses strongly fuff overall damage potential for Marksmanship Hunters, rewarding their successful rotation against both single targets and multiple enemies, which we need in Delves.
Beast Mastery
Beast Mastery Hunters are accompanied by two pets that help them in any activity. Their companions have damage, crowd control (such as Intimidation), and great tanking potential. As a player, you can concentrate on mastering your rotation while the pet holds an agro. One of the key features of Beastmastery specialization is that almost all of its spells can be cast while moving. Such high mobility lets you get out of any void zone without loss to outgoing damage. This Hunter spec is one of the best for beginners and solo Delves overall. They work perfectly with Healer Brann and can manage packs one by one, letting their pet Tank hazardous mobs.
New Hero Talents:
- Pack Leader: A simple upgrade to overall rotation and better AoE due to passives.
- Dark Ranger: Better survivability due to Smoke Screen and boost in damage against solo targets due to Black Arrow.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Hunters Lightless Scavenger’s Necessities Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Pets’ attack speed increased by an extra 5% after Barbed Shot.
- 4 pieces bonus: Pets’ attacks have a 10% chance to increase all damage dealt by your pets by 10% for 10 seconds.
These bonuses come in handy for Beast Mastery Hunters due to quite a stable increase in damage dealt by pets. This makes them even stronger in terms of completing Delves.
Despite being one of the weakest specializations during most of their existence, Survival Hunters now can actually shine. This specialization has even higher mobility due to Harpoon and Flanking Strike. They also received a rework to their Wildfire Bomb spell. Now, Survival Hunters can use it more often due to Grenade Juggler. Of course, this change was followed by a decrease in Wildfire Bomb damage, but it still lets them perform better in AoE damage, burning down enemies in The War Within Season 1 Delves. Their potential grows with Brann’s healing, letting them concentrate on their rotation and damage dealing.
New Hero Talents:
- Sentinel: Great AoE and single target damage boost due to Lunar Storm and stronger defense due to Sentinel buffs.
- Pack Leader: A simple upgrade to overall rotation due to passives.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Hunters Lightless Scavenger’s Necessities Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Wildfire Bomb damage increased by 5%.
- 4 pieces bonus: Wildfire Bomb affected targets receive 10% more damage from Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite.
These bonuses heavily complement Survival Hunters, as Wildfire Bomb is their bread and butter now. This skill is more AoE-oriented, as we mentioned earlier, but 4 piece bonus is very helpful against bosses and tough enemies in Delves.
Death Knight

Despite being one of the most minor mobile classes, Death Knights perform very well on any Delves difficulty. Great damage and survivability (thanks to Death Strike and Lichborne) help them conquer any dungeon and be the strongest Delves class for solo runs. Wearing plate armor, spreading Death and Decay, pulling enemies with Death Grip, and striking them with Rune Strike makes them both unkillable and hazardous simultaneously.
Even though Frost Death Knights’ abilities are targeted against a single enemy, they have great potential for AoE damage. Frostwyrm’s Fury and Breath of Sindragosa compensate their abilities kit focus to single target damaging. That means you won’t feel powerless against groups of enemies despite Obliterate and Howling Blast being your primary abilities. Such burst damage performs amazing during solo Delves runs, clearing pack after pack while Brann heals you. All of this makes Frost Death Knights ideal for solo Delves runs.
New Hero Talents:
- Rider of the Apocalypse: Simple gameplay changes based on Rider’s Champion Horsemen summon and extra mobility from Death Charge.
- Deathbringer: Reaper’s Mark adds to the rotation and frequent bursts.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Death Knights Exhumed Centurion’s Relics Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: All Runic Power-consuming abilities damage increased by 8%.
- 4 pieces bonus: Runic Power consumption can increase Strength by 10% for 8 seconds.
These bonuses are one of the strongest among all Tier Sets during TWW Season 1. A 10% Strength buff makes a colossal difference and impacts heavily how Frost Death Knights perform in Delves overall.
Like Vengeance Demon Hunters, Blood Death Knights show themselves great in Delves. This specialization can be almost unkillable due to their self-healing and defensive spells like Bone Shield and Rune Tap. Frequent use of Death Strike is a key to any level of Blood specialization mastery. This spell is the business card of this class. With Mastery: Blood Shield, it is not just the self-healing your enemies have to deal with – it’s your whole tankines potential. Blood Death Knights are almost invincible due to their incredible survivability in solo Delves in The War Within Season 1. Despite being a Tank, this spec can complete Delves runs with a DPS Brann instead of a Healer. This is how essential their survivability is.
New Hero Talents:
- Deathbringer: Great defense improvement as a reward for skilled rotation due to Exterminate and Painful Death.
- San’layn: Better survivability and self-healing due to Vampiric Strike and Vampiric Aura without any new abilities.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Death Knights Exhumed Centurion’s Relics Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Having one or more charges of Boneshield reduces damage taken by 2%. Losing a charge can reduce damage taken by an extra 1% (stacking up to 3%) for 6 seconds.
- 4 pieces bonus: Overall damage increased by 0.5% for every Boneshield charge. Any received damage while under 6 charges can generate 1-2 more charges.
These bonuses buff boss damage and survivability of Blood Death Knights, making them even stronger in any encounter. Bonus from 4 pieces lets them concentrate better on dealing damage, making Boneshield somewhat independent during fights. All of this really helps during Delves runs as a Tank.
Spreading death and decay with Festering Wound and Virulent Plague, Unholy Death Knights are absolute winners in damage against large groups of enemies. Raise Dead, Raise Abomination, Army of the Dead, and Summon Gargoyle have a severe impact on the battlefield. Even if you decide to visit some activities alone, numbers can still be on your side. Playing this spec, packs of enemies never overwhelm. All of this makes this spec ideal for solo Delves runs.
New Hero Talents:
- Rider of the Apocalypse: Simple gameplay with extra mobility from Death Charge and great burst due to Raise Abomination, followed by four Horsemen.
- San’layn: Serious burst damage due to Gift of the San’layn and excellent self-healing from Vampiric Strike.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Death Knights Exhumed Centurion’s Relics Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Minions’ damage increased by 8%.
- 4 pieces bonus: Every minion summoning increases Haste by 1% (stacking up to 4%) for 8 seconds.
These bonuses are pleasant to any summoner, including Unholy Death Knights. Their army gets even more powerful and buffs the owner. As mentioned earlier, summons really help during Delves completion, as they help with damage and tanking a lot. But they have an even stronger impact during encounters.

Paladins are a universal class that can take any role, whether you want to play tank, healer, or damage dealer. This class has great survivability due to plate armor and such spells as Divine Protection, Lay of Hands, and a variety of blessings. Regardless of the specialization you play, you can always heal with Flash of Light. Divine Protection can be an easy way out of any situation. Its full immunity can provide you with time to heal, kill hazardous enemies, or simply dodge unavoidable damage. Paladins bring lots of utility to any group but can manage Delves content independently. All of this definitely makes them one of the best Delves classes, even for new players.
Holy Paladins are known for their versatility, even among healers. Utility spells we mentioned before, plus great heal and a decent amount of outgoing damage, are an ideal combination. Unlike other healers, this specialization has mele based playstyle. When the group is concentrated in one spot, they can shine using Light of Dawn and Holy Prism. Having both DPS and strong Healing from Holy Shock, Holy Paladins feel very confident in The War Within Season 1 solo Delves. Being a plate-wearing class, these Paladins can sustain almost any damage.
New Hero Talents:
- Lightsmith: Better Shields, extra AoE damage due to Sacred Weapon.
- Herald of the Sun: Burst healing, potential in Dawnlight performance.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Paladins Entombed Seraph’s Radiance Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Holy Shock cooldown reduced and healing increased by 10% both.
- 4 pieces bonus: Next Light of Dawn or Word of Glory healing increased by 8% (stacking up to 32%) by every Holy Shock use.
These bonuses are mostly concentrated on Holy Paladins healing. But the bonus from 4 pieces can heavily impact their damaging potential. Using more Holy Shock casts for damage does not lessen your healing in the long term due to stacking buff. Delves are known for making Healers look for more damage, and these buffs greatly help.
Despite being a tank specialization, Protection Paladins have pleasant outgoing damage and are very entertaining to play. Like any other Paladins, they have great utility that can save their own and their allies. Their rotation of Judgement, Avenger’s Shield, and Shield of the Righteous will always keep you busy. And Avengining Wraith feels better than just a common burst, making you literally shine with your damage. Bringing righteousness is definitely painful for enemies around you. Protection Paladins are one of the best Tank specs for solo Delves runs because of reliant heal, damage, and survivability. You can easily forget you are not playing a DPS class.
New Hero Talents:
- Lightsmith: Simple and universal overall gameplay upgrade due to Sacred Weapon and Holy Bulwark.
- Templar: Decent boost against a single target and rotation changes due to Shake the Heavens.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Paladins Entombed Seraph’s Radiance Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Shield of the Righteous damage increased by 10%. Shield of the Righteous reduces damage taken by 3%.
- 4 pieces bonus: Holy Power-consuming abilities increase your next Avenging Wrath damage and healing by 0.5% with each stack.
These bonuses are very pleasant for Protection Paladins. But a 4-piece buff can make you a real damage-dealing machine. Stacking up before challenging encounters in Delves and releasing the power using Avenging Wrath is something other Tanks would like to see, too.
Retribution Paladins are a nice DPS class that doesn’t require much skill to perform well. Utility spells and good survivability with great damage make them almost the best spec for Delves. This specialization’s dependence on Holy Power does not feel frustrating. Quite the opposite, Templar’s Verdict, Final Verdict, and Divine Storm feel even better when you know what you pay for them. Retribution spec rotation is simple and clear. Having both great damage and reliable healing, this spec performs very confidently in The War Within Season 1 Delves. Sometimes, it even feels like playing a Tank but with much more DPS. This is how unkillable Retribution Paladins are.
New Hero Talents:
- Herald of the Sun: Extra Damage over Time (DoT) potential due to Burn to Ash and more mobility.
- Templar: Great damage boost due to Wake of Ashes and Hammer of Light with extra mobility.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Paladins Entombed Seraph’s Radiance Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Wake of Ashes and Blade of Justice damage is increased by 10% and 15%.
- 4 pieces bonus: Using Wake of Ashes increases your outgoing damage by 8% for 8 seconds.
These bonuses stably increase Retribution Paladins’ damage overall. But the 4-piece bonus makes Wake of Ashes somewhat of a 30-second cooldown burst. This comes in handy during Delves runs, as you can use it against every pack and sometimes even for a few times.

This class is known for its tankiness and great survivability (thanks to Dark Pact and Unending Resolve) despite being a caster class. Warlocks are followed by one of the many familliars that help them with any objective. They also have no lack of mobility due to Demonic Circle and Demonic Gateway. They provide emergency healing from Create Soulwell, Battle Resurrection (BR) from Soulstone, and both AoE Shadowfury and single target Fear CC. Warlocks have a great health pull due to Demonic Fortitude and Demonic Embrace passives. All Warlock’s specs are performing well, simple to play, and very beginner-friendly.
Demonology Warlocks are a fun summoner specialization with dramatically epic Hand of Gul’dan spell. Dreadstalkers, Felguards, Vilefiends, and Wild Imps assist them. These heroes bring themselves with an army. And due to such a big company – they are equally good against groups of enemies and solo targets. Demonology Warlocks are the best The War Within Season 1 Delves class. Being a Warlock class, they have a nice self-healing and a big health pull. You might not even need to pick Brann as a Healer and stick to DPS.
New Hero Talents:
- Soul Harvester: Strong survivability from Dark Pact and Gorebound Fortitude with better solo target damage due to Soul Anathema.
- Diabolist: Better overall damage due to the great demons upgrade from Diabolic Ritual.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Warlocks Rites of the Hexflame Coven Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Shadow Bolt damage increased by 10%. Primary demon’s damage increased by 5%.
- 4 pieces bonus: Shadow Bolt can increase your Felguard’s next Legion Strike by 300%.
These bonuses buff both summon and main ability damage of Demonology Warlocks. As mentioned earlier, having a strong demon to be your shield is nice during Delves completion. But now your Felguard can strike hard, leaving no chance to enemies.
These Warlocks are absolute Damage over Time (DoT) masters. Any boss or strong single target will eventually fall under the destructive power of Corruption, Agony, and Soul Rot. And speaking of multi-target encounters, Affliction Warlocks have an ace up their sleeve. Vile Taint and Seed of Corruption can have a great AoE impact during fights. Melting enemies with DoTs while your Healer Brann sustains you is very pleasant in The War Within Season 1 Delves.
New Hero Talents:
- Hellcaller: DoT concentrated gameplay based on Wither and Malevolence combination.
- Soul Harvester: Overall gameplay upgrade with Soul Anathema complementing Devouring Plague and Soul Rot granting 3 Soul Shards.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Warlocks Rites of the Hexflame Coven Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Malefic Rapture damage and critical strike chance increased by 5% and 10%.
- 4 pieces bonus: Malefic Rapture can increase Unstable Affliction, Corruption, and Agony damage by 15% for 8 seconds.
These bonuses complement Affliction Warlocks’ abilities in a very obvious way. But the 4-piece bonus makes Malefic Rapture a time-ticking bomb for a sudden burst. This change heavily impacts this spec potential in Delves, giving them an extra boost in damage during any fight.
Destruction Warlocks confirm their name very well. Brutal AoE damage from Rain of Fire and Infernals disintegrate enemies, while Chaos Bolts crush any stronger target. Despite a decent range of abilities, the main rotation is very simple and easy to manage. Having summons, great burst damage, CC, and overall reliable survivability (due to self-healing) makes this spec one of the best in solo Delves.
New Hero Talents:
- Diabolist: Decent Summon Infernal upgrade and better AoE damage due to Ruination.
- Hellcaller: Better single target and cleave damage with a powerful Malevolence and Havoc combination.
- Better single target and cleave damage with a powerful Malevolence and Havoc combination.
The War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses
The War Within Warlocks Rites of the Hexflame Coven Tier Set consists of 5 pieces and has two possible powerup bonuses on 2 and 4 pieces:
- 2 pieces bonus: Conflagrate and Incinerate critical chance increased by 25% and 20%.
- 4 pieces bonus: Upon Conflagrate critical strike, all Fire damage increased by 5% for 6 seconds.
These bonuses make Destruction Warlocks an even more serious menace to Delves’ enemies. A huge boost in critical strike chance compliments this spec rotation. Bosses and tough Elites will feel the biggest difference with and without these buffs.
Now, when you are prepared
We tried to make this top found on current tuning when solo Delves runs seem to be the best option. Our opinion was based on the above factors, experience, common- and pro-players feedback, and the data we collected in Season 1. This article was made for easier choice in classes you might want to play, but remember: ‘’The best class is the one that suits you the best!’’ We also recommend you read our Tips and tricks for solo Delves Tier 8+ guide for an even better experience during your runs.
What about you? What do you think are the best Delves classes? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
I know it says class, but enhance shaman slaps in delves. has its own tank, cc, plenty of defensives and healing, great dmg both ST or AoE cleavr, and bloodlust