Best Brann curios for Tier 8+ Delves Season 1: Healer and DPS
We prepared a list of the best Brann curios for Tier 8+ Delves in The War Within. Here are some loadouts to use during your runs.

Table of Contents
Key Takeways
- DPS/Healer Brann: Porcelain Arrowhead Idol and Amorphous Relic.
- Healer Brann: Light-Touched Idol and Amorphous Relic.
- Healer Brann: Unbreakable Iron Idol and Amorphous Relic.
In TWW Season 1, Brann Bonzebeard is the only companion available for players in Delves. Blizzard plans to add more companions in the future, and we hope to see even more new curios with them.
There are plenty of curios for your fellow friend, Brann Bronzebeard. These curios come with a breadth of choices and can form different loadout variations. It can be pretty tricky to pick the best loadout that suits your runs in Tier 8+ Delves. So we took a closer look at the strongest curios and prepared this comprehensive guide for you. Remember that this guide was made based on current Delves and curios tunning. We will monitor changes and update this article if new combinations and loadouts appear.
What are Delves curios, and how to find them
Curios are upgrades for your Delves companions. They are obtained and added to your pull from chests at the end of successfully completed Delves. Curios have different ranks and can be upgraded upon finding higher rank ones (up to a maximum of 4th rank). Two types of curios can be equipped by Brann: combat and utility. One of each can appear in one loadout. That makes two curios in total during one Delves run.
Curios let your companions use extra abilities or add helpful passives to their kit. Choosing a good combination of combat and utility loadout can heavily impact Brann’s performance, making your Delves Tier 8+ runs much better.
Best curios for Brann in Delves Tier 8+
In Season 1, your best and only companion is Brann Bronzebeard. This brave and charismatic dwarf will assist you during your Delves runs. He will help you by dealing damage to your enemies or healing you based on the role you choose for him. Here, we will mention curios stats at rank 4 (the highest rank possible). Without further ado, let’s dive into the best curios loadouts we prepared for you. These are the strongest combinations at the moment that can significantly improve your Delves Tier 8+ experience.
To learn more about all 14 (7 combat and 7 utility) curios available in TWW Season 1, check our Complete WoW The War Within Delves guide.
Best DPS curios for Brann in Delves Tier 8+
This loadout can be chosen for both DPS and Healer roles Brann. It is concentrated on buffing allies’ damage, helping them slay groups of enemies, bosses, and Elites faster. This is the best combination for better damage output. It is mainly chosen when you don’t need extra healing and utility. Both Porcelain Arrowhead Idol and Amorphous Relic can significantly increase your outgoing damage but provide minimal defense. Porcelain Arrowhead Idol is the overall best combat curios in terms of damage boost players know and love, so it almost has no competitors.
Combat: Porcelain Arrowhead Idol gives all of Brann’s abilities a chance to debuff enemies by increasing a critical strike chance against them by 50% for 5 seconds.
Utility: Amorphous Relic buffs players with a Miniature or Massive state upon entering the battle.
- Players’ size is decreased by 20%.
- Players’ movement speed is increased by 20%.
- Players’ Haste is increased by 12%.
- Players’ size is increased by 20%.
- Players’ maximum health is increased by 20%.
- Players’ overall damage and healing is increased by 12%.
Best curios for Healer Brann in Delves Tier 8+
Here are the best curios loadouts for the Healer role Brann Bronzebeard:
Light-Touched and Amorphous
This loadout is concentrated on extra healing and survivability. A combination of Light-Touched Idol and Massive state can make miracles during hard pulls and challenging Elites and boss battles. We recommend trying to save Massive buff as much as possible and pulling the next pack before the encounter ends. This will prevent you from getting a Miniature buff instead, which we do not want.
Combat: Light-Touched Idol heals players for 4% of maximum health each second for 10 seconds upon using any defensive skill with a ≥30-second cooldown.
Utility: Amorphous Relic buffs players with a Miniature or Massive state upon entering the battle.
- Players’ size is decreased by 20%.
- Players’ movement speed is increased by 20%.
- Players’ Haste is increased by 12%.
- Players’ size is increased by 20%.
- Players’ maximum health is increased by 20%.
- Players’ overall damage and healing is increased by 12%.
Unbreakable Iron and Amorphous
This loadout is concentrated on extra survivability provided by Brann’s AoE taunt from Unbreakable Iron Idol. It is especially useful during solo Delves Tier 8+ runs, as it provides players with a great opportunity to keep dealing damage or heal up while the Idol deals with enemies’ attention. Amorphous Relic compliments this build, being one of the best utility curios with no competitors. Both Miniature and Massive states are very useful during Delves runs and buff players equally well.
Combat: Unbreakable Iron Idol summons an Idol with an AoE 10-second taunt that damages all enemies in the area. The Idol is summoned when a player is downed to 40% of maximum health during encounters.
Utility: Amorphous Relic buffs players with a Miniature or Massive state upon entering the battle.
- Players’ size is decreased by 20%.
- Players’ movement speed is increased by 20%.
- Players’ Haste is increased by 12%.
- Players’ size is increased by 20%.
- Players’ maximum health is increased by 20%.
- Players’ overall damage and healing is increased by 12%.
Last thoughts
As you can see, there are a few most efficient curios that are stronger than the other ones. Sadly, Blizzard did quite a poor job balancing other curios for a bigger variety in effective loadouts. We hope to see more possible combinations in the future. But for now, these are the best loadouts we recommend using during your Delves Tier 8+ runs. We took a closer look at Delves, the loot you can obtain there, and some tips and tricks for this activity here:
What do you think about the different curios available in TWW Season 1? Which ones do you prefer using? Let us know your opinion in the comments below!