Patch 11.1 PTR new swirlies coming to Undermine raid

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Patch 11.1 PTR new swirlies graphics are here to help enhance visibility in hostile encounters.

Patch 11.1 PTR new swirlies graphics coming to Undermine raid

Key takeaways

  • Patch 11.1 PTR introduces revamped swirlies visuals with sharper and brighter outlines, improving visibility during intense combat.
  • Players who tested the new swirlies on the PTR have praised the updates for both their functionality and visual appeal, setting a new standard for clarity.
  • Players without PTR access can view the new swirlies through clips from testers or WoWCast’s footage on Undermine(d).

Blizzard has rolled out a fresh update on the Patch 11.1 PTR for World of Warcraft, featuring revamped swirlies visuals. These updated graphics offer sharper, more defined outlines. And players can now identify and react to these mechanics more easily during the heat of combat.

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In June 2024, Game Director Ion Hazzikostas and Associate Game Director Morgan Day teased the introduction of Private Auras in The War Within. The developers expressed their goal of reducing players’ reliance on addons by hiding certain buffs and debuffs from them. They aim to encourage players to react to and understand game mechanics without external assistance.

The decision surrounding Private Auras sparked mixed reactions even now. However, Blizzard is trying to work toward a more player-friendly experience with less dependence on addons. And the revamped swirlies in Patch 11.1 PTR are part of this process. After all, the ongoing issue with hard-to-spot ground effects in dungeons and raids has always been a persistent frustration for many WoW players.

The War Within new swirlies designs in Patch 11.1 PTR

WoW old and new swirlies design

In the image above, you can compare the old WoW swirlies design (left) with the new version (right). Here are some key changes:

These changes help players quickly identify dangerous areas and react more effectively during raids and encounters. No more confusion from blurry edges blending into the environment!

The improved swirlies have received positive feedback from players who tested them on the PTR. Many have praised the new visuals for both their functionality and aesthetic appeal. If you want to join the fun, then here’s TWW Season 2’s PTR Dungeon testing schedule. If you don’t have access to Patch 11.1 PTR, you can see the updated swirlies in clips from players who do. Alternatively, you can check out the footage on the Liberation of Undermine raid from WoWCast:

What do you think of the new swirlies in WoW? We can’t wait to read all about it in the comments!

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