The War Within M+ nerfs: Dungeons and Affix changes

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Recently, Blizzard announced some The War Within M+ nerfs incoming. Here, you’ll find all dungeons and Affix tuning soon to come to live servers.

The War Within M+ nerfs: Dungeons and Affix changes

Lately, the situation with Mythic plus was uneasy. Most players were very unhappy with their M+ experience. Mythic plus were considered too hard and frustrating to do. We took a closer look at this situation in our M+ is too hard: Why Mythic+ dungeons suck in The War Within article. The community didn’t have a fair consensus, as some players were fine with the way M+ are. But it seems that Blizzard decided to meet most players’ expectations in Mythic plus changes and confirmed another upcoming tuning. Let’s look deeper into the M+ changes and the affixes they prepared for us.

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The War Within Mythic+ nerfs

Since the start of Season 1, some M+ dungeons were considered the worst experience to face. The Stonevault and The Necrotic Wake were ones of such dungeons. Now, we see some The War Within M+ nerfs applied to these instances.

The Stonevault


Skarmorak was heavily nerfed and is now less of a disaster. His health was reduced by 10%, and his Crystalline Eruption damage was decreased by 15%. Moreover, his Fortified Shell breaking mechanic now stuns him for 4 seconds instead of 2 seconds (two times longer). Looks like bursting him will be much easier now.

Void Speaker Eirich

Void Speaker Eirich was also nerfed, making him a bit easier to handle. His health was reduced by 10%, and he will use Entropic Reckoning less often, as this ability’s cooldown was increased. Hopefully, this change will leave more space during the encounter.

The Necrotic Wake

Overall dungeon changes

Zolramus Gatekeeper’s ability Wrath of Zolramus ticking damage was reduced by 25%, making him a much easier enemy. This is no longer a challenging heal-check and can be handled by more parties.

Skeletal Monstrosity’s impact on enemy forces percentage was increased by 20%. Seems like new efficient routes are incoming after this Mythic plus change.

Bloody Javelin debuff from Kyrian Weapons no longer stacks, meaning players must gradually update this effect for a better outcome.

Surgeon Stitchflesh

Surgeon Stitchflesh’s fight was quite a quest to complete. Now, this boss will become a bit less of a disaster, as he was heavily nerfed. His health was reduced by an incredible 20%. Your group might save at least one hook mechanic after this Mythic plus tuning. His Stitchflesh’s Creation add’s Festering Rot ability damage was reduced by 30%, making this add less hazardous for melee players. We still don’t recommend standing too close to them, but at least this damage can now be handled.

Affix changes

Many players felt that Xal’atath Bargain affixes were not rewarding enough. Failing Bragain’s mechanic could easily wipe your group on high levels. And the unending pressure to be prepared for these mechanics didn’t reward you with buffs that were equally strong.

Xal’atath Bargain affixes

All Xal’atath Bargain affixes (such as Xal’atath’s Bargain: Ascendant and Xal’atath’s Bargain: Oblivion) granted buffs’ duration increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds.

Developers commented on this change, confirming that players were unhappy with these buffs’ power. They will monitor the situation and might add more changes to this mechanic.

Xal’atath Guile affix

Enemies’ health increase from Xal’atath Guile affix was reduced from 20% to 10%.

Since the start of Season 1, players have been disappointed with this affix. It was so essentially punishing for Mythic plus climbers, that trying further progress was almost impossible. Here, developers addressed this situation and brought this change so that more players can try higher M+ on the current ilvl.

Last thoughts

Despite being one of the most popular activities in WoW, the pre-nerf M+ difficulties were overwhelming for many players. Thankfully, Blizzard listened to the community and decided to work on Mythic plus tuning more. These changes can have a strong positive impact on players and bring more participants to M+ runs. Based on comments across social media platforms, the community received these changes warmly. Many players found this tuning very helpful and look forward to more improvements in Mythic plus changes. 

We hope to see more positive changes like this in the future as the developers make the game much more player-friendly. It’s not a secret that many players like the idea of Mythic Keystone activity. But for many, it’s impossible to have enjoyable runs with the earlier state of these dungeons.

What do you think about these Mythic plus changes? Do you find them helpful? Let us know in the comments!

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