How to get Restored Coffer Keys in The War Within

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If you’re seeking ways how to get Restored Coffer Keys in The War Within, our comprehensive article has you covered!

How to get Restored Coffer Keys in The War Within

When it comes to Restored Coffer Keys, there are not so many methods to obtain them in The War Within Season 1. Still, we’ve compiled the most efficient ones in this guide, which smoothly integrate into your daily in-game routine regardless of your experience in WoW. Of course, we’ll keep this article updated so you can return to discover new ways of farming this valuable currency. As for now, be sure to bookmark this page to stay tuned!

What are Restored Coffer Keys used for?

Restored Coffer Keys are a new currency introduced in The War Within Season 1. They’re used to unlock Bountiful Coffers at the end of Bountiful Delves, giving you powerful gear ranging from ilvl 561 to ilvl 603 from Delve Tier 8 and higher. You’ll also receive bonus currencies, Curios, and other valuable rewards.

How to farm Restored Coffer Keys in The War Within

Usually, you can get four Restored Coffer Keys per week; however, if you’re interested in learning how to earn more, carefully read through our guide. Also, make sure these Keys won’t appear in your bag; they can be found in your currency tab instead. Below, you’ll find all the currently known ways to farm Restored Coffer Keys in The War Within Season 1.

One-time source

Before you start farming, completing all the one-time ways to earn Restored Coffer Keys first is best. That way, you can concentrate on the easiest methods without getting sidetracked.

Renown rewards

Like with some other currencies, you can obtain a specific amount of Restored Coffer Keys by progressing through the reputation boards with specific factions. Although each faction grants just one Key at a particular level, it’s definitely a valuable reward to earn:

  1. The Council of Dornogal. Talk to Auditor Balwurz to receive the currency:
  1. The Assembly of the Deeps. Speak with Waxmonger Squick to earn the currency:
  1. The Hallowfall Arathi. Meet with Auralia Steelstrike for the currency:
  1. The Severed Threads. Speak with Lady Vinazian to receive the currency:

Weekly Caches

Each week, you can earn up to four Caches that reward you with Restored Coffer Keys by completing four specific activities. Doing more than these won’t give you extra Keys, so focusing on those that fit you best is a good idea. Below, we’ve described all the currently known methods rewarding you with Caches containing the Keys. Use this macro that displays your completion progress as a simple fraction, with color coding for easy tracking:

/script local j,c=0,{"FFFFFF","00FF00","00FFFF","FFFF00","FF0000"};for i=0,3,1 do if(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84736+i))then j=j+1 end;end;print("Delve keys obtained this week: ",format("\124cff%s",c[j+1]),j,"/4\124r")

Here’s a simple WeakAura by Everlight#1855 that tracks how many Restored Coffer Keys you’ve received from the weekly Caches. It’s much shorter than all of the other weekly trackers. Just make sure you have the WeakAuras addon installed before using it:

Wordsoul quests

Wordsoul quests

Each week, head over to Faerin Lothar at [46.0, 49.6] in Dornogal. She offers a Worldsoul quest where you get to choose your own adventure. We suggest choosing the “Worldsoul: Awakening Machine” quest, as there’s another “Gearing Up for Trouble” weekly one in the Ringing Deeps. This way, you can complete two objectives simultaneously. However, if you’re not fond of this event, select whatever challenge you please. The goal is to collect four Caches each week to earn your 4x Restored Coffer Keys.

Finishing this Worldsoul quest will reward you with a Pinnacle Cache with a chance to earn a Restored Coffer Key. As long as it’s one of the first four Caches you complete that week, you’ll get a Restored Coffer Key. Remember that you can only do this once weekly per account, not per character.

Open-world activities

Each week, you can earn up to four Caches that reward you with Restored Coffer Keys by completing four specific activities. Doing more than these won’t give you extra Keys, so focusing on those fitting you best is a good idea. Here are the activities rewarding you with Caches containing the Keys.

The Theater Troupe event:

Pick up the quest titled “The Theater Troupe” from Stage Manager Huberta at [56.4, 51.4] in the Isle of Dorn and receive the Theater Troupe’s Trove. It contains 1x Restored Coffer Key.

The Awakening the Machine event:

Pick up the “Gearing Up for Trouble” quest from Gnawbles at [47.6, 35.2] in the Ringing Deeps and get the Awakened Mechanical Cache. You’ll find 1x Restored Coffer Key there.

The Spreading the Light event:

Complete the “Spreading the Light” elite world quest, which you can find in Hallowfall by opening your map, activating 4x Lesser Keyflames, and receiving the Radiant Cache.

Also, unlock Lesser or Major Keyflames, which grants new weekly quests or bonus objectives in the area, and receive a Lamplighter Supply Satchel. From these Satchels, you can get 2x Restored Coffer Keys in total.

Special Assignments

Special Assignments

Special Assignments are a great way to earn a Restored Coffer Key. These require you to complete a few world quests in a specific zone, which changes twice a week. For each Assignment, you receive a Seasoned Adventurer’s Cache, containing 1x Restored Coffer Key.

The Severed Threads Pact

The Severed Threads Pact

You can Forge a Pact each week by talking to Lady Vinazian at [55.2, 41.2] in Azj-Kahet and choosing one of the three Severed Threads leaders: the Vizier, the General, or the Weaver. This Pact is tied to your Warband and unlocks a weekly quest involving various Azj-Kahet activities, such as defeating rare enemies or completing world quests. 

Here are the quests, one of which you must choose and complete to receive the reward in the form of a Chest containing 1x Restored Coffer Key alongside other valuable rewards and currencies:

Other regular sources

Here are some ways you can also use regularly to earn Restored Coffer Keys during your gaming sessions in The War Within Season 1.

Collecting Coffer Key Shards

Collecting Coffer Key Shards

To create a Restored Coffer Key, collect 100x Coffer Key Shards and combine them. You can find these Shards by looting treasures and participating in various Khaz Algar outdoor events. Also, check your world quests daily, as they sometimes offer 20-30x Shards, though these quests aren’t very frequent. Another effective way to gather Shards is through the Worldsoul Memories event, which we’ll focus on here.

First, gather Radiant Echoes from Bountiful Delves and locate a Worldsoul Memory on your map. When you interact with the glowing blue-yellow orb, you’ll be able to choose difficulty levels and rewards depending on how many Radiant Echoes you use:

Once you activate your Radiant Echo, you have five minutes to eliminate and destroy everything around you. To collect the most Coffer Key Shards, take down everything in sight. As you do this, your score at the top of the screen will increase, and the higher your score, the more Coffer Key Shards you’ll earn.

If you have multiple Radiant Echoes, you can trade in five of them for five times the loot, making the process much faster. This way, you can collect Coffer Key Shards in a fraction of the time rather than repeating the event five separate times. So, if you want to be as efficient as possible and have five Radiant Echoes, go for the five-times loot option — it’s the quickest way to farm Coffer Key Shards.

Buying from a vendor

Buying from a vendor

You can buy this currency from Sir Finley Mrrgglton at level 7 with the Delver’s Journey. He sells one Restored Coffer Key for 2,000x Undercoins, which you earn at the end of regular and Bountiful Delves. If you buy a Key from the vendor and request a refund, the item gets locked for the week as if you have already used it.

Advancing in your Delver’s Journey is simple — complete any type of Delve. It doesn’t need to be a Bountiful Delve; any will count. This progression is account-wide, so once you hit level 7, you’ll unlock the ability to buy Restored Coffer Keys across your entire account.

Buying from a vendor

If you finish the Delver’s Journey, you’ll get a 50% discount, making the Restored Coffer Keys cost only 1,000x Undercoins each.


That’s all for our “How to get Restored Coffer Keys in The War Within” guide. Hopefully, it’s been helpful in your Delve adventures in the search of powerful gear. We wish you happy gaming and see you soon in our next guide!

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