5-minute Ara-Kara, City of Echoes Mythic plus boss guide
We prepared a quick and brief 5-minute Ara-Kara, City of Echoes Mythic plus boss guide for you. We also added some information about possible loot and achievements in this instance. Hopefully, this guide will help you during challenging boss fights in this dungeon.

Table of Contents
We won’t be discussing trash enemies on the way to this dungeon bosses. Here, we tried to focus on essential and challenging mechanics you will face during boss fights in Ara-Kara, City of Echoes on Mythic and Mythic Keystone difficulty. We hope that our guide will be helpful to you and will improve your gaming experience.
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes, dungeon entrance
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes, is a dungeon in the City of Threads, Azj-Kahet, at /way 52.1 45.7 (City of Threads) or /way 49.4 80.8 (Azj-Kahet) coordinates. You can travel to the City of Threads from Dornogal using the portal at /way 63.60 52.30 coordinates.

Let’s dive into the mechanics and tactics against all three bosses in this M+ dungeon.
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes, Mythic plus bosses

Here is Avanoxx, Ara-Kara, City of Echoes Mythic plus boss guide:
Around Avanoxx, some eggs will hatch during the fight and become Starved Crawler adds. Tank has to bring the boss further from these eggs in advance. Starved Crawlers fixate on random members of your party and chase them. These adds have to be killed ASAP, using CC and slows. Be careful not to bring them near the boss. Otherwise, Avanoxx will perform Insatiable on them and gain a strong damage buff that can stack. Failing this mechanic will most likely wipe your group. Eggs hatch after every Alerting Shrill.
Group damage
From time to time, the boss performs Alerting Shrill that deals ticking damage to all players within 3 seconds. Be sure to use your defensives and strong healing abilities during this cast.
The boss will also sometimes use Gossamer Onslaught, which deals group damage over 5 seconds. During this cast, players must spread across the arena to leave Vile Webbing swirlies that pop under them every second. Each damage tick from these zones applies a debuff. If a player gets 5 stacks, it will be incapacitated by a Web Wrap. This trap can only be dispelled by the Healer. Remember that you can leave two webbed zones in the same place without taking damage, so use this as much as possible.
Tank combo
Avanoxx will use Voracious Bite against the Tank, which significantly increases the amount of damage received for 10 seconds. Be sure to time your defensives the way you can survive during group damage stages after this Tank combo.

Here is Anub’zekt, Ara-Kara, City of Echoes Mythic plus boss guide:
Frontal attack
During this attack, the enemy performs Impale ability and channels a zone that will soon emerge with spikes. The Tank has to make sure that the boss is facing away from the group during the whole fight. This way only Tank needs to constantly dodge this ability.
During the fight, Anub’zekt will apply an Infestation debuff upon a random player. A player with the debuff has to run further from the group and wait for dispel. A Ceaseless Swarm appears once the Infestation expires or is being dispelled. It will apply stacking Damage over Time (DoT) to anyone within its area. Players have to dodge these swarms during the end of the fight.
Bloodstained Webmages occasionally appear on the edges of the arena. The Tank must bring them closer to the boss to CC and cleave them faster. These adds will cast Silken Restraints on random members of your party and root them if they succeed. Be sure to interrupt these casts and kill them ASAP.
Burrow Charge
The boss uses Burrow Charge twice per phase. He will target a random party member, burrowing under the surface and charging towards the player. Upon arrival, the boss will deal heavy AoE damage near the dig-out location. Targeted players can use teleport or other high-mobility spells to dodge the charge. Otherwise, use defensives to survive the damage. Remember that the group has to move away from the proposed location of the AoE.
Eye of the Swarm phase
Once the enemy reaches 100 energy, he will start casting Eye of the Swarm in the middle of the arena. During this phase, Bloodstained Webmages don’t spawn, and the whole arena except a small circle will apply stacking DoT. The circle is ”attached” to Anub’zekt’s head, so we recommend Tank fighting in one half of the safe area and the rest of the group in another half.
Try to leave Ceaseless Swarms from Infestation on the edges of the safe zone. Impale will only make the Tank move away if the recommended half-half strategy is used. That way, other players don’t have to dodge it constantly.
This phase ends after 25 seconds, and the boss will return to a normal state.

Here is Ki’katal, Ara-Kara, City of Echoes Mythic plus boss guide:
Black Blood
During this boss fight, you will see Bloodworkers wandering all over the arena. Damaging these workers will make them drop a Black Blood puddle and flee. Make sure to leave at least one puddle for each group member. We will need them for the next boss mechanic.
Cosmic Singularity
Once the enemy reaches 100 energy, he will start performing Cosmic Singularity, which starts pulling players toward him. If you end up being pulled to Ki’katal, you will surely die from the AoE damage at the end of the cast. To avoid this scenario, you must touch Black Blood areas or use some sort of immunity defensive (e.g., Ice Block, Divine Shield).
After Cosmic Singularity explosion, make sure to use a freedom effect or CC the mob that is rooting you. You must break free to dodge Erupting Webs, which will start appearing on the arena afterward.
Cultivated Poisons
The boss will sometimes apply Cultivated Poisons DoT to every player. This is the most dangerous mechanic in Pick Up Groups (PUG) when you don’t have clear communication. You will see indicating lines on the sides of your character that show directions of two poison waves. They will appear once the debuff expires or is dispelled. These waves can wipe your group if not dealt with correctly. Position yourself the way Cultivated Poisons move away from your party and don’t hurt any other players.
It is important to use poison dispel on your own (if you have one) once you are positioned correctly. Otherwise, you might need to use your defensives and hope for your Healer’s help (by dispelling or healing).
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes, Mythic plus loot tables
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes, offers you the chance to unlock a treasure trove of loot, reaching an impressive 613 ilvl at the end of the dungeon and 623 ilvl in the Great Vault. We recommend that you check out our The War Within BiS lists for all 13 playable classes in Season 1 to plan your gearing and achieve the best stats as soon as possible.
Here’s a glimpse of the Ara-Kara, City of Echoes loot table:
Type | Item |
One-handed sword | Arachnoid Soulcleaver |
Hands, plate | Devourer’s Gauntlets |
Legs, leather | Gauzewoven Legguards |
Feet, mail | Silksteel Striders |
Trinket | Ara-Kara Sacbrood |
Type | Item |
Head, mail | Cryptbound Headpiece |
Shoulder, plate | Swarm Monarch’s Spaulders |
Back | Swarmcaller’s Shroud |
Wrists, leather | Unbreakable Beetlebane Bindings |
Waist, cloth | Burrower’s Cinch |
Trinket | Ceaseless Swarmgland |
Type | Item |
Staff | Harvester’s Interdiction |
Dagger | Unceremonious Bloodletter |
Warglaives | Blight Hunter’s Scalpelglaive |
Head, leather | Whispering Mask |
Chest, plate | Experimental Goresilk Chestguard |
Hands, mail | Claws of Tainted Ichor |
Legs, cloth | Archaic Venomancer’s Footwraps |
Trinket | Harvester’s Edict |
You can learn more about other M+ dungeons’ loot in our The War Within Season 1 Mythic Plus loot table.
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes, achievements
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes, offers these achievements for players to earn:
- Ara-Kara, City of Echoes – Defeat Ki’katal the Harvester in Ara-Kara, City of Echoes.
- Heroic: Ara-Kara, City of Echoes – Defeat Ki’katal the Harvester in Ara-Kara, City of Echoes on Heroic difficulty or higher.
- Mythic: Ara-Kara, City of Echoes – Defeat Ki’katal the Harvester in Ara-Kara, City of Echoes on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
- Keystone Hero: Ara-Kara, City of Echoes – Complete Ara-Kara, City of Echoes at Mythic Level 10 or higher within the time limit.
- Reward: Teleport to Ara-Kara, City of Echoes.
You can read our The War Within: How to get Mythic Keystone achievements guide to learn more about M+ achievements and their rewards.
Last parting words
This is it for our Ara-Kara, City of Echoes M+ boss guide. We tried to mention only important bosses’ abilities and mechanics. Hopefully, this guide will help you on your adventures in this Mythic plus dungeon and will simplify your boss fights. If you want to learn more about M+ dungeons and the best beginner-friendly routes, check out our The War Within Mythic plus guide for newbies.
What do you think about these bosses? Tell us your opinion about Ara-Kara, City of Echoes, dungeon in the comments!