How to get class weapons in SoD Phase 5 easily
The update is finally here, and you are wondering how to get class weapons in SoD Phase 5, aren’t you? Then, our guide has gotten you covered!

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In Season of Discovery Phase 5, each class gets an epic weapon, such as two swords, two staffs, two shields, one trinket, and one dagger with a unique design, matching your class personality and providing powerful bonuses, helping you on your adventures throughout Azeroth. Our step-by-step guide covers all the known methods for getting each class-specific weapon in Phase 5. We’ll update it with any new information, so bookmark this page to stay tuned!
SoD Phase 5 Druid class weapons

Gla’sir and Rae’lar are powerful all-in-one weapons tailored for Druids in Season of Discovery Phase 5. It changes form based on your specialization: Gla’sir is for Balance and Restoration Druids, while Rae’lar is for Feral ones.
Gla’sir boosts your critical strike chance with spells and attacks by 2%, increases healing by up to 144, and raises magic damage by up to 77. Critical heals can trigger a bonus heal of 200 to 350 on three nearby allies, and critical spell hits can deal 100 to 175 nature damage to 3 nearby enemies. When switched to Rae’lar, it grants +338 Attack Power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms, and melee auto-attacks have a chance to drain 140 to 220 life from enemies.
Though it may seem odd that the green magic version is for Feral Druids and the autumn-themed one is for Balance and Restoration, these weapons offer excellent stats and are definitely worth getting, especially with their easy questline. Here’s how you can obtain Gla’sir and Rae’lar in SoD Phase 5:
How to get Gla’sir and Rae’lar weapons
Step 1: Loot Chromatic Heart by overcoming Chromaggus in the Blackwing Lair raid. Once you have the Heart, it will trigger the quest “The Heart of Chromaggus.” Make sure the Chromatic Heart isn’t a 100% drop.
Step 2: Travel to Moonglade using Teleport: Moonglade, learned at level 10. In Moonglade, speak to Orokai, a large tree between Nighthaven and the Shrine of Remulos at coordinates [41.6, 43.6].
Step 3: Start the next quest, The Frigid Barrow. Your mission is to head to Starfall Village in Winterspring, northwest of Everlook, at [50.7, 27.9].
Step 4: Enter the barrow den, but ensure you do this alone. A portal will appear, and you must solve three riddles inside:
- First riddle: Cast Regrowth on the top-left tree, Rejuvenation on the top-right tree, Abolish Poison on the bottom-right tree, and Healing Touch on the bottom-left tree. These four trees need to be grown simultaneously. Once they are, a chest will appear at the top, just before you cross the bridge. Open it to get the first idol.
- Second riddle: Use Faerie Fire on the lanterns to summon a cat. Defeat it and loot the second idol.
- Third riddle: Defeat the sleeping bear and loot it to get the final idol.
Step 5: Once you have three idols in your bag, combine them to summon Nandieb in the center of the barrow.
Step 6: Defeat him and take his Nandieb’s Stave. Then, use Teleport: Moonglade to return quickly to Moonglade and turn in the quest “The Frigid Barrow” to get your Gla’sir and Rae’lar class weapons.
SoD Phase 5 Warlock class weapon

The Scythe of Chaos is a unique and powerful Warlock weapon introduced in Season of Discovery Phase 5. Along with its basic stat boosts, it gives you a chance to instantly summon your pet without using a Soul Shard for 20 seconds and lets you harvest your demon’s soul for a 15-second buff. It also increases your spell critical strike chance by 2% and boosts damage and healing from magic spells by up to 77. The weapon’s effects change depending on which demon you sacrifice:
Harvested pet | Buff | Effect |
Imp | Impish Delight | Increases fire damage by 30%. |
Voidwalker | Void Walking | Grants immunity to damage but ends early if any action is taken. |
Succubus/ Incubus | Seduction of the Shadows | Increases shadow damage by 30%. |
Felhunter | Hunter of Chaos | Your next Curse of Tongues silences the target for 3 seconds. If used on a casting target, it interrupts the spell and prevents spells from that school for 6 seconds. |
Felguard | Fel Invigoration | Reduces physical damage taken by 25%, and your Demon Charge can be used in combat with no cooldown. |
Unquestionably, the Scythe of Chaos is a great weapon, offering distinctive effects, which makes it a must-have for any Warlock. Here’s how to obtain it in SoD Phase 5:
How to get Scythe of Chaos weapon
Step 1: Loot the Depleted Scythe of Chaos from Razorgore the Untamed from the Blackwing Lair raid. Make sure the Depleted Scythe of Chaos isn’t a 100% drop. Also, the group doesn’t roll for this item, so only you can pick it up. Interact with the item, and it will start the quest “The Depleted Scythe.”
Step 2: Head to the Barrens, east of Camp Taurajo, at [49.2, 57.2], where you’ll meet Doan Karhan. He will then give you the quest “Soul of Mischief.”
Step 3: Go to Northdale, located in the northeastern part of the Eastern Plaguelands, and find an imp named Xirath at [69.6, 32.8]. Xirath will give you Suspicious Supplies, which you’ll use near the nearby ruins by clicking on skeleton piles. Each pile summons an imp with 1,000 health that you need to defeat.
Step 4: After killing all five, return to Xirath, and he will become attackable. Use Drain Soul on him to collect the Soul of Mischief.
Step 5: Take the Soul of Mischief and head to Doan Karhan at Light’s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands at [81.2, 59.0]. He will give you the Soul of the Void quest.
Step 6: Go to the building at Corin’s Crossing at [59, 67], where you’ll need to perform a demonic ritual. To stay alive during the process, use the following:
Step 7: After the ritual, use Drain Soul on the Voidwalker and activate the Soul of the Void.
Step 8: Travel to Plaguewood, Eastern Plaguelands, and find the slaughterhouse at coordinates [32.6, 30.9]. Inside, look for an elite NPC summoning skeletons. Defeat them and loot the Glowing Scroll of Spatial Mending. Use the Scroll to close the nearby Fel portal.
Step 9: Closing the portal will summon a demon. Use Drain Soul on the demon, then use the Soul of Enthralling. Afterward, return to Doan Karhan for the Soul of Devouring quest.
Step 10: Travel to Blackwood Lake in the Eastern Plaguelands and defeat Shadowmages until one drops a Shadow Carving. Keep fighting them until one summons a Felhunter.
Step 11: Use Drain Soul on the Felhunter to collect the Soul of Devouring, then return to Doan Karhan to complete the quest “The Final Test.”
Step 12: Meet Doan Karhan at the entrance of Demon Fall Canyon in Ashenvale at [85.0, 70.7]. Talk to Doan, then enter the dungeon on your own.
Step 13: Once inside, go left until you find an altar. Summon Des’Altek there and defeat him to claim your Scythe of Chaos weapon.
SoD Phase 5 Rogue class weapon

The Dream Eater is a new Rogue class dagger introduced in Season of Discovery Phase 5. While it doesn’t come with secondary stats, it has a special effect: when you use a damaging finishing move, it has a 20% chance per combo point to restore 10 Energy. Here’s how to get this weapon in SoD Phase 5:
How to get Dream Eater weapon
Step 1: Loot the Intelligence Findings from Razorgore the Untamed from the Blackwing Lair raid. Make sure the Intelligence Findings isn’t a 100% drop. This item can also be traded to other Rogues in the raid within two hours to allow them to continue the questline even if they didn’t loot it.
Step 2: After getting the Intelligence Findings, you can start the quest called The Dark Hoard and then proceed to the Lower Blackrock Spire dungeon.
Some players suggest it’s best to improve your Stealth before trying this step, as getting caught is not a good idea. You can improve it by using the Master of Deception talent from the Subtlety tree.
Step 3: After adjusting your talent, enter the instance solo and Pickpocket the Storehouse Key from the Rage Talon Quartermaster.
Step 4: Go to the storehouse and locate a chest inside. Opening it will summon the Syndicate Infiltrator, who you must defeat to receive the follow-up quest, The Enemy of my Enemy.
Step 5: Head to Ravenholdt Manor in the Alterac Mountains and find Fahrad at [84.6, 80.2]. He will give you the “Into the Hold of Shadows” quest.
Step 6: Travel to Shadow Hold in the Jaedenar region of Western Felwood. Enter the dungeon alone, use Stealth to sneak through the tunnels, and find Caius Blackwood near a glowing blue ritual circle.
Step 7: Defeat Caius to collect Caius’ Dream Eater. Bring this item back to Baritanas Skyriver to receive your Dream Eater weapon.
SoD Phase 5 Paladin class weapon

Truthbearer is a truly unique class weapon for Paladins introduced in Season of Discovery Phase 5. It starts as a two-handed weapon, adding 4 Holy damage to melee attacks, and has a chance to increase your damage by 15 and boost attack speed by 30% for 8 seconds.
However, it can be transformed into a one-handed version, Truthbearer, to pair with a shield, increasing healing by up to 144 and spell damage by up to 77, with the same chance to boost damage and attack speed for 8 seconds.
This flexibility makes Truthbearer a valuable weapon for Paladins. While the questline to obtain it is long and challenging, here’s how you can make it easier with our SoD Phase 5 step-by-step guide:
How to get Truthbearer weapon
Step 1: Defeat Broodlord Lashlayer in the Blackwing Lair raid to collect the Blood of the Lightbringer. Note that the drop isn’t guaranteed. Once you have the item, you can start the quest “The Blood of the Lightbringer.”
Step 2: Head to Uther’s Tomb in the Western Plaguelands and meet High Priest Thel’danis and Aeonas. They will give you the next quest, “The Ruins of Andorhal.”
Step 3: Go to the Ruins of Andorhal and interact with the Damaged Silver Hand Breastplate at [46.96, 69.73] in the southeast of the ruins to start a cutscene.
Step 4: After watching it, return to High Priest Thel’danis at Uther’s Tomb to accept the “Just What Was Needed” quest.
Step 5: Deliver the Blood of the Lightbringer to Gregory on Caer Darrow Island in the Western Plaguelands at [69.6, 79.6].
Step 6: Accept Gregory’s other quest, “Darkwhisper Gorge,” and meet him in Darkwhisper Gorge, Winterspring, at [53.36, 83.59].
Step 7: Start the Culmination quest and protect Gregory from demons like Hulking Doomguards and Felhound Spellseekers during the ritual. This part can be tricky, so bringing another player to help is a good idea. Afterward, you’ll face Diathorus the Seeker and Azgaloth from the Demon Fall Canyon dungeon, who will taunt your efforts, and you’ll receive Ada’s Amulet as a reward.
Step 8: Start the “Worst Case Scenario” quest and follow Gregory to Andorhal in the Western Plaguelands. Talk to him to get the next quest, “A Most Curious Gnome,” which will send you to Chromie.
Step 9: Chromie will assist you by using her magic to travel back in time to the Battle for Andorhal. Once that’s done, grab another “Making Ready” quest from this adorable gnome and head back to Gregory at Caer Darrow.
Step 10: Speak with Gregory about the quest “A Paladin of the Silver Hand.” Head to Uther’s Tomb and explain the situation to Aeonas. Afterward, return to Gregory and start the “Who Says You Can Never Go Back?” quest.
Step 11: Talk to Gregory and keep the conversation going until you get a message to enter a solo instance. When the message appears, accept it, and you’ll be sent back in time.
Step 12: Once there, take the next quest, “The Burning of Andorhal,” and disguised as a ghoul, complete this objective and acquire Scrap of Torn Cloth from Uther.
Step 13: Complete the “A Desperate Escape” quest by battling to the inn and returning to the portal. Be prepared to face Rotgut, who will be waiting for you near the inn.
Step 14: Start the “Back to the Future” quest. Take Truthbearer from Aeonas, go through the portal, and give it to Gregory.
Step 15: Pick up the quest “The Cost of Victory” and bless your weapon with the Blood of the Lightbringer. To do this, head to the Demon Fall Canyon dungeon in the southeast area of Ashenvale at [84.5, 75.0] and defeat the Azgaloth boss.
Step 16: Receive the final Truthbearer quest and say goodbye to Gregory, who gradually returns to the light and rediscovers his humanity. Afterward, receive your Truthbearer weapon as a gift.
SoD Phase 5 Mage class weapon

The Staff of Order is a unique Mage weapon introduced in Season of Discovery Phase 5. It changes form based on your specialization — Arcane, Fire, or Frost — with each one offering unique effects:
- Staff of Order (Arcane): Each time you deal Arcane damage, the cooldown of Presence of Mind is reduced by 1 second.
- Staff of Inferno (Fire): If you have the Improved Scorch talent, your Blast Wave also applies 5 stacks of Fire Vulnerability to enemies.
- Staff of Rime (Frost): While Ice Barrier is active, your Frost spells deal up to 100 extra damage.
As you can see, the Staff of Order is a highly versatile weapon, and the questline to obtain it is relatively short. Here’s how you can get it in SoD Phase 5:
How to get Staff of Order weapon
Step 1: Loot the Scroll: SEENECS FO RIEF from the Blackwing Lair raid. Make sure the Scroll: SEENECS FO RIEF isn’t a 100% drop. Once obtained, use a Comprehension Charm to decipher it, turning it into the Scroll: Essence of Fire, which starts the “Essence of Fire” quest.
Step 2: Head to the western edge of the Burning Steppes, near Draco’dar at [14.8, 56.6].
Step 3: Find the Magical Stone and defeat the fire totem using Frost spells. After that, kill a fire elemental called Primordial Flame to loot a Depleted Essence of Fire.
Step 4: Combine this with the Scroll to craft an Imbued Essence of Fire.
Step 5: Take the Depleted Essence of Fire to your Portal Trainer — either Larimaine Purdue in Stormwind at [39.6, 79.6] or Thuul in Orgrimmar at [38.6, 85.8] to pick up the next quest, The Librarian’s Apprentice.
Step 5: Travel to Everlook in Winterspring and find Valxx Cracklequil at [60.6, 38.0], near the left side of the town entrance. She will give you the “Essence of Frost” quest.
Step 6: Head to Frostwhisper Gorge in southern Winterspring at coordinates [63.4, 68.8] to find the Magical Stone. Use Fire spells to destroy the frost totem that appears there, which will summon an Outcast Cryomancer. Defeat the Cryomancer to collect the Depleted Essence of Frost.
Step 7: Defeat a nearby Frostmaul Giant to obtain the Scroll: SEENECS FO ROFTS. Combine this Scroll with the Depleted Essence of Frost to craft the Imbued Essence of Frost.
Step 8: Once you have the Imbued Essence of Frost, return to Everlook to complete the quest and pick up the next one, A Foul Interference.
Step 9: Travel southwest of Everlook to Mazthoril at [56.6, 50.4], defeat the Manathirst Imp to obtain the Scroll: SERELS PATALIS GNEMIND and decipher it for the Scroll of Lesser Spatial Mending. Next, kill 5 Fel Interlopers from Fel Portals for 5x Comprehension Charms.
Step 10: Use the blue teleport pad in the cave to travel to Haleh. She will reward you with an Incomplete Staff of Order.
Step 11: To craft your Staff of Order, combine the Incomplete Staff with an Imbued Essence of Fire and an Imbued Essence of Frost.
SoD Phase 5 Shaman class weapon

In Season of Discovery Phase 5, Shamans don’t get new weapons but receive a unique shield called Terrestris. This shield boosts Defense by 7 and increases magic damage and healing by up to 20. It also has two modes — “cool-flamed” and “flame-ignited” — which change based on your specialization.
Both modes share the same ability: “Equip: Summoned totems grant a boon of their element.” This means you gain a unique buff from each totem — Boon of Earth/ Boon of Earth, Boon of Fire/ Boon of Fire, Boon of Water/ Boon of Water, and Boon of Air. As you can see, this shield offers quite interesting effects and is definitely worth obtaining. Here’s how you can get it in SoD Phase 5:
How to get Terrestris shield
Step 1: Collect Hardened Elementium Slag from Broodlord Lashlayer in the Blackwing Lair raid. Make sure the Hardened Elementium Slag isn’t a 100% drop. This starts the quest “Heavy Metal.”
Step 2: Go to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale and talk to Brikk Keencraft at the Blacksmithing shop at [29.0, 75.4]. He will give you the next quest, “A Particular Set of Skills.”
Step 3: Enter the Blackwing Lair raid and find Master Elemental Shaper Krixix. Since Krixix is hostile, you’ll need a Supercharged Gobmogrifier from Pix Xizzix, which costs 50x Tarnished Undermine Real.
Step 4: Use the device at Blackrock Mountain to disguise yourself as a Blackwing Technician. Once in disguise, go into Blackwing Lair and find Master Elemental Shaper Krixix near the end of the raid. Complete the quest with him to unlock the next one, “Efficiency is Priority One.”
Step 5: Head to the Blistering Stone behind Blackrock Stronghold in the Burning Steppes, around [38.8, 30.6], near the red lava.
Step 6: Interact with the Stone to summon the Prismatic Elemental, an elite enemy with 19,000 HP that drops the Everburning Flame Core quest item.
Some players have noted getting teleported when battling the Prismatic Elemental in a group. However, it seems that pets, totems, and nearby players don’t cause any problems. Keep this fact in mind, though.
Step 7: With the “Commit to Quality” quest in your quest log, head back to Master Elemental Shaper Krixix in the Blackwing Lair raid and let him craft your Terrestris shield.
SoD Phase 5 Hunter class weapons

In Season of Discovery Phase 5, melee Hunters can use two special swords designed for them: Kestrel and Peregrine. Peregrine increases your critical strike chance by 1% for all spells and attacks and sometimes grants an extra instant attack with both weapons. Kestrel also boosts critical strike chance by 1%, but it increases your movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds.
While these swords are focused on melee combat, you can still use another powerful weapon, Rhok’delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers, for ranged attacks. Follow our step-by-step guide on how to obtain Kestrel and Peregrine weapons in SoD Phase 5:
How to get Peregrine and Kestrel weapons
Step 1: Loot the Suppression Device Receipt from Broodlord Lashlayer in the Blackwing Lair raid. Make sure the Suppression Device Receipt isn’t a 100% drop. Also, only you can loot this item, and it isn’t available for group rolls.
Step 2: This item starts the quest “Tracking the Trapper,” which sends you to the Burning Steppes at [15.0, 45.0]. There, you’ll find a camp. When you interact with the tent, a stealthed night elf named Estelenn will appear. She will then give you the next quest, “The Beast Master of Moonglade.”
Step 3: Go to Nighthaven in Moonglade and meet Banteazo at [56, 30]. She’ll give you the next quest in the chain, “Dive! Dive!“
Step 4: Head to the area around [41, 72], where you’ll find three Wild Windtwisters. Use your pet’s Dive skill to collect Air Elemental Fragments from the ground. If your pet doesn’t have Dive, Banteazo will assist you by lending you her bat, Zotl.
Step 5: Return to Banteazo to pick up a new quest titled “Prowler.” Go to the southernmost Stormrage Barrow Dens in the eastern part of the zone and enter the southernmost one at approximately [73.0, 63.0].
Step 6: Once inside, turn left in the main chamber. Use a pet with Prowl to sneak past the guards and attack the Earth Elemental Fragment. Loot it and return to Banteazo to pick up the quest “Tracks in the Snow.”
Step 7: Travel to Winterspring, north of Everlook at [58, 21], and find Estelenn. At the Old Campsite, you’ll get the quest “Out in the Cold.”
Step 8: Use the Survival Supplies to set up a tent to trigger the quest “One Night in Winterspring.”
Step 9: Gather the following three items:
- Dry Wood: found on the ground near trees.
- Shardtooth Meat: dropped by Shardtooth Bears.
- Warm Fur: looted from Chillwind Ravagers.
Step 10: Once you’ve gathered the supplies, interact with the tent again. After a cutscene showing the day passing, Estelenn will appear to give you the next quest, “Bug Hunt.”
Step 11: Travel to Cenarion Hold in Silithus and speak with Commander Mar’alith at [49.2, 34.2]. He will provide the next quest in the series, “The Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug.”
Step 12: Go north to Hive’Ashi and defeat 4x Silithid Darters. They can’t be tracked since they aren’t classified, but you can usually find them around the hive’s edges. After defeating all four, return to Commander Mar’alith for the next “Everyone Knows that Bugs Can’t Fly” quest.
Step 13: You must have the Tranquilizing Shot from the Molten Core raid to complete this quest. Without it, you can’t proceed. But if you have it, follow these steps:
- Find a Silithid Darter.
- Reduce its health to about 30%.
- Use Concussive Shot to trigger its frenzy.
- Then, use Tranquilizing Shot to dispel the frenzy and knock it out.
If done correctly, you can interact with the Darter and bring it back to Mar’alith, where you’ll find a pole nearby to secure the bug and pick up the next quest, “Meeting the Menagerie.”
Step 14: Go to Un’Goro Crater and find Estelenn hiding at [23, 33]. From there, you’ll start the quest “Showdown at Un’Goro Crater.”
Step 15: Defeat Van Amburgh at [23.6, 33.0] in his camp. We recommend switching to Beast Master for this fight. After defeating one of Van Amburgh’s pets, right-click to tame it and have it fight by your side. Here’s how each pet behaves and what you should do:
- Bear: A basic tank fight, nothing too challenging.
- Lion: Fast and powerful. You may try healing through its attacks, but kiting works better. It joins the fight midway through the Bear encounter. Use a Frost Trap on it to stall until you’re ready. Keep in mind that the Bug will appear soon after.
- Bug: A ranged attacker. Frost Trap it while you finish the Lion. This part is straightforward, but avoid using Explosive Traps or Shots since you’ll need your Freezing Trap.
After defeating Van Amburgh, speak to Estelenn, turn in the quest, and loot the grave to collect your Kestrel and Peregrine swords.
SoD Phase 5 Priest class trinket
Unlike other classes, Priests don’t get a weapon or off-hand as part of their epic gear in Season of Discovery Phase 5. Instead, they receive a trinket, likely because they already have the Benediction and Anathema weapons.
The new Priest trinket, Cassandra’s Tome, increases Shadow spell damage by up to 47 and healing by up to 70. It also has an active effect that boosts the critical strike chance of the next non-periodic spell or attack by 100%.
Interestingly, the trinket appears on the character’s hip during combat and in regular form, but it doesn’t change in Shadow form, according to some players. The questline to obtain it is simple, and here’s how you can get Cassandra’s Tome in SoD Phase 5:
How to get Cassandra’s Tome trinket
Step 1: Loot the Tarnished Bronze Scale from Chromaggus in the Blackwing Lair raid. Make sure the Tarnished Bronze Scale isn’t a 100% drop. Use it in Tanaris to teleport to a red Dragonkin named Procrastimond. Nearby, you’ll see five pedestals. To activate them, you must wear the Tarnished Bronze Scale and collect five Grimy Runes. These runes drop from level 55+ enemies, with a higher chance in dungeons.
Step 2: When you get a Grimy Rune, clean it to reveal which rune it is. Return to the cave from Step 1 and interact with the book. Click the matching books to light up the pedestals. Be cautious — clicking the wrong book will summon a hostile voidwalker called Causality Glitch. Here’s which books match each rune:
Step 3: Once all five pedestals are activated by matching the runes to the correct books, you can complete the quest and receive Cassandra’s Tome.
SoD Phase 5 Warrior class weapon

In Season of Discovery Phase 5, Warriors get a shield called Suzerain, Defender of the Dragonflights. Although it doesn’t have secondary stats, it boosts Defense by 10, increases your shield’s block value by 18, and prevents you from being entirely consumed by Shadow Flame. The shield also has a unique effect: when hit by Dragon’s Breath, you gain the Rage of the Suzerain, reducing spell damage taken by 50% and granting you a 30% damage boost against dragons for 10 seconds. Here’s how you can get your Suzerain shield in SoD Phase 5:
How to get Suzerain weapon
Step 1: Loot the Shimmering Golden Disk from Vaelastrasz the Corrupt in the Blackwing Lair raid. Make sure it isn’t a 100% drop. This item starts the quest The Golden Disk.
Step 2: Find Garek in the Badlands at [61.8, 54.2]. He will give you the follow-up quest, Grim Batol, and the Simulacrum of the Dragon Soul item.
Step 3: Go to Grim Batol in the Wetlands and meet Riosus at [74.2 70.0]. Equip the Simulacrum of the Dragon Soul to pass safely through the local elites.
Step 4: Talk to Riosus to continue to the next quest, “Scale of the Dragon Lord,” and receive the Dragontooth Blade.
Step 5: Use the Dragontooth Blade on Nefarian in the Blackwing Lair raid when his health is below 20-25% to get a Flawless Black Dragonscale. The item takes 2,5 seconds to cast, so avoid using other abilities during that time. After getting the Dragonscale, stand with the tank and absorb Nefarian’s Shadowflame Breath before he dies to harden it. Return to Riosus to start your next quest, “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.”
Step 6: During this quest, Riosus will transform into the dragon Riosustrasz and attack you. Defeat him near the platform’s edge, and you’ll both fall off.
Some players suggest using the Rune of Victory Rush to heal yourself after defeating the whelplings summoned by this dragon.
Afterward, you’ll receive the quest “A Just Reward.”
Step 7: Talk to Krasus to destroy the Simulacrum of the Dragon Soul, after which he’ll reward you with your Suzerain shield.
Here concludes our “How to get class weapons in SoD Phase 5 easily” guide. If you’ve found it helpful or know simpler ways to obtain the weapons mentioned above, we’d love to hear your opinion in the comments below!
Fucking clowns copy pasting wow head with no new information /spit
Lol, man, why are you mad? The method of getting these items is the same everywhere, so how’s there gonna be new info? If you actually read the WoWhead guides, you’d know they got some of the coordinates wrong and had other inconsistencies (this guide fixed those)