Updated: Best SoD Phase 6 gold farming guide 2025
Welcome to your best SoD Phase 6 gold farming guide 2025. Discover the best classes and best methods along with handy tips and tricks along the way!

Table of Contents
Key Takeaways
- Best classes for SoD Phase 6 gold farming are: Mage, Rogue, and Hunter.
- Best methods for gold farming in SoD Phase 6: Farm Golden Pearl, Sandworm Meat, and make the best of Ahn’Qiraj War Efforts. If you prefer more traditional methods, you can also farm SoD gold through Professions, Auction House, gathering resources in areas such as Silithus, Felwood, Winterspring, and Blasted Lands.
A new Phase comes to the Season of Discovery. With it, we gladly introduce an updated version of our best SoD Phase 6 gold farming guide. Learn all the tips, tricks, and strategies to become rich in WoW SoD Phase 6 quickly.
Phase 6 primary focus is the Ahn’Qiraj War. Meaning, that there is no level cap increase or any completely new zones added with the Phase. However, this doesn’t mean there are no new effective ways to farm gold in SoD Phase 6. Gold is important on Classic servers, which is true for Season of Discovery. Since everything requires a lot of effort to get, gold is your best bet to get ready for the new raids. And you need many things to ensure your character is at their best. This means proper food, potions, flasks, gear, etc. This works the other way, allowing you to procure necessary goods and trade them for gold to those in need.
Best SoD gold farming classes for Phase 6

Your playstyle and preferred methods are crucial in determining the best class for your gold-farming journey. Here are some suggestions regarding the best classes for efficient WoW Classic SoD Phase 6 gold farming, allowing you to choose based on your preferences.
This class remains among the best due to mobility and powerful AoE spells. They are capable of running SoD dungeons and farming packs of mobs in the open world without any external assistance. This advantage allows Mages to farm rare materials and items at any time, which gives them a significant edge over other classes.
It is worth noting that Mage was already a powerful solo-farming class in the time of WoW Vanilla. But in SoD, by the advent of such offensive runes as a Regeneration Rune and Living Bomb Rune, their hand has been strengthened.
Meet another strong class. Rogues boast a mix of survivability, mobility, and solo-targeting spells. Their knack for pickpocketing and stealth grants them additional income and enhanced protection while traversing dangerous areas.
Plus, since the release of SoD, Rogues have had a possibility of tanking, which is due to the Rolling with the Punches Rune and the Blade Dance Rune. Combining the already available skills, such as Evasion and Sprint, makes this class powerful and mobile for gold farming.
We recommend that you play this class in SoD Phase 3. Hunters are uniquely able to use pets for tanking and dealing with damage. Since the release of SoD Phase 3, their pets’ survivability has increased due to the possibility of learning a new Catlike Reflexes Rune.
Plus, thanks to kiting with the Frost Trap skill, Hunters can farm numerous packs of mobs using the Explosive Shot Rune and the Multi-Shot ability. These skills significantly aid them in defeating elite enemies, who often drop high-quality items and rare resources. This fact is why Hunters excel at farming gold in WoW.
Best SoD Phase 6 gold farming methods 2025
Aside from the usual stuffs like Professions and Auction House, there are some other Phase 6-specific ways to make gold. Some of these were available before. However, due to the preparations for the new Phase, the SoD Phase 6 gold making potential of these methods increased.
Golden Pearl farm
A reagent with a price ranging from 30 to 100 gold per piece depending on the server. Golden Pearls are used in several Epic and Rare recipes, but their primary use is to create a Spellpower enchant.
The best way to farm them is to open Big-mouth Clams. These have a 0.5% chance to drop one. The best way to farm these clams is to head to the northern part of the Isle of Dread in Feralas. There you can find a cave with naga inside. Each enemy of this type has a chance to drop a clam corresponding to the level. In our case, it’s the previously mentioned Big-mouth Clam.
The downside of this method, however, is the pure randomness. You can spend 5 hours getting not a single pearl, or get a dozen of these in several minutes. So many compare such a method to gambling. Still, the only thing you lose here is time, as you are only required to have a strong enough character to farm these mobs. The earliest we recommend this method is level 50+.
Sandworm Meat farm
Sandworm Meat is an example of a reagent that is in demand due to being used to craft BiS consumables. It is used to craft Smoked Desert Dumplings. A preferable food for melee classes. Depending on the server, one piece of meat can sell for 2–3 gold, meaning a full stack sold will be 40–60 gold.
And farming is not hard. As the name suggests, you need to farm worms, Dredge Strikers and Dredge Crusher, in Silithus. There are plenty in the upper-right part of the map, in the central part, and to the left of the Cenarion Hold. You can find yourself a spot and farm to your heart’s content.
It may not seem as much, but considering the prices and rate drops, you can make approximately 200 gold per hour that way. As of now, it is a nice alternative to gambling with Golden Pearls for Fast WoW Classic SoD Phase 6 Gold Farming.
Ahn’Qiraj War Efforts
The main event of Phase 6 is, of course, the Ahn’Qiraj War campaign. Aside from the various content related to it, it is a nice opportunity to make gold early in the Phase, thanks to turn-in quests. These require donating materials and other goods, mostly crafted, to the war efforts. In return, among the possible rewards players get caches with various useful supplies. The better the item given, the better the rewards.
Both parts of the equation can be used to advantage. Procuring materials necessary for crafting turn-in items, or the items themselves then selling them can be a good opportunity to earn gold. Not everyone has the Professions needed to get the best rewards. The other part is selling goods you get for turn-in. They can include various consumables, such as stat Scrolls, that can be valuable for raiders.
Some more traditional gold farming methods for SoD Phase 6

Professions were and always will be the primary way to get a huge amount of gold in WoW. SoD is no exception. A gatherer/crafter choice allows you to start interacting with the game economy and quickly make gold in WoW SoD Phase 4. If you are not really into crafting, you can always pick a double gatherer to collect materials and sell them simply as they are.
Herbalism and Alchemy
In our opinion, this pairing is the most lucrative combination. Consumables are always in demand for high-end content, meaning there is always a need for herbs to make them. High-end players and big guilds buy tons of consumables for content progression. A skilled alchemist can make tons of gold at the start of the Phase. This is especially true in Phase 4 as it adds new raids. Famous Molten Core returns with additional difficulties. Developers stated what you need to bring fire resistance gear into the raid. And Alchemy has an answer for that — Greater Fire Protection Potion. We see this as a perfect opportunity to make gold.
Even if you are not keen on making potions, Herbalism by itself is a great source of income. Black Lotus is still in high demand, as it is limited and used for crafting powerful flasks. Among other useful herbs are Sungrass, Dreamfoil, Golden Sansam, Gromsblood, Plaguebloom, Mountain Silversage, and Icecap. If you decide to go the double-gatherer path, we advise you to pick Herbalism as one of them.
Mining and Blacksmithing
Not much has changed for Mining since Phase 3. Mithril Ore and Thorium Ore are still your goals for collecting. But there are also Arcane Crystals that are needed for Arcanite Bars. Arcanite is a very precious material, used in many Epic and Rare recipes. For example, the Lionheart Helm. This item is a pre-raid BiS for Warriors and is very popular among them, as it doesn’t lose its value even when gearing from Raids. Selling that alone may bring a fortune. And do not forget all the new recipes added with Phase 4.
If you’re going for a double gathering route, Mining is a nice addition to Herbalism.
Skinning and Leatherworking
Skinning is another valuable option. Although it doesn’t bring the same money as Herbalism or Mining, it has its advantage over the two. Skinning is semi-passive, as you can collect skins and leathers from defeated enemies and sell them later.
Leatherworking, similar to Blacksmithing, allows you to craft Rare and Epic items, such as the Brilliant Chromatic Cloak or Hardened Dragonscale Breastplate. Not only that but according to official patch notes for Phase 4, both Blacksmithing and Leatherworking will become interchangeable for a certain fee later in the Phase. And do not forget recipes added specifically in the new Phase. With all that in mind, you can find more opportunities to make gold with your craft.
Auction House
All the resources and items you crafted won’t bring you gold by themselves, you need to sell them first on Auction. How to get the perfect deal for your wares comes with experience, but the next gold farming tips for Season of Discovery Phase 4 will help you earn some extra coins.
- Do More Research: Before you start selling items on your server, it’s important to understand what kind of resources are in demand and which ones are not. Take some time to look through the list of items that can be sold and analyze which resources are worth your time and effort. Having this knowledge will enable you to make better deals and maximize your profits.
- Buy Low: Another tip is to buy resources at a lower price during hours when fewer players are online on your server. Start with sorting items by “Ending Soon” to find underpriced ones.
- Adjust Your Prices and Be Patient: You may need to adjust your prices occasionally, so do not be afraid to do so. Remember that some items may take longer to sell, so stay patient until the right buyer arrives.
- Be Open-Minded: Try experimenting and selling different items to avoid getting stuck on one thing. This tip will help you reduce the risk of failure and increase your earnings.
Top SoD Phase 6 gold farming spots in WoW Classic
The relevance of many spots in Phase 6 heavily depends on your server. In the downtime between Phases, many prepared and gathered materials beforehand for the upcoming. But this doesn’t mean there are no places to farm anymore.
Best level: 55–60
One of the best zones for gathering resources. Silithus provides access to various crucial materials that are needed for crafts in large amounts. You can find the next things here.
- Thorium Ore and Arcane Crystals can be found in Thorium Veins in tunnels across the zone. These nodes are concentrated in areas of the map shown as purple craters.
- Sungrass, Dreamfoil, Golden Sansam, and rare Black Lotus grow here. These herbs are valuable, as they are needed in bulk to create various flasks and potions for high-end content.
- Silithus is also home to Air and Earth Elementals. These can be farmed for the Essence of Air and the Essence of Earth. Not exactly the most valuable resources, but always in demand.
- The aforementioned Sandworm Meat can be also farmed in Silithus and is in demand due to being used for BiS melee food.
Best level: 47–54
Felwood provides access to unique resources corrupted by the energies of the Fel. Rather than gathering from nodes, most of the items here are looted from enemies. So if you want to make money without Professions, this may be a place for you. Felwood is a great source for the following resources.
- Jadefire demons drop loot, but the loot you need are Felcloth, Demonic Runes, and Runecloth. Both types of cloth are in demand for high-level recipes.
- Water Elementals here drop the Essence of Water. It is valuable for many Epic and Rare recipes.
- Felwood is the best to gather herbs such as Gromsblood and Plaguebloom. These are in demand for high-end potions and flasks.
Best level: 55–60
This zone provides some unique things, as well as those you can only find in abundance here. This is also one of the zones where you can test your luck for a rare but extremely valuable drop.
- Herbalists can find this zone as the best gathering spot for Mountain Silversage and Icecap. Both are needed for high-level potions and flasks. Black Lotus is located here as well.
- Miners can find here some Rich Thorium Veins, although not as conveniently placed as in Silithus. These serve as sources for Thorium Ore and Arcane Crystals.
- The rare drop that may cost hundreds of gold is the infamous Eye of the Shadow. Dropped by Hederine Slayers and Initiates, this item is needed for a quest to get a powerful healer staff. Meaning the opportunity for those who want to make gold. But chances are low, so you have to consider that.
Blasted Lands
Best level: 46–60
An honorable mention in our list, as Blasted Lands also serves as a source of the Eye of the Shadow. There are more elite targets to farm here, such as Dreadlords, Felguard Elites, Manahounds, and Doomguard Commanders. Of course, the world boss, Lord Kazzak, has the highest chance of dropping one as well.
We hope our efficient WoW Classic SoD Phase 4 gold farming guide was of use to you. We hope it helped you to learn the best ways to farm gold in WoW. You can also always buy WoW SoD gold as an alternative.
If you think we missed something, or have another great idea for farming, then let us know in the comments down below. Happy farming!
missed a crucial farm: the vendor bots in Desolace carry limited supplies of Superior Healing Potions and Mana Potions while the other sells Int, Stam, Agi, and Str II scrolls…
depending on your AH, many of these sell for 3g+ per stack. Alchemists can not uet make these pots they are going to sell until the end of P1
Hi Drainbamage 😊 Thank you for your valuable input to our WoW SoD gold farming guide! We’ll definitely include your method and credit you carefully 🔥
Most quests at 25 reward a hidden “Burst of Experience”. I imagine this is banking your XP at max level to compensate for the lack of quests at the start of the next phase and will, as the name implies, grant you a burst of experience and may grant a level or two.
This is complete speculation on my part, but to me it would make sense.
Hi Tavok 😊 Thanks for reading and sharing your experience and speculation with us 💖 If it turns out to be the case, that’d be amazing and help a lot with leveling!! 🌟
You don’t/won’t get a level or two… thats just part of the quest description. Quests will reward experience at the standard (buffed I believe) SoD rate