Stray Adaptation: Animated Movie in the Works 

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Stray Adaptation: Animated Movie in the Works

Stray is getting an animated adaptation. And it’ll be brought to life by Annapurna Animation

Annapurna Animation is renowned for its successful debut with Nimona. The studio is now gearing up for an exhilarating foray into the realm of video game adaptations. Among their most anticipated projects is the adaptation of the much-acclaimed Stray

Stray Adaptation: Animated Movie in the Works 
(Source: BlueTwelve Studio)

Stray was developed by BlueTwelve Studio and released in 2022. The game offers players a distinctive experience as they embark on a unique adventure. It places them in the agile paws of a nimble feline navigating a world teeming with robots and mutant bacteria. However, the orange cat isn’t alone on its journey, as B-12, the drone, remains its steadfast companion.

What makes Stray particularly intriguing is that it explores themes of humanity. The movie is committed to remain faithful to the game. Thus, there won’t be a single human character featured. 

The story is set to revolve around the humorous dynamic between a cat and a robot. As proven by the game itself, such a narrative has resonated with gamers worldwide. And so, Annapurna Animation is determined to capture this essence, enriched with a pronounced ‘hopepunk’ spirit. 

What is ‘hopepunk’?

Hopepunk is a narrative concept that optimism is a form of resistance.

Translating the emotional depth that the game has achieved into a cinematic experience is not a simple task. But the studio is wholeheartedly dedicated to delivering a heartwarming and hilarious buddy comedy. 

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