Activision Blizzard Fined $35 Million by SEC over Workplace Issues

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Activision Blizzard has agreed to pay the fine of $35 million to the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)’s to settle its cease-and-desist order.

According to a report, the US firm failed to understand and control workplace issues. It even tried to prevent employees from communicating with the Commission.

The director of the SEC’s regional office in Denver, Jason Burt, expressed his displeasure with the situation. He said that stopping employees from talking to the Commission about possible law-breaking is a terrible way for a company to behave. He also emphasized that these actions are also illegal.

Despite facing severe allegations, the firm has reached a resolution with a penalty of $35 million. They said they were happy with the result and promised better inform others about future problems within the working environment. Thus, ending one of the lawsuits which have been looming over the company since 2021 and 2022.

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