Destiny 2 raids: Easiest to hardest tier list (2024)

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Many Destiny 2 players play this shooter just to experience all the cooperative action provided by Raids. Bungie often promotes these massive missions as activities that thoroughly test a player’s skills. Unfortunately, this deters some, such as beginners, causing them to miss the very juice of the MMO project. That’s why we decided to compile a Destiny 2 Raids ranked by difficulty list, where we’ll explain everything clearly.
Each of these six-man missions is unique in its own way, so there’s plenty to talk about. Few raids can be completed relatively quickly due to simple mechanics requiring a couple of players, while in others, every Guardian has to act at various moments. Whether you’re a beginner or a returning veteran, this list will help you identify the best Destiny 2 Raid to start with or challenge yourself with. With a variety of options available, there’s something for everyone to enjoy and explore!
The introduction is quite large, so we won’t keep you any longer, and let’s get started with the analysis!
Destiny 2 raid tier list
We had many different options for implementing this article. For example, initially, there was an option to rate each six-man mission by loot, but we still decided to make a kind of tier list. And no, that’s not a Raid bosses tier list.
Moreover, you should know that we only included only those six-man missions that are available in the game right now. So don’t expect Leviathan, Raid lairs, not added from the base game, and other Vaulted content to be on the list. Enjoy!

Some players who came here to find out “What is the easiest Raid in Destiny 2?” may disagree with the list. Sometimes, Guardians encounter problems even in the most straightforward six-man missions due to the absence of a proper team, which is why almost every Crota’s End Raid team often gets stuck, even at the first encounter. If you are one of such unlucky ones, we advise you to stop testing your nerves and use D2 Raid Services for assistance from WowVendor Pro players.
Vault of Glass

The most accessible and novice-friendly mission is Vault of Glass, which returned from the original Destiny. It has no mechanics that are difficult to understand or a huge amount of symbols that you need to memorize. The first encounter is even similar in difficulty to Public Events with very simple mechanics, where you simply need to defend points from combatants. For these reasons, it can effortlessly exhaust you on repeated playthroughs.
Overall, the Vault of Glass Raid is the easiest Raid in Destiny 2, with straightforward encounters and simple mechanics that even a team of four people can complete without a problem.
Root of Nightmares

No one thought the mission from the Lightfall DLC would be easy, but it turned out to be so in the end and was literally a joke during contest mode. Root of Nightmares’ main challenge problem is the straightforward mechanism of connecting nodes, which appears without significant changes in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th encounters. Because of this, the Raid mechanics can easily be performed by only 1-2 people, while the rest of the fireteam will be busy with ad-clear.
Even the final boss can hardly pose a challenge for anyone since it has quite low HP and keeps getting stuck somewhere. However, the third encounter of Root of Nightmares is entirely different in mechanics, which may cause problems for newcomers. Not for nothing, many consider it the best part.
Nevertheless, it is still Destiny 2 easiest Raid for many players, where the difficulty prevails only on the third encounter, making it slightly more complicated than Vault of Glass. Yes, the loot here is not bad, like Raid Exotic, but that’s not what the list is about.
Crota’s End

In the first game, Crota’s End was a joke, and many called it a “6-person Strike”, while in D2, it can be considered a threat to the psyche of newcomers.
Bungie decided to almost wholly update its mechanics, pushing Chalice of Light into every encounter. Although it may seem quite confusing, it is the opposite in reality. In short, you must play “hot potato” with your fireteam, constantly passing the Chalice of Light to each other. It is worth mentioning that if you go to Crota’s End for the first time, be ready to fall into pits on the Abyss encounter frequently.
We would even call this mission one of the best in the Destiny 2 Lightfall Raid tier list, but it deserves to be here in terms of difficulty.
Garden of Salvation

Even though many dislike Garden of Salvation, no one will deny its good difficulty balance. In this mission, all players are constantly having to do something, which is why learning new roles can take some time. The main Raid mechanic, Tether, in which you’ll have to create a chain of several Guardians, can cause problems (or even wipe) due to one inattentive person.
Many players usually only struggle with the final Raid boss. You will not only have to constantly restore platforms but also manage to deal a tremendous amount of damage in a short time. You can read our DPS guide if you need help with the latter.
Deep Stone Crypt

Compared to GoS, only some players in Deep Stone Crypt Raid will have any role. Nevertheless, the mechanics can cause some problems, as players require not only constant communication with the team but also have good reflexes. That’s why we put DSC in our Destiny 2 all Raid list right here. Of course, if you consider Cheese on the 2nd and 4th encounters, Deep Stone Crypt can be regarded as even easier than Crota’s End, although this will not be very fair to this six-man mission.
King’s Fall

A year after the release of Vault of Glass, King’s Fall from the Taken King DLC returned to the game. It remains one of the most well-balanced Raids in terms of difficulty for many players. In King’s Fall, your combat group’s full potential and cohesion are revealed, as each player has specific roles to fulfill. We can absolutely call it the hardest Destiny 2 Raid.
Just consider the second encounter, where Guardians during the DPS Phase not only have to manage to destroy Knights but also pass the buff to each other. Or the last two encounters, where any fireteam member has a high chance to participate in mechanics due to RNG. Even the encounter where we murder another final god is very well-balanced and fun to beat through!
We could say that King’s Fall is the best way to get acquainted with what Raids in Destiny are like in general.
Vow of the Disciple

VotD from the Witch Queen occupies the honorable hard tier in our Destiny 2 Raid list. What kind of challenge can a Guardian experience in this endgame content? Of course, you’ll immediately meet a large number of different symbols, but each of them is easily memorized. In the first three stages, all players will have to participate in mechanics, which should not be particularly surprising. In the final encounter, the main problem will be Rhulk, who is constantly jumping around the arena during the DPS Phase.
The most difficult trial in Vow of the Disciple can safely be considered the 3rd encounter. The entire Destiny Raid team must quickly perform their roles while trying to survive throughout the whole time. And we are only talking about Normal difficulty, and we don’t even want to remember what happens on Master. If you learn to go through it calmly, the entire Raid will become a cakewalk for you, despite the fact that this is the longest Raid.
Last Wish

Good old Last Wish raid from Dreaming City is still considered the second hardest Raid in Destiny 2. There are several reasons for this:
- Each encounter has unique mechanics throughout the whole mission that are not repeated anywhere else
- A considerable number of symbols, many of which may be similar to each other
- A Last Boss that is difficult to understand
It’s unlikely that you’ll meet a person who would complete the Riven encounter as it is intended since it takes a huge amount of time. Even considering all the Cheeses that exist, Last Wish will still take the place of the most challenging Raid. And as we have already noted, even cool loot, like a Thousand Voices, does not add points to it.
Salvation’s Edge

For five years, Last Wish was the leader in difficulty among all raids in Destiny 2, but everything changed after the release of TFS. Salvation’s Edge can genuinely be considered the most complex and hardest raid in Destiny 2 Bungie has ever created. If you don’t believe us, just look at the fact that only one team managed to complete this raid on Day One, while even Last Wish was cleared by two teams.
Why is Salvation’s Edge so challenging, you may ask? Although the first stages are not easy, they can hardly be called overly complicated, which cannot be said about the fourth stage. Verity is so convoluted in terms of mechanics that even Bungie developers couldn’t understand it, and the community had to develop online calculators for it. But, of course, it’s not just this stage, but also the last boss: Witness. Witness’s attacks were directly taken from MMORPGs, where you have to jump in time and dodge sideways to avoid one-shots.
Final words
And that’s, in fact, the entire Destiny 2 Raid difficulty ranked, which, in our subjective opinion, turned out to be ideal. If you have a different opinion, feel free to share it with us in the comments section. Please note that this list does not determine which six-man mission is superior; it is simply a ranking of difficulty. Your comments may convince us to make the best Raid list, in our opinion, but it’s up to you. If you liked this list, we recommend checking out the similar Destiny 2 Dungeons tier list!
If you are struggling in completing any of the Raids, professional D2 Services are available to assist you.
Thanks for Reading! Owl is Flying Away.