Bungie announced upcoming PvP changes in Destiny 2
Great news for Destiny 2 PvP is here and you don’t want to miss them out!

Today, Bungie released a new TWID with tons of information about Destiny 2 PvP and the Vesper’s Host dungeon, which will be released in this episode. In this article, we will discuss general changes to PvP, although Trials of Osiris will also receive a rework.
General Destiny 2 PvP changes
The PvP Strike Team has announced that they are entirely focused on significant upcoming changes, so there won’t be much news from them in the forthcoming episode. However, that doesn’t mean they have nothing prepared for us. For example, the Solitude Map from D2 will be returning to Crucible with a couple of changes to improve spawns and geometry.

Veteran Destiny 2 players might remember the Class Icons that used to appear next to Guardians’ HP Bars. These icons will make a return to help PvP players get better information about their opponents. Additionally, now a defeated Guardian will be able to see which other players assisted in taking them down via “Assisted by…” callouts and the weapon that killed them will be displayed at the location of their death.

Well, where would we be without another weapon PvP balance changes in Episode: Revenant. This time, the developers have decided to buff weaker archetypes while nerfing a few of the more dominant ones. We won’t go into all the details since there are quite a lot of changes, but here’s a breakdown of what will be affected:
- Adaptive Submachine Guns
- Precisions and High-Impact Auto Rifles
- Precision and Heavy Burst Hand Cannons
- Heavy Burst Pulse Rifles
- Aggressive Scout Rifles
- Trace Rifles
- Sniper Rifles
- Heavy Ammo Grenade Launchers
- Adaptive Hand Cannons
- Adaptive Auto Rifles
- High-Impact Pulse Rifles
- High-Impact Machine Guns
In addition to these changes, the PvP Strike Team has made a few small but welcome adjustments:
- Mercy rules for 6v6 playlists will be applied more often and reliably in unfair matches.
- The variability of points granted based on the skill delta between the two teams has been reduced, and the approach to placement matches in Competitive has been slightly adjusted.
- Lobby Balance was addressed again, and the developers wrote a lengthy explanation about it. We recommend reading the original article for those interested.
- Developers are also placing a cap on the number of crouch inputs you can enter per second to equalize “Hold to Crouch” with “Toggle Crouch” in terms of behavior.
Future PvP changes in Destiny 2
Besides Trials of Osiris, which will receive a full rework in Episode: Heresy, other aspects of PvP will also see improvements. First, the developers will focus on Crucible-specific tuning for ability uptime, as ability spam has become a huge issue. For now, only Storm’s Edge Super and the Knucklehead Radar Exotic armor piece nerfs have been teased, which players have long been expecting.
The PvP Strike Team will once again reorganize playlists to improve matchmaking times or connection quality for players. They also plan to offer a more relaxed version of Iron Banner, as the recently introduced new modes demand more serious gameplay. In addition, this gamemode will see improvements to fireteam-based matchmaking and enhanced rewards for fireteams to encourage playing together.
Finally, the developers discussed some minor changes to the Collision gamemode to make matches fairer:
- Contesting a zone will now flip it to neutral, so neither team earns points if both teams are inside it.
- Zone rotations will be less random by preventing the next zone from spawning next to the active one.
- They are also experimenting with different timings for zone movement.
Once again, it’s important to note that these are not all the changes coming in the near future, and much more is yet to be announced.
Final words
And that’s all we have for today. What do you think about these changes? Here’s a link for you, If you’re interested in learning more about TWID. In the meantime, you can find out more about raid and dungeon changes in Codename: Frontiers!
Thanks for reading! Owl is flying away.