Destiny 2 Heist Battleground: Moon — GM Nightfall Guide

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Learn how to beat Heist Battleground: Moon in Destiny 2 with this guide!

Destiny 2 Heist Battleground Moon Grandmaster Guide

Key Takeaways:

  • Heist Battleground Moon Champions are Barrier and Unstoppable Champs
  • For Heist Battleground Moon you will need high-range weapons like Bows and Scout Rifles
  • Builds that might be useful are Solar Warlock, any Strand builds, Solar Hunter, and Arc Titan

While Destiny 2 Heist Battleground: Moon Nightfall might seem difficult at first glance, it’s actually one of the easiest Grandmasters (GMs) this season. Yes, don’t be surprised by this. Despite Battleground strikes being established in the Destiny community as the most challenging missions, the Moon strike will pleasantly surprise you the most. So, let’s not waste any minute and dive into the Destiny 2 Heist Battleground Moon guide!

Best Weapons for Heist Battleground: Moon Nightfall

Quite often, you have to be at a huge distance from enemies in Battleground GM, so Bows and Scout Rifles are the best choices. Specifically, we recommend Solar Exotics such as Hierarchy of Needs and Polaris Lance. These weapons not only assist you in fighting against Champions but can also quickly eliminate a crowd of enemies and rapidly replenish your Super Energy. Don’t forget about Blinding GLs, as they can save you in situations when enemies surround you in Heist Battleground Moon Grandmaster Nightfall.

Best Build for Heist Battleground: Moon GM Nightfall

Throughout the strike, you’ll often have to sit in one place to destroy foes. Well of Radiance is useful to speed up and ease this process, providing the entire Fireteam with Healing and Bonus Damage. All Strand Subclasses also perform excellently in Heist Battleground: Moon GM, but Broodweaver with Thorn and Necrotic Grips is particularly noteworthy. If you haven’t unlocked Strand, Solar Hunter with Celestial Nighthawk and Arc Titan with Hearth of Inmost Light are also great options.

How to Complete Heist Battleground: Moon Grandmaster — Encounters Guide

Heist Battleground: Moon in Destiny 2 begins with a zone where a huge number of mobs will appear. In addition, the Rasputin Tower is always active in the distance. If you stand under its beam for over 15 seconds, it can one-shot you. The best position to pass this encounter is high ground, located to the right of the mob spawn. From there, safely shoot all enemies and Champs, then easily move on to clearing the next wave, which is going to appear right in front of Rasputin Tower.

Destiny 2 Heist Battleground Moon
(Source: Bungie)

After killing all Battleground Moon Champions and Bosses, the entrance to Rasputin’s bunker will open for you. Inside, you’ll have to go through a fairly long corridor, encountering many Scorn combatants along the way. Eventually, you’ll come to a large room where you must defend against a huge number of foes while your Ghost hacks the door. Two Unstoppable Champs and two Fast Minibosses will appear every 25% of progress made in this room, halting the Ghost’s progress until you destroy them. At 75%, a colossal Boss will appear in the center of the room, dealing a lot of damage to you, so try to focus on it first.

Heist Battleground Moon Guide
(Source: SpecialHero)

This encounter often leads to Wipes, so you’re unlikely to last long without good Heist Battleground Moon strategies. First and foremost, you should take a safe position, which could be either the corridor before entering the room or a distant corner with boxes around it. Do not spare Supers when Champs and Bosses appear, as if they are not quickly taken down, they and other appearing enemies can eliminate you much faster.

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After successfully passing the most challenging encounter in Heist Battleground: Moon, you are going to face short corridors with Laser Traps inside, where you must be extremely careful because of one-shots. They will lead you to the Submind Vault Security Door, which has Hive Seals on it. You need to break these runes using PDT Refraction Core, located at the upper center, to the right, and to the left of the entrance of this huge room. Five Seals can be broken with just two Cores, so you must shoot very carefully to do that. Otherwise, you may run out of ammo and have to run for a third Core.

Heist Battleground Moon Grandmaster Nightfall
(Source: Bungie)

Finally, we move to the much-anticipated Heist Battleground Moon Boss Fight, which is actually a relatively simple encounter. The safest position is the near right corner, as it is not only far from enemy spawn but also has a cover that is going to help you escape from Scorn Snipers. Once you reduce the Boss HP to half, insert five Battery Charges into the central compartment. They drop from Arc-Charged Scorn, but they are always surrounded by a huge number of enemies, so it may take some time. We advise clearing the path to the center first before running to insert the Battery Charge. Also, an Unstoppable Champion appears concurrently, which is better to immediately focus on and take him down, as it can cause problems. After successfully inserting five charges, the Boss’s Immune Shield will disappear, and you can calmly finish him off and complete Heist Battleground: Moon.

Heist Battleground Moon Boss
(Source: Bungie)

Final Words on Destiny 2 Heist Battleground Moon

This concludes our detailed Heist Battleground overview. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. We’ll be happy to answer. And if you’re interested in knowing what loot is available here, we recommend looking at the GM Nightfall weapon this week, where you’ll find the answer to your question.

Thanks for Reading! Owl is Flying Away.

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Owl Guy
404 articles



I’ve cleared this a few times but didn’t receive a weapon drop. Pretty sure I’m missing a champ somewhere. So can you tell me how many they are in this strike?

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello Bashfulcannibal!

We don’t remember how many Champions there are in this Nightfall, and it’s pretty hard to miss them in the Battleground Moon. Nevertheless, we have one idea where the problem might be. Before killing the miniboss at Rasputin Tower, you need to destroy all the champions here, since after killing the boss they will despawn. If this does not work, we recommend to read the guide again or watch the platinum walkthrough of this GM Nightfall from pro players👀

We hope this will help you and good luck!