For the first time in 10 years, Xur brought Gjallarhorn

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Xur can give your Gjallarhorn in Destiny 2 right now!

For the first time in 10 years, Xur brought Gjallarhorn

Veterans of Destiny remember when Xur brought Gjallarhorn to sell Guardians in the original game. It was a memorable event for many and even went down in the game’s history. Now, ten years after this incident, this situation is repeated in Destiny 2.

You can buy Gjallarhorn from Xur for 24 Strange Coins from September 20 to 24. Usually, this rocket launcher is obtained by completing a quest at Grasp of Avarice, and you can skip it quite a funny way. Moreover, players without a 30th anniversary add-on can get this weapon, and if you will get it this week, then tell us in the comments!

If you are interested in what else Xur sells this week, then we have a separate tool with information about it. There are two great catalysts to buy and a useful solar shotgun to get besides Gjallarhonr!

Thanks for reading! Owl is flying away.

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Owl Guy
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