Where Is Xur in Destiny 1 — Locations, Loot, February 7-9
Guardians of the old school are still interested in where is Xur in Destiny 1, because this cunning merchant likes to change his locations.

Table of Contents
Key Takeaways
- You can learn where is Xur today.
- A complete Xur Destiny 1 FAQ with answers to all your questions!
- Detailed guide showing all Xur locations in Destiny 1.
Few people know that Destiny 1 is still a live game that can still be played and enjoyed. Despite being significantly different from the sequel in various aspects, there is still something unchanging here — Xur. This mysterious vendor appears at a particular time with helpful loot and likes to change his spawn locations.
We decided it’s best to tell you in detail about Xur in Destiny 1, how to find him at the current week, and where and when he might appear. Sit back comfortably, start-up D1, and it’s time to go in search of the vendor!
Where Is Xur Today in Destiny 1 in 2024
Right now, Xur is in the game. Today, Xur in Destiny 1 decided to visit the Tower, and you are able to check this by looking at the column on the left at spawn where there is a special symbol. You can find him on the far balcony of the North Tower.

Destiny 1 Xur FAQ
You might have many questions about how Agent of the Nine behaves in D1, so we have compiled the most popular questions to answer them!
Does Xur Still Appear in Destiny 1?
If you wonder, “Is Xur still in Destiny 1?” then the answer is a strong Yes. You are able to still find him, get everything you want, and continue your journey.
What Do You Use to Buy Item from Xur Destiny 1?
Unlike Destiny 2, you need Strange Coins to buy anything from a mysterious vendor. They could be obtained by completing Weekly Heroic Strikes, doing Public Events, or just playing Crucible matches.
What Destiny 1 Xur Loot You Can Get?
As in D2, you are able to purchase three Exotic armor for each class and an Exotic weapon. The armor costs 13 Strange Coins or 23 Strange Coins for a gun. In addition, every week, he brings Weapon Bundles, which include an ornament with the weapon itself for 30 Strange Coins and 25 Silver Dust. As a constant, he offers Vehicle Upgrades, Heavy Ammo Synthesis, Three of Coins, and Glass Needles. You could also exchange Strange Coins to acquire an Exotic Shard or Mote of Light as an additional bonus to upgrade your gear.
From February 7-9, the loot includes:
- Titan: Dunemarches, exotic legs
- Hunter: Khepri’s Sting, exotic gauntlets
- Warlock: The Ram, exotic helmet
- Weapon: Mida Multi-Tool, exotic scout rifle
How to Find Xur Destiny 1?
To quickly find and know where is Xur in Destiny 1 today, you just need to remember all his main spots, which we described in another section.
On the Reef, Xur appears only in one place, which makes searching for him very quick. At the Tower, you may check his presence by the sign and run through all his locations.
When Does Xur Come Destiny 1?
Xur loves Friday and arrives precisely on this day of the week at 10 AM (EST) or 4 PM (CET). Slightly earlier than in D2, but this should not bother you too much.
When Does Xur Leave Destiny 1?
The vendor leaves his post on Sunday at the same time he arrives on Friday, and you’ll see him only next week.
Every Destiny 1 Xur Location
Xur in Destiny 1 has seven permanent places and two constant destinations — Tower and Reef.
There is one good the Tower map that will immediately help you find his places, and we’ll leave it below:

Regarding Xur’s Reef location, you could find him to the right of the spawn, going down the stairs and entering the right door.

With this information, you will know where is Xur in Destiny 1, as his places are very easy to remember after running through them just once.
Final Words
Now you know everything about our beloved and famous vendor in D1 and will be able to find him every week easily. If you have any more questions or requests, feel free to ask them in the comments, and we’ll be happy to answer them. Remember, you can also use our Destiny 2 Xur tool to get to him easily in the first few minutes. Moreover, we have a complete guide to the Xur Loot Pool in D2, and we advise familiarizing yourself with it to know everything this vendor has.
Thanks for Reading! Owl is Flying Away.
I’ve always been confused on whether Xur appears on Sundays or not and I just tried to find him where it says he is and he’s not there. Is it me or is he gone?
I’m on Xbox btw. Been playing since 2015 and I still don’t know if he shows up on sundays
I dont actually know if its just a problem because i play on PS3 but im right where you said he was and he isnt there
Hello, H5gvip!
We’ve seen a lot of reports that Xur on PS3 is having some issues with appearances. It is unclear what the problem causes it, but you most likely need to try to restart the game to find him. There’s also a chance that Bungie accidentally broke something in one of the patches, which means Xur is nowhere to be found.
I hope my comment will help you out! Good Luck!!
I’m on ps3 and I’ve seen him Friday only so far. In the Reef
but there ARE some times. that You can’t find xur ANY WHERE IN THE tower or the reef. ,???????😕😕😕😕😕😕 eg,,, I’m here now he’s no where at all,
Where’s Xur
Who is Xur
Why is Xur
What did Xur have this week?
Hello, Yu’Nah!
Xur brought this week No Backup Plan, Fr0st-ee5, Skull of Dire Ahamkara, and Hard Light.
xur was not there
Hello, Doug!
Xur in Destiny 1 is not here right now. He leaves his post at 10 AM (EST) or 4 PM (CET). That’s why you couldn’t find him. I hope you’ll find him next week!
can’t find xur where he’s supposed to be. ps3
Same with my wife -_-