Destiny 2 Lightfall: Moving at Bullet Speed with Lumina

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Strand and their Grapple are having a blast in Lightfall. Not only can they grapple infinitely, but they are also able to deal tons of damage thanks to a glitch. And in today’s episode, it’s time to travel at bullet speed with the help of Lumina, the hand cannon.

Xynopit recently discovered a clever way to enhance the Lumina hand cannon’s Noble Round ability. You can launch yourself through the air at high velocity by firing a bullet and latching onto it using the Strand-powered grappling dart. Thus, traversing long distances is now nothing but a blink of an eye.

The trick was shared on the Destiny 2 subreddit. Under the thread, players enthusiastically discussed its potential applications on other weapons. While it’s unclear if the exploit will remain in the game, many hope that developers will leave it intact.

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