Get Daily Deepsight Weapons in Destiny 2 for Four Weeks

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Earn daily Deepsight weapons in Destiny 2 until The Final Shape is released!

Daily Deepsight Weapons

From May 7 to June 3, players who own this year’s seasons will be able to receive guaranteed daily Red Border weapons for completing Seasonal Activities. Bungie has provided a handy list of the seasons and associated activities to ensure everyone understands where they can get which weapons.

Daily Red Border weapons

If you are eager to swiftly obtain Deepsight Weapons, it’s wise to select activities that can be completed in the shortest time, such as Defiant Battlegrounds, Salvage, Savathun’s Spire, and Riven’s Lain. Remember, you are not limited to these activities, but they will allow you to make the most of your time. Also, we especially encourage you to acquire Season of the Wish weapons, many of which currently compete for the title of the best weapons in Destiny 2.

That is not the only great thing that Bungie announced today. Developers delighted players with access to three expansions for Destiny 2, which will also be available during this time. We also recommend you complete the new PvP quest from Shaxx, which gives you access to three excellent guns!

Thanks for Reading! Owl is Flying Away.

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Owl Guy
422 articles



As a returning destiny player who had finished farming the brave arsenal, I just got lightfall and beyond light. Planning to finish the compain to get stasis and strand. After that which activities do you recommend focusing on? Do I do seasonal activities for seasonal weapons or learn the pantheon raid ?

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello, Issamonic!

Thank you for the kind words! Comments like these help motivate me to keep writing! I’ll try not to let you down in the future 😉

As for your question, it depends on what kind of player you are. If you like raids and want to get Raid Exotics + exclusive emblems, then I recommend trying Pantheon. If you are more of a solo player and have never been in raids, then try seasonal activities.

By the way, I released an article yesterday that recommended what to do before The Final Shape. You can find suggestions for weapons to acquire during seasonal activities and learn other things to do.

Once again, thanks for the lighthearted comment!

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

You need to have access to these seasons to obtain daily deepsights.