Best Auto Rifles in Destiny 2 The Final Shape: The Ultimate Guide

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It is time to learn the ultimate list for Destiny 2 best Auto Rifles in 2024. Prepare to upgrade your loadout!

Best Auto Rifles

Key takeaways:

Auto Rifles are one of the most popular weapons in Destiny 2. These weapons are useful for clearing groups of enemies and other activities, like Crucible and Gambit.

In this article, you will find a comprehensive overview of what Auto Rifles are and the best Auto Rifles to use in Destiny 2.

In total, the article features 11 Auto Rifles, with six weapons suitable for PvE (player versus environment) and five weapons suitable for PvP (player versus player).

Any self-respecting Guardian knows that there is nothing better than an Auto Rifle in hand. You may question yourself: “which are the best Auto Rifles to use in Destiny 2 right now?” Today, we will answer this by talking in detail about the guns themselves, their perks, and how you can get them. Please sit back, open the Vault, and it’s time to pick up a weapon to serve you!

Destiny 2 Auto Rifles overview

For starters, newcomers should figure out what exactly those weapon types represent in Destiny 2. After all, these Auto Rifles are familiar to us, and we have already seen them in other games.

Auto Rifles in this looter shooter are fully balanced, so they will be a pleasure to operate at almost any distance. Thus, they are splendid for shooting combatants or Guardians from a safe position. In addition, those weapons have a considerable amount of Exotic variations that change the gunplay entirely. The only negatives you may experience are the slow fire rate and not such high DPS.

Auto Rifles have only five different archetypes that don’t differ much from each other. You will see the main differences in RPM, base stats, and damage:

If you are looking for an ideal replacement for SMGs in terms of fire rate and DPS, then Rapid Fire is a great choice. These Auto Rifles are suitable for any activity, so you will definitely be satisfied with them. If we talk about other Frames, Crucible is great for Adaptive and Precision. However, if you want to become a real healer, then Support Frame will definitely appeal to you.

Destiny 2 best PvE Auto Rifles in The Final Shape

With the recent buff, destroying opponents has become surprisingly pleasant and effortless with the Auto Rifles’ help in PvE. And then, we’ll suggest what is worth taking on board.

Quicksilver Storm

Quicksilver Storm Guide

Quicksilver Storm blasts its way onto the list of Destiny 2 best exotic Auto Rifles. It shreds through mobs with ease and punishes bosses and mini-bosses. Land a few shots and your bullets morph into homing micro-rockets, perfect for chasing down enemies or dealing extra burst damage. But Quicksilver Storm has a surprise up its sleeve. It can transform into a grenade launcher with the Grenade Chaser perk, offering unexpected utility in tight spaces. Plus, as a primary exotic, it packs a 30% damage boost against red-bar foes, making it a true mob-melting machine.

Khvostov 7G-0X

Khvostov 7g-07 best auto rifle

Khvostov 7G-0X has returned and firmly occupied the Auto Rifles meta in Destiny 2. Once you acquire this exotic Auto Rifle, you’ll have a true add-clear beast that spares no one in its path. Its power lies in its exotic perk, causing every seventh bullet to ricochet to nearby enemies and deal 250% more damage. You can enhance the 7 Ricochet Rounds simply by picking up Orbs of Power, after which they can ricochet off enemies up to seven times. Additionally, Khvostov has Shoot to Loot, which perfectly complements the previous trait. All in all, it is one of the best PvE Auto Rifles in Destiny 2 right now!


Necrochasm Auto Rifle

In The Final Shape, Necrochasm received a new Catalyst Trait, making it an excellent choice for add-clear. Let’s first discuss its Exotic perks. Cursebringer allows you to create powerful Cursed Thrall explosions on precision final blow, which not only poison enemies but can also reload this gun and create more explosions on takedowns. Desperation synergizes well with the previous perk because of Cursed Thrall Explosions Final Blows, while reloading after a precision kill significantly improves Necrochasm’s RPM. Finally, the Catalyst, which makes this D2 best Auto Rifle so good, increases weapon damage by 35% when quickly hitting three targets, making Necrochasm one of the best add-clear guns in the game.

Rufus’s Fury

Rufuss Fury Adept Guide

Rufus’s Fury from Root of Nightmares continues to be the best Auto Rifle in Destiny 2 Final Shape, thanks to its excellent archetype and a great set of perks. In the third column, you can choose Demolitionist to replenish grenades and reload the weapon after using them or Rewind Rounds to keep firing at enemies without needing to reload for a long time. These can be well combined with Frenzy, providing a passive bonus to damage, reload speed, and handling, Hatchling for Strand builds with the ability to create threadlings at the target’s location, or Paracausal Affinity to get a 20% damage boost from Strand or Stasis final blows. The cherry on top is the crafting option, making Rufus’s Fury one of the best craftable Auto Rifles in Destiny 2!

No Hesitation

No Hesitation Best PvE Auto Rifle

Have you long dreamed of a support Auto Rifle in Destiny 2? Well, No Hesitation can finally fulfill your wishes. This weapon has a unique archetype, allowing you to deal damage while aiming down sights and heal your allies when shooting from the hip. You can, of course, choose powerful perks like Demolitionist and Incandescent to quickly replenish grenades (e.g., for a healing turret) and apply scorch to enemies. However, we recommend focusing on Physic and Circle of Life, which will fully unlock the potential of this best Auto Rifle in Destiny 2 Season 24. Together, they will provide restoration to you and your allies when you heal them and increase weapon damage by 35% for 10 seconds. Don’t forget, like the previous weapon, you can craft No Hesitation, and it’s relatively easy to do considering how easily red borders farm.

The Summoner

The Summoner PvP

Looking for the best Solar Auto Rifle in Destiny 2 for any needs? Then you absolutely must add The Summoner to your collection, which has excellent perks not only for PvP but also for PvE. So, what makes The Summoner one of the best legendary Auto Rifles in Destiny 2? For example, you can get the wonderful Heal Clip, which cures you and nearby teammates after taking down an enemy and reloading. This perk perfectly synergizes with Onslaught, which significantly boosts RPM and Reload Speed for each Final Blow, up to 3 times. You can also use Incandescent on this really good Auto Rifle in Destiny 2, but the uniqueness of The Summoner lies in the availability of the first two perks.

Destiny 2 best PvP Auto Rifles in The Final Shape

Suppose you don’t like being close to the enemy and not too far away. In that case, the next five Destiny 2 best Auto Rifles in The Final Shape are great choices for dominating The Crucible and Trials of Osiris.

Rufus’s Fur

Rufus Fury Guide

If you utilize Rufus’s Fury in PvP, then for greater efficiency, we recommend getting the Adept version, the advantages of which you will learn in this Guide. And yet, why did Rufus’s Fury get here too? It has one of the highest Aim Assistance stats, making it a pleasure to hit targets. You can also earn +10 to the previous stat with perks like Moving Target.

Do you need a Quickplay gun? We recommend Paracausal Affinity, which will increase damage by 20% after Darkness Final Blows. Do you want to go Competitive on the contrary? Well, in this case, it is better to use Tap The Trigger, which will improve the stability and accuracy when pulling the trigger! Easily one of the best PvP Auto Rifles in Destiny 2.

The Riposte

The Riposte

In Episode Echoes, Lord Shaxx decided to replenish his competitive arsenal by offering Guardians one of the top Auto Rifles in Destiny 2 — The Riposte. It is a 720 RPM Lightweight Auto Rifle, giving an excellent handling with high strafe speed. Your favorite combination might be Zen Moment and Dynamic Sway Reduction, as hitting an enemy will reduce visual recoil and flinch and improve accuracy and stability, making it easier to hit the target. You can also replace DSR with Kill Clip to lower your time to kill and quickly deal with enemies.


Prosecutor legendary

Do you prefer Precision Auto Rifles in Destiny 2? In that case, it’s time to farm the Prophecy dungeon, where you can get a Prosecutor. This 450 RPM Arc Auto Rifle immediately offers you the combination of Zen Moment and Tap the Trigger, ensuring maximum weapon accuracy. You can also try Keep Away and Golden Tricorn for shooting enemies from a considerable distance and bonus damage for 7 seconds upon their kill.

Ammit AR2

Ammit AR2

The beloved Ammit AR2 remains one of the best Auto Rifles for Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2 and other PvP activities. Besides being craftable, you have an excellent combination of DSR and Tap the Trigger. Together, they provide incredibly high accuracy and excellent stability, giving you an advantage during the initial shots. If you have Ammit AR2, you can’t go wrong with it in PvP!

The Summoner

The Summoner

We have already written about The Summoner for PvE, and now it is time to discuss the Crucible. This Adaptive Auto Rifle primarily stands out for its excellent perk combinations, which are suitable for any playlist. In the third column, your favorite should definitely be Zen Moment, which reduces visual recoil and flinch, making it a must-have for duels. In the fourth column, the choice is not so simple:

And, of course, it’s worth mentioning the excellent The Summoner stats, which can give you 80 Range if you have the Adept Version of this weapon.

Final Words on Destiny 2 Auto Rifles ranked

So, here you go, the complete Destiny 2 Auto Rifles guide that you can use for a long time. In addition, our list is constantly updated, whether it’s new buffs or nerfs or the introduction of new weapons in the game. If you like our article, then tell your friends about it and leave a positive comment below. It makes us happy, and it’s not difficult for you. Moreover, we’ve already had a similar article on best PvE weapons and best PvP guns in Destiny 2 that similarly talks about these guns.

Need help getting the best kinetic and energy Auto Rifles in Destiny 2 Lightfall? Well, you’re in luck because you’ve landed on WowVendor! Our professionals will fulfill any of your wishes and get the desired gun in the shortest possible time. This way, you will be able to save time and be ready for endgame activities!

Thanks for reading! Owl is flying away.

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