WoW Token Price Reaches 420,000 Gold a Piece

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WoW Token Price Reaches 420,000 Gold a Piece

Ever since its arrival in May, the WoW token has experienced a consistent surge in its price. For the past two weeks, it has remained stable at around 420,000 gold per token. However, at the time of writing, the prospect of it breaching the ceiling is not impossible. 

Several factors have contributed to this price surge. First and foremost, the release of Diablo IV has played a pivotal role in propelling the token’s value. The game’s much-anticipated launch has led many players to tap into their gold reserves to acquire one. The reason for this is they can exchange said item to augment their balance. With enough numbers in their account, they will be able to purchase Diablo IV without having to exceed their desired spending limit. 

The ongoing summer sale is another contributing factor to the token’s rising price. It has presented players with a wide selection of games and related items for sales. The allure of these discounted offerings has attracted a substantial number of buyers. This further drives up the token’s value because of the same practice stated above.

WoW Token Price Reaches 420,000 Gold a Piece
WoW Token price in all regions from January to July, 2023 (Source:

The price surge of the WoW token is not limited to a single region. In Europe, it has risen by approximately 60% since the beginning of the year. The case mirrors a similar upward trend in North America, which stands at around 80%. Notably, Taiwan experienced a dramatic price triple. As of now, a token there is worth over 600,000 gold following the closure of Chinese servers. However, in Korea, the token’s price has decreased slightly, around 20%. This makes it an exception compared to the overall situation. 

At the moment of writing, the WoW token’s price continues to climb. It’s uncertain how the picture will unfold in the upcoming weeks. What do you think? Will it rise, or will it drop? Let us know in the comment!

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