Get new WoW Blue Owl bundle with 6-month subscription
As a part of a 6-month subscription, Blizzard has announced a new WoW Blue Owl bundle.

Priced at $77.94, this owlsome bundle grants you a Charming Courier mount for Retail and an adorable Swoopy companion for Cataclysm Classic. These can be purchased separately in the store for $25.00 and $10.00 respectively.
You can use this mount for Skyriding, and it is shared across all your characters in Retail. Additionally, if your character is not at a high enough level to fly, the mount will work as a ground mount instead.
If you already have a 6- or 12-month subscription, do not worry; you will receive the mount and the pet without any additional charges by July 23, 2024, via the launcher. However, if you cannot get them right away, you still have time until January 31, 2025.
On the one hand, it is good that Blizzard is introducing store-based mounts alongside the in-game ones, offering players more options. On the other hand, despite this owl’s charming nature, some players think it looks similar to the one they can obtain by defeating the last boss of the Amirdrassil raid, Fyrakk.
Charming Courier and Anu’relos indeed share similarities, but Blizzard did not just recolor a sought-after mount; they designed an entirely new one based on its fellow owl in-game model. Therefore, it is important not to underestimate all the efforts you put into defeating Fyrakk and obtaining this glorious mount.
What do you think of the new blue owl bundle? Have you purchased it yet? Also, do you find Charming Courier and Anu’relos to be similar? Share your opinion in the comments below!