WoW’s 20th Anniversary event: Meet updated Tier 2 transmogs

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In the latest WoWCast, Blizzard unveiled plans for WoW’s 20th Anniversary event and talked about updated Tier 2 transmogs and other exciting rewards.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary event: Meet updated Tier 2 transmogs

World of Warcraft’s 20th Anniversary event will last over two months, running through November and December 2024. During this time, you can join a new world event and other activities while earning updated versions of the iconic Tier 2 transmog sets, along with many other incredible items. These sets aren’t just for the original classes — they also include newer ones like Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Monk, and Evoker.

WoW updated Tier 2 class sets

There are 13 class sets in total, each with 9 pieces. You can obtain them from event merchants using a new currency called Bronze Celebration Tokens, which you can earn by participating in weekly activities and Season 1 content. The Tier 2 set pieces cost 60 Bronze Celebration Tokens each. Now, let’s take a look at what’s coming up!

Monk, Shaman, Evoker

WoW’s 20th Anniversary event: Meet updated Tier 2 transmogs
(Source: Blizzard Entertainment)

Warlock, Demon Hunter, Rogue

WoW’s 20th Anniversary event: Meet updated Tier 2 transmogs
(Source: Blizzard Entertainment)

Warrior, Druid, Priest, Paladin

Death Knight, Hunter, Mage

WoW’s 20th Anniversary event: Meet updated Tier 2 transmogs
(Source: Blizzard Entertainment)

Datamined Tier 2 class sets

After Blizzard released HD images of the revamped iconic Tier 2 transmog sets, Wowhead has datamined the in-game models for these outfits. The costume names below link to Wowhead’s dressing room, where you can view them from all angles, check out their special effects, and see how they’ll look on your character when the World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary event launches.

Monk, Shaman, Evoker

Warlock, Demon Hunter, Rogue

Warrior, Druid, Priest, Paladin

Death Knight, Hunter, Mage

Comparison of Tier 2 sets

Now that we’ve covered the updated models, let’s take a moment to compare the old and new versions of the Tier 2 sets. Thanks to Reddit user ProtoReddit, we have a side-by-side image below that highlights the changes made to these iconic sets over the game’s history. As some of you may recall, the original versions of these costumes were used as placeholders in Vanilla WoW for quite some time until they were officially updated in Patch 1.9.

It’s worth mentioning that some of the new Tier 2 transmog sets for Druids, Mages, Priests, Shamans, Paladins, and Warlocks have recently been updated in the latest 11.0.5 PTR update. These sets originally feature the traditional robes, but now, thanks to Blizzard, you can choose between the classic robe style or a new pants version. Below, you’ll find a comparison of both versions for each Tier 2 set.

The Rogue iconic set has also been updated, which we’ll discuss later, though it doesn’t involve the robe or pants thing. This update reflects Blizzard’s response to past community feedback, which is a positive step forward.

Druid: Stormrage Raiment

Mage: Netherwind Regalia

Priest: Vestments of Transcendence

Shaman: The Ten Storms

Warlock: Nemesis Raiment

Paladin: Judgement Armor

Rogue: Bloodfang Armor

After the new costumes were revealed, many Rogue players quickly criticized the updated T2 Bloodfang set. Their main concern is that too much of the Rogue’s face is visible, and it no longer has the iconic smoky effect. Anyway, thanks to Reddit user Anckael, there’s now a simple fix that restores the set’s mystery aura.

Here, you can see the official remaster on the left, the fan-made version in the middle, and the original T2 set on the right.

(Source: Wowhead)

As of September 12, Blizzard finally considered the players’ opinions and updated the visuals of Rogue’s T2 Bloodfang set by adding the long-awaited helm and shoulder animations.


World of Warcraft’s 20th Anniversary event, which has been in the works since last fall, will be part of Patch 11.0.5 and will be available on the PTR soon. These updated Tier 2 transmogs are just a small part of what’s coming, as Blizzard has a lot of exciting rewards and activities lined up.

What do you think about Blizzard updating old tier sets to make them more appealing for new content? Also, do you feel the holiday spirit, and are you excited for the upcoming anniversary event itself? We would love to hear your opinion in the comments below!

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