The War Within: All February 2025 Trading Post Items
Welcome to your most comprehensive The War Within Trading Post items! We update this article every month, so be sure to bookmark it for your convenience!

Table of Contents
The Trading Post vendors T&W and Zen’shiri have restocked their inventory for the month of February 2025 with exciting new items that are sure to captivate the attention of collectors and enthusiasts alike. Wondering where to find the Trading Posts and how they work? Be sure to check out the FAQ at the end!
With that said, here is the full list of goodies available in February 2025:
Mounts and pets

Name | Item Type | Trader’s Tender |
Silvermoon Sweeper | Mount | 600 |
Reins of the Fur-endship Fox | Mount | 750 |
Fullbelly Rollingpaw | Pet | 350 |
Teatuft Tamer | Pet | 350 |

Name | Item Type | Trader’s Tender |
Crimson Pack of Lunar Explosives | Back | 250 |
Short Crimson War Skirt and Leg Wraps | Legs | 50 |
Ensemble: Love Witch’s Attire | Set | 750 |
Ensemble: Ornate Crimson Lunar Festival Attire | Set | 600 |
Battlefield Lover’s Bow | Back | 250 |
Ensemble: Prowler’s Pink Headgear | Head | 100 |
Rosy Corsage | Wrists | 100 |
Ensemble: Sky Witch’s Heartfelt Shoulders | Shoulders | 100 |
Prowler’s Pink Shoulder Cape | Shoulders | 75 |
Long Crimson War Skirt and Leg Wraps | Legs | 50 |
Gold-Plated Cushion Boots | Boots | 40 |
Long Crimson War Skirt | Legs | 40 |
Short Crimson War Skirt | Legs | 40 |
Banded Crimson War Slippers | Boots | 20 |
Banded Crimson War Wraps | Boots | 20 |

Name | Item Type | Trader’s Tender |
Crimson Lunar Firewhacker | One-handed Mace | 300 |
Crimson Lunar Lantern | Off-hand | 250 |
Jade Lunar Blade | Dagger | 300 |
Jade Lunar Polearm | Polearm | 300 |
Lovely Rosy Longbow | Bow | 300 |
Love Witch’s Rosy Stave | Staff | 250 |
Love Witch’s Rosy Wand | Wand | 200 |
Trading Post Items: February 2025 Bonus Rewards
In February 2025, you can get the Trading Post’s bonus reward, Ensemble: Ornate Pink Lunar Festival Attire, by filling up the Traveler’s Log bar. Fill up the Traveler’s Log bar to say goodbye to the heat with this autumntime delight!

If you earned Trading Post bonus rewards 12 times, you will get a Trading Post Enthusiast achievement and a color-changing Burden of Unrelenting Justice set. This transmog shifts colors depending on the time of the day.

February 2025: Returning rewards
Trading Post celebrates its second anniversary this month, and players can obtain an extra 500 Trader’s Tenders and rewards from previous Trading Posts. Read our Past months Trading Post rewards returning in February article to learn more! Here are all the returning items that can be bought from special vendors with a significant discount.
Previous monthly rewards
Name | Type | Trader’s Tender |
Ash’adar, Harbinger of Dawn | Mount | 900 |
Ensemble: Bones of the Bloodhunter | Transmog Set | 800 |
Ensemble: Darkmoon Harlequin’s Bells | Transmog Set | 750 |
Quawks | Mount | 750 |
Arsenal: Cosmic Weapons Cache | Weapon Transmog set | 700 |
Buttercup | Pet | 350 |
Mounts, pets, and toys
Name | Type | Trader’s Tender |
Reins of the Magenta Cloud Serpent | Mount | 500( |
Royal Swarmer’s Reins | Mount | 500( |
Reins of the Felcrystal Scorpion | Mount | 500( |
Spectral Wind Rider | Mount | 500( |
Spectral Gryphon | Mount | 500( |
Crimson Glimmerfur | Mount | 500( |
Ancestral Clefthoof | Mount | 500( |
Spectral Tiger Cub | Pet | 200( |
Drazka’zet the Wrathful | Pet | 200( |
Buzzworth | Pet | 200( |
Egbob | Pet | 200( |
Slyvy | Pet | 200( |
Ethereal Transmogrifier | Toy | 300( |
Imp in a Ball | Toy | 300( |
Foam Sword Rack | Toy | 300( |
Armor transmog
Weapon transmog
That’s pretty much it for this month. Make sure to come back at the beginning of March to see the newest update on the merchandise!
Where are the Trading Posts?
The Trading Posts are found on both Alliance and Horde’s territories. You can find the Alliance merchants Tawny and Wilder, at their T&W shop near the Mage District. If you are a Horde, then look for Zen’shiri shop near Grommash Hold.
What are Trading Posts and how do they work?
Trading Posts are special shops in The War Within that were first introduced in Patch 10.0.5. These shops’ main type of currency is Trader’s Tender, which allow you to buy not only the currently available transmogs, pets, and mounts but also those no longer obtainable.
By engaging in the Trading Posts’ monthly activities, you’ll fill up the Traveler’s Log bar and earn Trader’s Tender to unlock special cosmetic rewards like transmogs, pets, and mounts.
How to get Trader’s Tender?
To get Trader’s Tender, complete the monthly activities listed within the Traveler’s Log. You can find it in the Adventure Guide once you reach level 10. Completing this set of tasks can give you 500 Trader’s Tender. It’s worth noting that you need not complete all activities in the log, as there’s a cap on how much Trader’s Tender you can earn per cycle.
How often does Trading Post Items reset WoW?
The Trading Post resets once per month. On the first day of every month, you’ll find a fresh assortment of items that are completely different from the previous month’s collection. Don’t worry if you can’t farm enough Trader’s Tender in time to get what you want. The items will cycle back once in a while.
What level for Trading Post in WoW?
From level 10 onwards, you can find the Traveler’s Log and its sets of activities in the Adventure Guide.