Shaman BiS The War Within: Restoration, Elemental, Enhancement

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We have prepared a Shaman BiS The War Within Season 1 for all three specs: Restoration, Elemental, and Enhancement, just for you!

Shaman BiS

Gear plays a critical role in your World of Warcraft journey. You can acquire your equipment from various sources such as raids, dungeons, PvE, PvP activities, and more. However, not all gear qualifies as Best-in-Slot (BiS), the top-tier equipment that can significantly enhance your power. So, to help you become the most powerful Shaman in Azeroth and beyond, WowVendor has compiled a BiS list for all three Shaman specializations: Restoration, Elemental, and Enhancement.

Please note that this list focuses solely on gearenchants, and gems. We won’t be discussing talents, rotations, or stats here. Also, if you play other classes, the article below includes links to the rest of the BiS class guides tailored just for you. Be sure to check it out:

Best Crafted Gear and Embellishments

This section covers the best-crafted gear and embellishments for all specs in The War Within Season 1. While crafted gear boosts your character and can be made via crafting orders using Sparks of Omensembellishments are unique enhancements that come built-in or can be added to this crafted gear, providing extra effects beyond the regular stats. Remember, you can only wear two pieces of gear with embellishments at once, as noted by the “Unique-Equipped: Embellished (2)” tag.

SpecializationBest Crafted GearBest Embellishments
Elemental ShamanEverforged Dagger, Everforged DefenderDarkmoon Sigil: Ascension, Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity, Elemental Focusing Lens
Enhancement ShamanCharged Facesmasher, Consecrated CloakDarkmoon Sigil: Ascension, Writhing Armor Banding, Elemental Focusing Lens
Restoration ShamanVagabond’s Bounding Baton, Consecrated CloakDarkmoon Sigil: Ascension, Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis, Dawnthread Lining

Restoration Shaman BiS The War Within

You’ll find three lists here: Restoration Shaman BiS from the Nerub’ar raid, Mythic+, and an overall best-in-slot list.

Restoration Shaman BiS from Nerub’ar Palace raid

Below is the best gear for Restoration Shaman in The War Within that you can find in Nerub’ar Palace, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Elusive Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond, one of Deadly Emerald, Versatile Ruby, Deadly Sapphire, and Deadly Onyx, and Versatile Ruby in all other sockets.

HeadNoetic of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
NeckLocket of Broken MemoriesRasha’nan
ShouldersConcourse of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
BackWings of Shattered SorrowRasha’nanEnchant Cloak – Chant of Leeching Fangs/Enchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestVestments of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultEnchant Chest – Council’s Intellect/Enchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristsKy’veza’s Covert ClaspsNexus-Princess Ky’vezaEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech/Enchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Avoidance
HandsCovenant of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
WaistAccelerated Ascension CoilBroodtwister Ovi’nax
LegsLiquified Defector’s LeggingsQueen AnsurekDaybreak Spellthread/Sunset Spellthread
FeetRasha’nan’s Grotesque TalonsRasha’nanEnchant Boots – Scout’s March/Enchant Boots – Defender’s March
RingSeal of the Poisoned PactQueen AnsurekEnchant Ring – Cursed Critical Strike/Enchant Ring – Radiant Critical Strike
RingWrithing RingwormBroodtwister Ovi’naxEnchant Ring – Cursed Versatility/Enchant Ring – Radiant Versatility
TrinketOvi’nax’s Mercurial EggBroodtwister Ovi’nax
TrinketSpymaster’s WebAnub’arash
One-handed weaponSovereign’s DisdainQueen AnsurekEnchant Weapon – Authority of Fiery Resolve/Enchant Weapon – Oathsworn’s Tenacity
Off-handCrest of the Caustic DespotQueen Ansurek
Two-handed weaponTakazj’s Entropic EdictAnub’arashEnchant Weapon – Authority of Fiery Resolve/Enchant Weapon – Oathsworn’s Tenacity

Restoration Shaman BiS from Mythic+

Below is the best gear for Restoration Shaman in The War Within that you can find in Mythic+, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Elusive Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond, one of Deadly Emerald, Versatile Ruby, Deadly Sapphire, and Deadly Onyx, and Versatile Ruby in all other sockets.

HeadNoetic of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Great Vault
NeckElder’s Hemolymphal PeriaptCity of Threads
ShouldersConcourse of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Great Vault
BackSwarmcaller’s ShroudAra-Kara, City of EchoesEnchant Cloak – Chant of Leeching Fangs/Enchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestVestments of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Great VaultEnchant Chest – Council’s Intellect/Enchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristsDread Captain’s IronsSiege of BoralusEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech/Enchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Avoidance
HandsCovenant of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Great Vault
WaistAnchor Chain GirdleSiege of Boralus
LegsLichbone LegguardsThe Necrotic WakeDaybreak Spellthread/Sunset Spellthread
FeetStriders of Restless MaliceThe Necrotic WakeEnchant Boots – Scout’s March/Enchant Boots – Defender’s March
RingBand of the Ancient DredgerSiege of BoralusEnchant Ring – Cursed Critical Strike/Enchant Ring – Radiant Critical Strike
RingStitchflesh’s Misplaced SignetThe Necrotic WakeEnchant Ring – Cursed Versatility/Enchant Ring – Radiant Versatility
TrinketUnbound ChangelingMists of Tirna Scithe
TrinketGale of ShadowsGrim Batol
One-handed weaponModgud’s BladeGrim BatolEnchant Weapon – Authority of Fiery Resolve/Enchant Weapon – Oathsworn’s Tenacity
Off-handOld-Blood HielamanCity of Threads
Two-handed weaponWardbreaker of the FracturedThe StonevaultEnchant Weapon – Authority of Fiery Resolve/Enchant Weapon – Oathsworn’s Tenacity

Restoration Shaman BiS from in general

Below is the best gear for Restoration Shaman in The War Within that you can find in general, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Elusive Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond, one of Deadly Emerald, Versatile Ruby, Deadly Sapphire, and Deadly Onyx, and Versatile Ruby in all other sockets.

HeadNoetic of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
NeckLocket of Broken MemoriesRasha’nan
ShouldersConcourse of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
BackWings of Shattered SorrowRasha’nanEnchant Cloak – Chant of Leeching Fangs/Enchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestVestments of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultEnchant Chest – Council’s Intellect/Enchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristsKy’veza’s Covert ClaspsNexus-Princess Ky’vezaEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech/Enchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Avoidance
HandsCovenant of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
WaistAccelerated Ascension CoilBroodtwister Ovi’nax
LegsLiquified Defector’s LeggingsQueen AnsurekDaybreak Spellthread/Sunset Spellthread
FeetStriders of Restless MaliceThe Necrotic WakeEnchant Boots – Scout’s March/Enchant Boots – Defender’s March
RingSeal of the Poisoned PactQueen AnsurekEnchant Ring – Cursed Critical Strike/Enchant Ring – Radiant Critical Strike
RingDevout Zealot’s RingThe DawnbreakerEnchant Ring – Cursed Versatility/Enchant Ring – Radiant Versatility
TrinketGale of ShadowsGrim Batol
TrinketSpymaster’s WebAnub’arash
One-handed weaponSovereign’s DisdainQueen AnsurekEnchant Weapon – Authority of Fiery Resolve/Enchant Weapon – Oathsworn’s Tenacity
Off-handCrest of the Caustic DespotQueen Ansurek
Two-handed weaponWardbreaker of the FracturedThe StonevaultEnchant Weapon – Authority of Fiery Resolve/Enchant Weapon – Oathsworn’s Tenacity

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Elemental Shaman BiS The War Within

You’ll find three lists here: Elemental Shaman BiS from the Nerub’ar raid, Mythic+, and an overall best-in-slot list.

Elemental Shaman BiS from Nerub’ar Palace raid

Below is the best gear for Elemental Shaman in The War Within that you can find in Nerub’ar Palace, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Elusive Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond, one of Quick Sapphire, Deadly Emerald, and Quick Ruby, and Deadly Emerald in all other sockets.

HeadFinal Meal’s HornsUlgrax the Devourer
NeckLocket of Broken MemoriesRasha’nan
ShouldersConcourse of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
BackConsecrated CloakTailoringEnchant Cloak – Chant of Burrowing Rapidity/Enchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestVestments of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristsKy’veza’s Covert ClaspsNexus-Princess Ky’vezaEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Speed
HandsCovenant of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
WaistLost Watcher’s RemainsThe Bloodbound Horror
LegsSarong of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultSunset Spellthread
FeetRasha’nan’s Grotesque TalonsRasha’nanEnchant Boots – Scout’s March/Enchant Boots – Defender’s March
RingWrithing RingwormBroodtwister Ovi’naxEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
RingKey to the UnseemingThe Bloodbound HorrorEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
TrinketSpymaster’s WebAnub’arash
TrinketOvi’nax’s Mercurial EggBroodtwister Ovi’nax
One-handed weaponSovereign’s DisdainQueen AnsurekEnchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power/Enchant Weapon – Stormrider’s Fury 
Off-handCrest of the Caustic DespotQueen Ansurek

Elemental Shaman BiS from Mythic+

Below is the best gear for Elemental Shaman in The War Within that you can find in Mythic+, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Elusive Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond, one of Quick Sapphire, Deadly Emerald, and Quick Ruby, and Deadly Emerald in all other sockets.

HeadWildhammer Riding HelmGrim Batol
Neck“Emergency Stop” KeychainThe Stonevault
ShouldersWintersnap ShoulderguardsMists of Tirna Scithe
BackAnvilhide CapeThe StonevaultEnchant Cloak – Chant of Burrowing Rapidity/Enchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestGoliath’s Chitinous ChainmailThe DawnbreakerEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristsDread Captain’s IronsSiege of BoralusEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Speed
HandsClaws of Tainted IchorAra-Kara, City of Echoes
WaistAnchor Chain GirdleSiege of Boralus
LegsEntwined Chimeric LegguardsCity of ThreadsSunset Spellthread
FeetRed Scale BootsGrim BatolEnchant Boots – Scout’s March/Enchant Boots – Defender’s March
RingBand of the Ancient DredgerSiege of BoralusEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
RingStitchflesh’s Misplaced SignetThe Necrotic WakeEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
TrinketUnbound ChangelingMists of Tirna Scithe
TrinketAra-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
One-handed weaponUnceremonious BloodletterAra-Kara, City of EchoesEnchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power/Enchant Weapon – Stormrider’s Fury 
Off-handEncrusted Canopic LidThe Necrotic Wake
Two-handed weaponWardbreaker of the FracturedThe StonevaultEnchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power/Enchant Weapon – Stormrider’s Fury 

Elemental Shaman BiS in general

Below is the best gear for Elemental Shaman in The War Within that you can find in general, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Elusive Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond, one of Quick Sapphire, Deadly Emerald, and Quick Ruby, and Deadly Emerald in all other sockets.

HeadFinal Meal’s HornsUlgrax the Devourer
NeckAmulet of Earthen CraftsmanshipJewelcrafting
ShouldersConcourse of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
BackConsecrated CloakTailoringEnchant Cloak – Chant of Burrowing Rapidity/Enchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestVestments of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristsKy’veza’s Covert ClaspsNexus-Princess Ky’vezaEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Speed
HandsCovenant of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
WaistLost Watcher’s RemainsThe Bloodbound Horror
LegsSarong of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultSunset Spellthread
FeetRed Scale BootsGrim BatolEnchant Boots – Scout’s March/Enchant Boots – Defender’s March
RingStitchflesh’s Misplaced SignetThe Necrotic WakeEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
RingBand of the Ancient DredgerSiege of BoralusEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
TrinketSpymaster’s WebAnub’arash
TrinketAra-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
One-handed weaponSovereign’s DisdainQueen AnsurekEnchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power/Enchant Weapon – Stormrider’s Fury 
Off-handCrest of the Caustic DespotQueen Ansurek

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Enhancement Shaman BiS The War Within

You’ll find three lists here: Enhancement Shaman BiS from the Nerub’ar raid, Mythic+, and an overall best-in-slot list.

Enhancement Shaman BiS from Nerub’ar Palace raid

Below is the best gear for Enhancement Shaman in The War Within that you can find in Nerub’ar Palace, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond, one of Quick Sapphire, Quick Onyx, and Quick Ruby, and Masterful Emerald in all other sockets.

HeadNoetic of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
NeckSureki Zealot’s InsigniaSikran
ShouldersConcourse of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
BackRoyal Emblem of Nerub-arUlgrax the DevourerEnchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestGoresplattered MembraneThe Bloodbound HorrorEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristsThrone Defender’s BanglesSikranEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Avoidance
HandsCovenant of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
WaistLost Watcher’s RemainsThe Bloodbound Horror
LegsSarong of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultStormbound Armor Kit
FeetRasha’nan’s Grotesque TalonsRasha’nanEnchant Boots – Defender’s March
RingKey to the UnseemingThe Bloodbound HorrorEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
RingSeal of the Poisoned PactQueen AnsurekEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
TrinketVoid Reaper’s ContractNexus-Princess Ky’veza
TrinketTreacherous Transmitter/Ovi’nax’s Mercurial EggNexus-Princess Ky’veza/Broodtwister Ovi’nax
Weapon 1Void Reaper’s Warp BladeNexus-Princess Ky’vezaEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths/Enchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power
Weapon 2Bludgeons of Blistering WindRasha’nanEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths/Enchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power

Enhancement Shaman BiS from Mythic+

Below is the best gear for Enhancement Shaman in The War Within that you can find in Mythic+, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond, one of Quick Sapphire, Quick Onyx, and Quick Ruby, and Masterful Emerald in all other sockets.

HeadCryptbound HeadpieceAra-Kara, City of Echoes
Neck“Emergency Stop” KeychainThe Stonevault
ShouldersWintersnap ShoulderguardsMists of Tirna Scithe
BackAnvilhide CapeThe StonevaultEnchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestGoliath’s Chitinous ChainmailThe DawnbreakerEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristsHiveswarm BracersMists of Tirna ScitheEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Avoidance
HandsClaws of Tainted IchorAra-Kara, City of Echoes
WaistReinforced Anti-Intruder ChainmailThe Stonevault
LegsEntwined Chimeric LegguardsCity of ThreadsStormbound Armor Kit
FeetSilksteel StridersAra-Kara, City of EchoesEnchant Boots – Defender’s March
RingStitchflesh’s Misplaced SignetThe Necrotic WakeEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
RingCircle of BoneGrim BatolEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
TrinketSkardyn’s GraceGrim Batol
TrinketAra-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
Weapon 1Eirich’s Fist of DeceptionThe StonevaultEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths/Enchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power
Weapon 2Bainbridge’s BlackjackSiege of BoralusEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths/Enchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power

Enhancement Shaman BiS in general

Below is the best gear for Enhancement Shaman in The War Within that you can find in general, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond, one of Quick Sapphire, Quick Onyx, and Quick Ruby, and Masterful Emerald in all other sockets.

HeadNoetic of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
NeckSureki Zealot’s InsigniaSikran
ShouldersConcourse of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
BackConsecrated CloakTailoringEnchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestGoresplattered MembraneCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristsThrone Defender’s BanglesSikranEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Avoidance
HandsCovenant of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
WaistReinforced Anti-Intruder ChainmailThe Stonevault
LegsSarong of the Forgotten ReservoirCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultStormbound Armor Kit
FeetSilksteel StridersAra-Kara, City of EchoesEnchant Boots – Defender’s March
RingKey to the UnseemingThe Bloodbound HorrorEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
RingSeal of the Poisoned PactQueen AnsurekEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
TrinketAra-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
TrinketSkardyn’s Grace/Empowering Crystal of Anub’ikkajGrim Batol/The Dawnbreaker
Weapon 1Void Reaper’s Warp BladeNexus-Princess Ky’vezaEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths/Enchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power
Weapon 2Charged Facesmasher/Eirich’s Fist of DeceptionBlacksmithing/The StonevaultEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths/Enchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power

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And with that, it’s time to wrap up our Shaman BiS guide for The War Within across all three specs. Let us know if these lists have helped you on your adventures in Azeroth and happy gaming!

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