The War Within Alchemy guide 1–100: Level up fast

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Welcome to our ultimate The War Within Alchemy guide for leveling up from 1 to 100 in the most efficient way possible.

The War Within Alchemy guide 1–100: Level up fast

Alongside this Alchemy guide, we’ve created a dedicated article covering all 11 primary professions. Inside, we highlight Blizzard’s changes in The War Within professions and provide a user-friendly list for quick access to the information you need. Be sure to check it out:

Why should you choose Alchemy as your profession?

Alchemy has become increasingly valuable due to the rising demand for consumables, especially with the return of Flasks and the introduction a new category called Phials. These changes benefit everyone – raiders can use items like the Potion of Unwavering Focus and the Algari Flask Cauldron. At the same time, Auction House crafters can enhance their crafts with the Phial of Concentrated Ingenuity.

Specializing in Fantastic Flasks can provide you with significant advantages. By investing just 15 Knowledge Points, you can receive two 50% bonuses to Flask and Phial duration.

Alchemy also brings new recipes to The War Within crafting table, including essential consumables like the Algari Healing PotionAlgari Mana PotionPotion of Unwavering FocusFlask of Alchemical Chaos, and Phial of Concentrated Ingenuity. These items are in high demand, especially during events like World First races, and can be highly profitable at the Auction House, even as the market saturates.

Additionally, you can experiment with Transmutagens, like the Ominous and Gleaming ones, to turn one item into another, offering opportunities for rare items like the Blasphemite gem. This can be especially lucrative if you have multiple alts working on Alchemy.

Finally, Alchemy offers powerful raid tools, like the Algari Flask Cauldron and Algari Potion Cauldron, which allow you to provide Potions and Flasks to your entire party. Plus, Alchemist Stones, like the new Algari Alchemist Stone, offer unique bonuses exclusive to Alchemists.

What is the best combo with Alchemy in WoW?

As an Alchemist, combining Alchemy with Herbalism is a smart move. With Herbalism, you can collect herbs and resources from the environment, which you can use to craft potions, elixirs, and flasks to sell to other players for profit. These crafted items offer unique benefits like healing, mana restoration, and temporary stat boosts, which many raiders and M+ players appreciate. Pairing these two professions also enables you to be self-sufficient as you won’t have to buy herbs at the Auction House, saving you gold.

The War Within Alchemy specializations

Specializations in The War Within offer more flexibility in skill development than previous profession versions. While the updates are minor, you can eventually master all specializations in your chosen profession. However, gathering the necessary Knowledge Points will take time, so it’s important to choose your first specialization carefully.

In Khaz Algar Alchemy, there are four specializations designed to improve your crafting and gathering skills: Alchemical MasteryFantastic FlasksPotent Potions, and Thaumaturgy. To fully develop all four, you’ll need 565 Knowledge Points, allocated as follows:

Alchemical Mastery

This Alchemical Mastery specialization enhances your Crafting and Secondary Skills, unlocks new recipes, and improves your ability to master new herbs in The War Within. Each herb is designed to boost crafting results and reduce negative effects, like those from Mycobloom.

Fantastic Flasks

The Fantastic Flasks specialization boosts your Flask and Phial crafting by offering new recipes and better crafting skills. Compared to its earlier version in Dragonflight, it’s now more streamlined, mainly enhancing Multicraft and adding popular Cauldron recipes.

Potent Potions

The Potent Potions specialization boosts crafting skills and unlocks new recipes for Potion Alchemists in The War Within. It offers a straightforward specialization tree that emphasizes Multicraft, a key element in potion crafting.


The new Thaumaturgy specialization centers on Transmutations, letting you divide skill bonuses into four reagent types: Mercurial, Ominous, Volatile, and Gleaming. It introduces new recipes and raises the limit on Transmutation crafts, which you can fully unlock by completing the specialization with Knowledge Points.

Approximate materials required

Here’s what you need to level up to around 30. There are too many variables for the 30-100 parts. Since quality isn’t important for leveling, just go for the cheapest options:

The War Within Alchemy trainer

Now that we have all the materials, it’s time to find a skilled trainer to teach you some new Alchemy recipes. In The War Within, there are two Khaz Algar Alchemy trainers who can teach you everything you need to know:

The War Within Alchemy guide: Leveling

Leveling Khaz Algar Alchemy in The War Within works a bit differently than other professions. Instead of unlocking recipes at specific skill levels, you’ll have access to all trainer-taught Khaz Algar Alchemy recipes by skill level 25 instead of the usual 50 from previous expansions. After that, progressing will mostly rely on discovering new recipes through Wild Experimentation and Meticulous Experimentation, as well as getting some guaranteed recipes from vendors and using Knowledge Points.

Goblin characters get a +5 boost to Alchemy due to their passive ability, Better Living Through Chemistry, while Kul Tiran characters receive a +2 bonus from their Jack of All Trades trait. These bonuses allow recipes to stay orange longer, letting you earn more skill points and potentially save gold by crafting lower-level recipes for extra points.

1 to 30

Below, you will discover a comprehensive The War Within Alchemy guide that will help you advance through levels with the least materials needed. At level 25, you’ll unlock specializations. The order in which you unlock them isn’t important because you’ll eventually unlock all four as you advance. However, it’s crucial to spend your Alchemy knowledge points wisely. Since these points are limited, avoid spending them impulsively. Instead, continue leveling up and save your knowledge points until you’re more certain about your direction.

Craft Coreway Catalyst

Craft 10x Algari Healing Potions by using 60x Mycobloom and 50x Gilded Vials. Then, use Neutralize Concoctions on the Algari Healing Potion you just made to obtain some Coreway Catalyst for experimentation.

Suppose you require more Coreway Catalyst; either craft more Healing Potions or purchase them at the Auction House if they are cheaper. You can also explore Cavedweller’s Delight, which may be less expensive than Healing Potions (although it’s not worth crafting).

Discover the basic potion recipes

Using Wild Experimentation on the listed herbs for the first time will teach you the basic Alchemy potion recipes. Do this first to earn your First Craft bonuses from crafting the basic potions.

Once you’re done, you’ll discover these potions: Algari Mana PotionSlumbering Soul Serum, and Cavedweller’s Delight.

First Craft bonuses

Crafting these two will give you extra skill points:

Discovery and Experimentation

Use Wild Experimentation until something dangerous happens. You’ll lose HP and be set back when it does, but it’s random — usually within 1 to 6 attempts. After your first hazardous result, you’ll unlock the Meticulous Experimentation recipe.

Then, keep using Wild Experimentation until you create a hazardous outcome again. While the chance of discovering new recipes is low, the likelihood of a dangerous result is quite high, so you might encounter a hazardous outcome even on your first attempt.

There’s a possibility you won’t discover anything new. In that case, you’ll receive a Recent Catastrophe debuff, preventing further experimentation for 15 minutes. The only way to clear this debuff is by drinking a Formulated Courage potion, a recipe you can learn by investing 30 points in the Alchemical Mastery specialization.

30 to 60

The most cost-effective method is to use Meticulous Experimentation. It’s inexpensive to craft, provides 5 skill points, and has a higher chance of discovering new recipes compared to Wild Experimentation. However, it has a 1-day cooldown. Crafting Meticulous Experimentation daily is advisable as it’s the best way to discover new potions; therefore, if you’re not rushing to reach level 100, craft 5x Meticulous Experimentation until it no longer provides multiple skill points at level 60.

Alternative methods

Here are the other ways to level up if you’d rather not wait for 5 days.

Craft already discovered potions, flasks, and phials

If you’re lucky enough to come across some useful flasks, phials, or potions, you can use them to level up. Make a few of each first to see how easy it is to sell them at the Auction House. If you notice they’re selling well, focus on making the one that gives you the most profit or the one where you lose the least gold. Remember that some potions sell for less than the cost of materials, so you might not make a profit.

Thaumaturgy up to 50

Remember that the Thaumaturgy specialization grants access to the Thaumaturgy ability, which allows you to transform 20 materials of your choice into 10-12 different materials and 1-2x Transmutagen. For instance, when using Thaumaturgy on 20x Mycobloom, you could obtain 5x Storm Dust, 6x Bismuth, and 1-2x Ominous Transmutagen. It’s important to note that Thaumaturgy only awards skill points up to 50, so you may still need to rely on experimentation or crafting potions or flasks to develop your skills further.

60 to 100

If you haven’t discovered any flask recipes yet, consider checking out the alternative recipes section below. Crafting flasks or potions is the most effective way to level up Alchemy to 100. During the levelling process, Meticulous Experimentation will remain yellow until reaching 100, so it’s important to craft it daily until obtaining a flask recipe.


After reaching level 90, flasks will yield a guaranteed 2 skill points per craft until they become yellow at level 100. However, Flask of Saving Graces will only give 1 skill point, so you’ll need to craft more of them to progress:


Potions provide a guaranteed skill point until level 80, after which they turn yellow. They remain effective until level 90, when they turn green, but they still provide skill points up to level 100:

Alternative methods

In addition to flasks and potions, transmutations are the only way to earn skill points up to level 100, but there are other phials and flasks available for use until reaching level 80.


In the Thaumaturgy specialization, each transmutation can earn you skill points up to 100. Most of them become yellow at 80 and green at 90. The downside is that they have a 1-day cooldown once you’ve used up all the charges.

Notably, Gleaming Glory is the exception, as it doesn’t have a cooldown and guarantees skill increases up to 100. However, to obtain enough Gleaming Transmutagen, you’ll need to invest a significant number of points in the Thaumaturgy specialization.

Profession Phials up to 80

The Phial of Truesight, Phial of Bountiful Seasons, Phial of Concentrated Ingenuity, and Phial of Enhanced Ambidexterity can provide skill points up to 80. However, the recipes are green between levels 70-80, so you’ll need to craft many of them.

The Phial of Truesight and Phial of Concentrated Ingenuity will likely be the most valuable, so consider crafting and selling a few at the Auction House. You can use them to reach skill level 80 if they sell well.

PvP Flasks up to 80

These items – Vicious Flask of Classical Spirits, Vicious Flask of Honor, and Vicious Flask of Manifested Fury – can grant skill points up to 80, with the last 10 points shown in green. You can purchase the recipes from Hotharn in Dornogal for 7,500 Honor each, but they are not Bind on Pickup (BoP), so you can also find them at the Auction House. Here are the recipes:

Darkmoon Faire

When the Darkmoon Faire is active, you can earn 2 skill points and 3 knowledge points by completing a short quest from Sylannia called A Fizzy Fusion. It’s best to save this quest for later to maximize the benefit from the extra skill points.

The War Within Alchemy guide: FAQ

Where to get the Philosopher’s Stone?

Each expansion offers its own version of an alchemy trinket, and any of these can be used to perform transmutations across all expansions. For example:
Vanilla: Philosopher’s Stone
TBC: Mercurial Stone
WotLK: Alchemist Stone variants
Additionally, the Algari Alchemist Stone is the latest trinket from The War Within expansion.

If I create an Algari Flask Cauldron with lower-quality mats, does it lower the effectiveness of the potions? If so, can I create a lower-level Cauldron for the points and upgrade it later?

Using lower-quality materials for an Algari Flask Cauldron can definitely reduce the potions’ effectiveness. As for creating a lower-level Cauldron and upgrading it later, you can upgrade it as you go, but you’ll need specific materials to improve its quality.

Top contributors to this guide on WowVendor

Thank you for spending your time and effort discovering and sharing your findings with us on WowVendor!

Jim BakerWhy should you choose Alchemy as your profession?
Phi AnhWhy should you choose Alchemy as your profession?
Tim HodsonWhy should you choose Alchemy as your profession?

Conclusion for The War Within Alchemy guide

We hope this The War Within Alchemy guide has been helpful to you. A special thanks to WoW-professions for their valuable resources. May your Alchemy adventures bring you continued joy in your travels in the new expansion!

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I have 50 points into Alchemical Mastery and 30 points into Fantastic Flasks to unlock the Algari Flask Cauldron. I’m at 89 skill (so I can pick up 11 more skill from maxing the profession). The cauldron doesn’t directly use any herbs, so what skills improve your skill in crafting this? Right now I can only make it at r1, using concentration I can get to r2. What categories will increase applicable skill for the cauldron – Professional Phials maybe?

Tim Hodsonsays:

If I create a cauldron with lower quality mats, does it lower the effectiveness of the potions? If so, can I create a lower level cauldron for the points and upgrade it later?


Hi Tim! 😊 Using lower-quality materials for an Algari Flask Cauldron can definitely reduce the potions’ effectiveness. As for creating a lower-level Cauldron and upgrading it later, you can upgrade it as you go, but you’ll need specific materials to improve its quality.

Tim Hodsonsays:

Hello Felicie. I just saw your response, and thank you for it. I am curious though, you say you can upgrade the cauldron as you go. Will it show up in the recraft menu? And what materials are required? And just so I’m clear…I can craft a T2 cauldron, but then upgrade it later without having to buy another cauldron?

Jim Bakersays:

would really like to know where to get the philosophers stone is one from the past ok no one seems to answer this. thank you

Phi Anh
Phi Anhsays:

Every expansion has a version of the trinket. You can use any of them to enable alchemy transmutations for all expansions’ content. Some examples are:

Vanilla: Philosopher’s Stone
TBC: Mercurial Stone
WotLK: Alchemist Stone variants, etc.

And, of course, there’s the Algari Alchemist Stone, the new alchemy trinket from The War Within