How to farm Profession Knowledge in The War Within

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to farm Profession Knowledge in The War Within.

How to farm Profession Knowledge in The War Within

This article provides detailed information on the best ways to farm Profession Knowledge points in The War Within. Some methods might not be immediately obvious, but they can earn you a significant amount of Knowledge, which is why we’ve included them. 

If you’re a serious crafter, these techniques will likely fit into your daily routine, so we recommend using all of them for the best results. We’ll keep this guide updated with the newest and most effective methods as more information becomes available, so feel free to bookmark it for future reference. Also, if you’re looking to level up your profession, check out our helpful and informative article covering all the primary profession guides:

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What is Profession Knowledge used for?

Profession Knowledge is a special currency that carried away from Dragonflight to The War Within. It allows you to specialize in primary profession trees, unlock new recipes and skills, and the ability to increase your chances of finding rare materials and crafting top-tier items at the highest ranks, earning you a lot of gold. 

As you can see, Profession Knowledge is quite valuable if you’re a dedicated crafter. Since it’s not always clear where to farm these Knowledge points, this guide is here to help you on your journey through Khaz Algar.

How many Profession Knowledge points can you get weekly?

The number of Profession Knowledge points you can earn each week depends on your profession and the activities you complete. Generally, for every Knowledge point you earn, you’ll also receive 5x Artisan’s Acuity. For example, earning 15x Profession Knowledge points weekly gives you 75x Artisan’s Acuity.

The values for Patron Crafting Orders are still being worked out, so they’re just estimates at the moment. You can earn around 8-12x Profession Knowledge points every 3-4 days, meaning you’ll get about 1624 weekly. Enchanters, however, earn their weekly Knowledge through disenchanting items instead of Patron Crafting Orders.

ProfessionWeekly QuestPatron Crafting OrdersTreasure DropsTreatisesGatheringWeekly Total

The War Within Knowledge Points farm

Below, you’ll discover all the currently known methods to farm Profession Knowledge points in the new expansion.

One time sources

Before you start farming, it’s a good idea to complete all the one-time ways to earn Profession Knowledge first, so you can focus on regular methods with peace of mind.

First Craft Bonuses

The easiest way to gain Profession Knowledge is through First Craft Bonuses. Whenever you craft an item for the first time, you’ll earn a bonus, which includes 1x Profession Knowledge point. 

To check which First Craft Bonuses are still available, open your profession window, click “Filters,” and select “First Craft Bonus.” Remember, every new recipe counts towards this bonus — whether learned from a trainer, specialization unlock, or purchased from a vendor. Be sure to craft each new recipe at least once to earn those Profession Knowledge points.

You can also get the First Craft Bonus through Crafting Orders. If you do not urgently need Knowledge Points, it might be wise to save the more expensive recipes and wait for a Patron Crafting Order.

Profession Treasures

Another great way to quickly gain Profession Knowledge is by collecting Profession Treasures. Each zone has two Treasures per profession, and each Treasure grants 3x Profession Knowledge points. This means you can quickly gather 24x Profession Knowledge points by exploring and finding these Treasures in each Khaz Algar zone. 

While they’re usually easy to spot and some rare scanner addons can help, we suggest using the HandyNotes and HandyNotes: The War Within addons. These will mark the Treasure locations on your map, making it simple to collect them and use that Profession Knowledge immediately. However, if the Treasure is inside a building, it might not show up on your minimap, so you may have to look around more carefully. 

Also, note that you need the profession to see these Treasures, but no specific skill level is required. You can loot them with just skill level 1. Also, you don’t have to be level 80 to collect the Treasures. If you don’t want to install the addons mentioned above, we suggest using the following coordinates:

Alchemy Knowledge Treasures
Blacksmithing Knowledge Treasures
Enchanting Knowledge Treasures
Engineering Knowledge Treasures
Inscription Knowledge Treasures
Jewelcrafting Knowledge Treasures
Leatherworking Knowledge Treasures
Tailoring Knowledge Treasures
Herbalism Knowledge Treasures
Mining Knowledge Treasures
Skinning Knowledge Treasures

Artisan’s Acuity vendor

Artisan's Acuity vendor

You can earn Profession Knowledge points from the Artisan’s Consortium vendor in Crafter’s Enclave, Dornogal, at coordinates [61.31, 65.86]. Find Lyrendal and check his inventory, where he sells three Knowledge Books for each of your professions. Each Book grants 10x Profession Knowledge points when used, but they are costly, and the price increases with each one:

These Books give 10x Profession Knowledge points for crafting professions and 15x for gathering ones. While expensive, you get some Artisan’s Acuity back — either 50 or 75, depending on the profession — so the actual cost is lower. 

Since Artisan’s Acuity is essential for high-level crafting and profession tools, investing in these notes is important to specialize and reach Rank 5. Typically, you earn 5x Artisan’s Acuity for each Profession Knowledge point, so using one of these items gives you 50x Artisan’s Acuity back, reducing the overall cost.

There’s also a quick quest called “Crafting to Order” in the same building, where you talk to Roldira. Finishing it gives you a satchel of profession materials and 350x Artisan’s Acuity — enough to buy your first item and get a jumpstart on the next.

Renown Books

You can earn more Profession Knowledge Books through Renown rewards. Each Renown level gives Knowledge for specific professions, so check which ones you need. Reputation farming is now easier, especially if you complete weekly tasks. Plus, Renown is shared across your account, so once you unlock a level, all your characters can access the Books.

At Renown 12, you can buy Profession Knowledge Books from three Renown Quartermasters. Each Book gives 10x Profession Knowledge points and costs 50x Artisan’s Acuity, but you’ll earn it back, making them essentially free. Here’s how it breaks down:

The Severed Threads faction does not provide direct Profession Knowledge Books. However, in the City of Threads, Azj-Kahet, you can buy a special Knowledge item for 565x Kej, which gives you 10x Profession Knowledge points. If you’re short of the Kej currency and wondering how and where to farm it in The War Within, be sure to check the following guide out:

Here are the coordinates to help you find Profession Suppliers in the area that sell these items:

AlchemyTheories of Bodily Transmutation, Chapter 8Siesbarg[45.4, 13.0]
BlacksmithingSmithing After SaroniteRakka[46.6, 21.8]
EnchantingWeb Sparkles: Pretty and PowerfulIliani[45.4, 33.5]
EngineeringClocks, Gears, Sprockets, and LegsRukku[58.3, 31.5]
HerbalismHerbal Embalming TechniquesLlyot[46.9, 16.1]
InscriptionEight Views on Defense against Hostile RunesNuel Prill[42.2, 27.2]
JewelcraftingEmergent Crystals of the Surface-DwellersAlvus Valavulu[47.7, 18.7]
LeatherworkingUses for Leftover Husks (After You Take Them Apart)Kama[43.1, 20.6]
MiningA Rocky StartRakka[46.6, 21.8]
SkinningUses for Leftover Husks (How to Take Them Apart)Kama[43.1, 20.6]
TailoringAnd That’s A Web-Wrap!Saaria[50.4, 17.0]

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Regular sources

Here are some methods you can use regularly during your gaming sessions to earn Profession Knowledge points.

Patron Crafting Orders

Patron Crafting Orders

One of the main ways to earn Profession Knowledge points in crafting professions is through Patron (NPC) Crafting Orders. These can be found in the crafting order menu at the bottom left of your profession window, but they only appear when you’re near a profession table. Ensure you’re in Dornogal and close to the table before checking for orders.

Depending on your profession, you can earn between 16-24x Profession Knowledge points per week from these orders. However, Patron Crafting Orders can be tricky because they often require specific recipes, meet certain quality standards, and use your materials.

These Orders are unique to your character, meaning no one can take them. The list of available NPC orders is random for each player, so you might not always be able to complete them if you’re missing skills or recipes.

Patron Crafting Orders

Patron Crafting Orders function like personal work orders. You’ll see the items requested, the offered commission, and any materials provided. To access Crafting Orders:

  1. Go to your profession trainer in Dornogal and find your Crafting Table.
  2. Open your profession window.
  3. Click the “Crafting Orders” tab at the bottom.
  4. Switch to the “Patron Orders” tab at the top.

Also note that only specific Orders provide Profession Knowledge points, and some also grant Artisan’s Acuity. It’s crucial to prioritize Orders that offer either Knowledge or Acuity

However, be careful, as many Orders don’t supply all the materials, and commissions are often low. Some Orders may cost a lot of gold to complete while offering very little in return. They might also require high-tier or rare recipes that are hard to craft unless you’re highly skilled.

Weekly Profession quests

In The War Within, each profession has one weekly quest. For Gathering professions and Enchanting, you can pick up the quest from your profession trainer in the main city, usually requiring specific item turn-ins. Completing it rewards 3x Profession Knowledge points. 

For Crafting professions, the weekly quest involves fulfilling crafting orders, which grants 2x Profession Knowledge points for most professions, except Engineering, which only gives 1x. You can get the crafting orders quest from Kala Clayhoof in Dornogal at [59.2, 55.6].

Random treasures

Weekly Profession quests

You can also find two Profession Knowledge items weekly by collecting random treasures scattered around the Khaz Algar zones. This includes small, constantly respawning World Treasures, which may drop Profession Knowledge items, and Disturbed Earth piles you can dig through for random encounters. 

The amount of Profession Knowledge points you gain depends on your profession, but World Treasures and Disturbed Earth piles usually grant 1-2x Profession Knowledge points when used. We recommend using an addon like Rare Scanner to help locate them more quickly.

Treatise Books

Treatise Books

Each week, you can earn 1x Profession Knowledge point using a Profession Treatise, which players with the Inscription profession craft. If you’re not a Scribe, you must place a Public Crafting Order to get one, as they’re bind-on-pickup (BoP). Though they can be expensive, they’re an easy way to gain an extra Profession Knowledge point weekly.

However, if you are a Scribe with 30x points in the Pursuit of Knowledge specialization, your personal Treatise grants 2x points instead. The materials required are simple but may be pricey at the moment. You can use one Treatise per profession each week, making it a reliable way to boost Profession Knowledge if you can afford it:

Algari Treatise on Alchemy2x Viridescent Spores, 1x Boundless Cipher, 2x Apricate Ink
Algari Treatise on Blacksmithing2x Writhing Sample, 1x Boundless Cipher, 2x Shadow Ink
Algari Treatise on Enchanting2x Leyline Residue, 1x Boundless Cipher, 2x Shadow Ink
Algari Treatise on Engineering2x Writhing Sample, 1x Boundless Cipher, 2x Shadow Ink
Algari Treatise on Herbalism2x Viridescent Spores, 1x Boundless Cipher, 2x Apricate Ink
Algari Treatise on Inscription2x Leyline Residue, 1x Boundless Cipher, 2x Apricate Ink
Algari Treatise on Jewelcrafting2x Crystalline Powder, 1x Boundless Cipher, 2x Shadow Ink
Algari Treatise on Leatherworking2x Viridescent Spores, 1x Boundless Cipher, 2x Apricate Ink
Algari Treatise on Mining2x Crystalline Powder, 1x Boundless Cipher, 2x Shadow Ink
Algari Treatise on Skinning2x Viridescent Spores, 1x Boundless Cipher, 2x Apricate Ink
Algari Treatise on Tailoring2x Leyline Residue, 1x Boundless Cipher, 2x Apricate Ink

Darkmoon Faire profession quests

(Source: Wowhead)

Darkmoon Faire profession quests occur monthly, not weekly, but they’re worth mentioning here. The next Darkmoon Faire begins on October 5 (US) and October 6 (EU), and concludes on October 12 (US) and October 13 (EU), 2024. We’ll update the schedule on an ongoing basis.

During this event, you can complete quests for your professions, which reward you with +2 Khaz Algar Profession Skill and +3 Khaz Algar Profession Knowledge. Below is a list of all profession quests, the NPCs who offer them, and tips for completing the harder ones.

Shopping list

Some quests need extra items, but you can easily buy them from vendors. Avoid the Auction House. Before going to Darkmoon Island, grab these items for your profession quests. They’re not sold on the island itself, so if you forget them, you’ll have to return to Elwynn Forest or Mulgore:

ProfessionItems neededSold by
Alchemy5x Moonberry JuiceBarkeep Dobbins in Elwynn Forest, Kuruk in Thunder Bluff
Cooking5x Simple FlourTharynn Bouden in Elwynn Forest, Shadi Mistrunner in Thunder Bluff
Inscription5x Light Parchment
Leatherworking10x Shiny Bauble, 5x Coarse Thread, 5x Blue Dye
Tailoring1x Coarse Thread, 1x Red Dye, 1x Blue Dye
Crafting professions
AlchemyA Fizzy FusionSylanniaThe Fizzy Faire Drink is sold by the quest giver.
BlacksmithingBaby Needs Two Pair of ShoesYebb NeblegearYou can find an Anvil besides Barum.
EnchantingPutting Trash to Good UseSaygeYou can’t use your Disenchant ability on these items. Just right-click to use them.
EngineeringTalkin’ TonksRinlingYou’ll need to search the fairgrounds for broken tonks. They’ll be lying on the ground with their name in grey.
InscriptionWriting the FutureSaygeIf you forget to buy Light Parchment, you can simply use your Yak or Mammoth vendor mount to purchase it from the vendor right on your mount.
JewelcraftingKeeping the Faire SparklingChronosBit of Glass, resembling broken green and blue bottles, are scattered across the island.
LeatherworkingEyes on the PrizesRinlingSee the Shopping List above.
TailoringBanners, Banners Everywhere!Selina DourmanLoose stones line the edge of the main path, mostly scattered in the grass. If you zoom in and check along the sides, you’ll spot them sparkling.
Gathering Professions
HerbalismHerbs for HealingChronos
MiningRearm, Reuse, RecycleRinlingSearch the fairgrounds for sparkling scraps.
SkinningTan My HideChronosThey look like skins stretched over a rack of branches and are usually found around the tents.
Secondary Professions
ArchaeologyFun for the Little OnesProfessor Thaddeus Paleo
CookingPutting the Crunch in the FrogStamp ThunderhornSee the Shopping List above.
FishingSpoilin’ for Salty Sea DogsStamp ThunderhornGo to any open spot around the faire and start fishing.

Helpful addons


First, we recommend downloading the profession-specific WeeklyKnowledge addon. It gives you a checklist of all the weekly Knowledge sources for your characters and professions. This way, you can easily see which characters still need to gather one-time or weekly sources, like quests, treasures, or treaties.

By typing /weeklyknowledge or /wk,  you can access a quick overview of all the important professions info you need. This includes your Skill Level, total Knowledge points needed to max out each tree, and how many Profession Knowledge points are left to earn for the week. Sections marked in green show completed tasks, so you can hover over each section for details on how to earn the remaining points.


Afterward, we recommend grabbing the HandyNotes addon. It places markers on your map to show where profession treasures are located. It’s a great all-around tool for finding things on your map, and it’s always updated, so it stays useful as new patches come out. Note that one HandyNotes file is the main addon, while the other is a plugin that shows content from the expansion. To avoid any issues, be sure to install both.


There’s also a popular WeakAura plugin called Myu’s Knowledge Points Tracker that tracks missing Knowledge items and even helps you locate them by clicking on the list. This is perfect for finding treasures without needing to install HandyNotes, and it helps you keep track of your progress throughout the week. To ensure everything will work as intended, install the WeakAura addon first.

Final words

With these methods, you can earn around 90x Profession Knowledge points quickly, even without factoring in first-time crafts, which can vary depending on your profession and specialization. If you haven’t unlocked the Renown book or the Artisan’s Consortium one, you could get an additional 20x Profession Knowledge points on top of that.

This Knowledge boost should be more than enough to help you focus on crafting the best materials, high-rank daggers, or cloth shoulders. You won’t max out everything at Rank 5 yet, but you’ll be able to get a few guaranteed Rank 5 crafts with this head start. Remember to keep up with NPC work orders that reward Knowledge, and you’ll stay competitive with top crafters.

Here, we conclude our “How to farm Profession Knowledge in The War Within” guide. Hopefully, you found this information helpful, and we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below!

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Josean Rodriguezsays:

i was on my hunter on the bee are and keep getting Knowledge Points for skinning/leatherworking from skinning them to the point the i got to open all epic mail i am wonndering if i can do the same for blacksmith