TWW Season 2 Profession Knowledge points reset system datamined

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Season 2 will bring the Profession Knowledge reset system to the game. Here is everything we know from data mining.

TWW Season 2 Profession Knowledge reset system datamined

TWW Season 2 data mining is proceeding at full speed, bringing more and more news. This time, the community found an upcoming new feature. In Season 2, players will get a Profession Knowledge points reset system. For now, we don’t know how and when players will be able to use this system. However, we have in-game evidence of Blizzard adding such a mechanic into the game. Here are all the known ones:

This Season 2 Progession Knowledge reset system is something the community has been begging for since this professions aspect first appeared in Dragonflight. Players are excited about this news and hope to see this feature in the game soon. We will keep you updated on this topic with any new information about it. For now, you can learn more about Profession Knowledge and how to farm it in our Profession Knowledge guide.

What do you think about the Season 2 Profession Knowledge points reset system? Let us know your opinion in the comments!

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