Patch 10.2.6: Shadowlands Meta-Achievement and A New Mount!
Dragonflight Patch 10.2.6 brings the Shadowlands meta-achievement and a new mount!

With Patch 10.2.6 in full swing, Shadowlands’ meta-achievement “Back from the Beyond” has returned. This meta-achievement, known for granting the prestigious Veilstrider title, was temporarily removed during the launch of Dragonflight. However, now, Blizzard has decided to bring it back with a fresh twist.
The reintroduced meta-achievement now comes with a brand-new mount: Zovaal’s Soul Eater. You will receive it as soon as you complete all the following achievements:
- Castle Nathria
- Dead Men Tell Some Tales
- From A to Zereth
- Myths of the Shadowlands Dungeons
- Re-Re-Re-Renowned
- Sanctum of Domination
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Tower Ranger
- Chains of Domination
- Fake It ‘Til You Make It
- Many, Many Things
- On the Offensive
- Sanctum Superior
- Secrets of the First Ones
- Shadowlands Dilettante
- Walking in Maw-mphis
It’s important to note that if you have previously earned the Veilstrider title, you don’t need to repeat all these achievements to obtain the title and the mount. Both will be granted automatically.
What do you think? Are you ready to return to Shadowlands? Let us know in the comments!
are these are permanent part of the game or is this temporary?
This achievement has no time limit. I’m slowly working on it myself right now, don’t want to return to this place… but the mount looks cool