Liquid raider might get banned from TWW Race to World First

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Imfiredup, Liquid raider might get banned from TWW Race to World First: Nerub’ar Palace. Here’s everything we know about the current situation.


This article has been updated with more accurate information.

Who is Imfiredup

Imfiredup is a well-known Mage player who plays for Liquid Guild. Some even call him the best Mage in the world. As one of the best DPS players of the Liquid guild, he joined the TWW RWF competition.

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Imfiredup from Liquid might get banned because of exploiting

Liquid showed impressive results during this Nerub’ar Palace World First race. They already had four bosses from the raid World First, and they were on their way to Silken Court. If you want to know more about the TWW RWF competition, check out our WoW Race to World First: Live coverage for Nerub’ar Palace.

But now we have a shocking leak: Imfiredup might get banned for using an exploit during the race. Recently, some community members accused Imfiredup of exploiting during TWW RWF. They noticed that when using macro targeting not on the boss itself but against it, he somehow keeps Frost Splinters unconsumed while still dealing their damage. These splinters keep stacking, which significantly increases DPS. The first person to report this situation was Wow Community Commentator N_Tys.

Previously, we saw a huge wave of bans against other members of professional WoW players for using another exploit. We discussed it in our Top raiders banned for rep exploit ahead of Nerub’ar RWF. Now, the question arisesβ€”will Imfiredup face disqualification from The War Within RWF? After all, some WoW community members have been suggesting that said raider will not be continuing in the Nerub’ar race.

Community opinion

People were actively discussing this information leak and waiting for any kind of proof. Most commentators seemed upset and called this a sign of hate toward Liquid. They were convinced that if the ability was bugged, it was not Imfiredup’s fault. But, of course, some comments insisted that Imfiredup knew that ability was bugged but still used it deliberately without reporting it to Blizzard. This knowledge would confirm Imfiredup’s actions being an exploit. Some people shamed Liquid for being so hypocritical in terms of exploits, as previously, this guild has supported taking action against other cheating guilds.

Blizzard reaction

Despite the leak being very widely discussed, Blizzard admitted their mistake. The bug was soon fixed, and since Liquid killed the boss without this exploit, Imfiredup is out of danger of being banned.

What do you think about this situation? Let us know in the comments below!

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Honda MVP of the Day ImSplinteredUpsays:

Yo what the hell is this blasphemy of an article >.<


Thank you for the explanation! We updated the article with new and more accurate information.