Live Coverage: All BlizzCon 2023 Highlights
BlizzCon 2023 is finally live! From the hallowed halls of the Anaheim Convention Center in California to the living rooms of fans worldwide, this year’s event promises exciting news and updates for gamers and enthusiasts alike.

Table of Contents
Lucky attendees are currently reveling in the event’s offline excitement. For those watching from home, the thrill of BlizzCon is just as intense as the live experience. And if you can’t catch the event in real time, fear not! We’ve got you covered with constant updates. Whether it’s a game-changing announcement, a jaw-dropping trailer, or an unexpected twist, we’re here to keep you up to date with all the juiciest BlizzCon 2023 highlights!
So, without further ado, let’s dive into the return of BlizzCon 2023 with WowVendor! And keep in mind that this article is constantly updated, so you may want to refresh it once in a while for the latest information.
World of Warcraft:

- The Dragon Isles will serve as the epilogue of Dragonflight and the bridge to WoW’s new expansion.
- Patch 10.2: Guardians of the Dream, the next major update, goes live in 5 days.
- Chris Metzen is on stage! Blizzard will give fans a glimpse of not one, but three new WoW expansions, and they all belong to the World Soul saga.
The 10th expansion: The War Within
The information provided here was documented live during BlizzCon 2023. For a more extensive and up-to-date exploration of the expansion, you may want to visit our dedicated article on The War Within, which is continuously updated with the latest details:
- WoW: The War Within release date: Fall 2024.
- WoW: The War Within Alpha begins in Spring 2024.
- The War Within is now available for pre-order.
- Explore Azeroth’s depths.
- Uncover subterranean cultures, including the Earthen and the Nerubians, led by Xal’atath, a harbinger of the Void.
- The return of Anduin.
- WoW will finally talk about the Sword of Sargeras.
- New and updated features:
- The Invincible’s Reins appears as a dragonriding mount in The War Within trailer. This hints that the older mounts are getting a dynamic flight update.
- Reputation will become account-wide.
- Delves offer 1-5 player experiences with endgame rewards.
- Warbands share features across characters for altaholics.
- Hero talents for class specs, like the Dark Ranger and Farseer.
- Players can learn transmog of any gear type. For instance, Warlocks will no longer be bound to cloth. Instead, they will be able to wear mail, plate, so on and so forth.
- A new battleground.
- Great Vault changes.
- Cross-realm guilds.
- Four new zones:
- Azkahet
- Hallowfall
- Isle of Dorn
- Ringing Deeps
- Eight new dungeons:
- Level-Up Dungeons:
- The Rookery
- The Stonevault
- Priory of the Sacred Flame
- City of Threads
- Max-Level Dungeons:
- Cinderbrew Meadery
- Darkflame Cleft
- The Dawnbreaker
- Old City
- Level-Up Dungeons:
- New raids:
- Nerub’ar Palace will be the first raid. The eight-boss instance is located in Azj-kahet. It’s the culmination of the storyline involving the Nerubian Empire, their Queen, and Xal’atath.
The 11th expansion: World of Warcraft Midnight
WoW: Midnight is the 11th expansion of World of Warcraft. For deeper and continuously updated information on the expansion, we recommend visiting our dedicated article on WoW: Midnight here:
- Players will return the Old World, to the land of Quel’Thalas.
- The Void is in action to snuff out the Sunwell.
The 12th expansion: The Last Titan
WoW: The Last Titan is World of Warcraft’s 12th expansion. It’s also the final chapter of the World Soul saga. For deeper and continuously updated information on the expansion, we recommend visiting our dedicated article on WoW: The Last Titan here:
- Players will return to Northrend, focusing on Ulduar and the return of Titans to Azeroth.
- You will learn about a deep conspiracy spanning Azeroth’s history, challenging your understanding of the Titans, their intentions, and the nature of Azeroth.
- Key location: Silithus.
- A promise of impactful storytelling in World of Warcraft.
WoW Classic

- WoW Classic Cataclysm is coming! And its release date is set for the first half of next year. The trailer by Hurricane is lit, as always.
- Vanilla WoW: WoW Executive Producer Holly Longdale announces Season of Discovery with a new twist. Players can mix classes together to create hybrid combinations. For example, a Mage Healer, a Warlock Paladin, and more. The initial level cap is 25. There will also be a 10-player Blackfathom Depths raid with new mechanics and rewards.
- Level cap to be raised after a few months, introducing new endgame content.
- Season of Discovery launches on November 30 without public testing.
- Blackfathom Deeps: the first raid of Season of Discovery. The 10-player instance is designed for level 25 characters. It features enhanced loot and challenges, with a 3-day lockout. Encounter seven bosses and unlock the new world buff, Boon of Blackfathom, similar to the existing Blessing of Blackfathom.
- The seven bosses are: Baron Aquanis, Ghamoo-ra, Lady Sarevess, Gellhast, Lorgus Jett, Twilight Lord Kelris, Aku’mai
- Discoveries: a new way to unlock Runes, which enhances your class with additional talents and spells. These Runes can be found through quests, open-world activities, and hidden secrets.
- Rune Engraving:
- New skill line for all characters
- New abilities to equipment, can be swapped at any time
- Three slots at level 25 for chest, legs, hands
- Additional run slots unlock over time
- Exists outside of the talent system
- Some provide formerly faction-specific buffs
- Reduced talent respec cost
- And more
- Blackfathom Deeps: the first raid of Season of Discovery. The 10-player instance is designed for level 25 characters. It features enhanced loot and challenges, with a 3-day lockout. Encounter seven bosses and unlock the new world buff, Boon of Blackfathom, similar to the existing Blessing of Blackfathom.
- Hardcore WoW Classic will see the arrival of Self Found in early 2024.
Warcraft Rumble:
- Warcraft Rumble is available on both Android and iOS.
- Over 70 boss-filled campaigns with a heroic version for extra challenges.
- Handcrafted maps with verticality, traps, puzzles, and challenges.
- Solo dungeons and intense three-million gauntlets through Gnomeregon and the Deadmines.
- PvP maps inspired by World of Warcraft.
- Guilds for player collaboration.
- Ongoing updates with new content, including minis in each season.
- New mini for each season, and it starts right now. Season 1 is live, and the first mini is Sylvanas Windrunner.
- Get ready for Hearthstone’s next expansion, Showdown in the Badlands.
- Hearthstone’s 10th anniversary is coming in March 2024.
- Origin stories for Reno Jackson and Elise Starseeker were announced, revealing new cards.
- Expansion release on November 14, featuring Hearthstone’s first neutral card.
- Introducing Catch Up Packs with up to 50 cards for new players. All players receive Catch Up packs, with extra packs for BlizzCon attendees and digital collection buyers.
- Exciting news for Battlegrounds fans: Battlegrounds Duos, a cooperative play mode, with shared health pools and card swapping.
- BlizzCon attendees can try Duos today, with a planned early next year launch for everyone.

- Teaser of Diablo IV’s first expansion: Vessel of Hatred. The release date is scheduled to be late 2024. More will be revealed about the Prime Evil Mephisto.
- A completely new class, never seen before in Diablo, is arriving.
- Diablo 4’s launch boasts over 1.5 billion hours played, making it Blizzard’s grandest achievement.
- Community-driven quality of life improvements: Renown rewards carry over between seasons, extra character slots, targeting dummy, stash searching and filtering, and enhanced accessibility.
- Increased world boss spawns and expanded inventory space by relocating gems and crafting materials.
- December 5: Enchanting preview comes to the Occultist.
- Season 2 brings the exciting addition of 5 Malignant Rings.
- Brace yourself for the chilling “Abbatoir of Zir,” a fresh Seasonal Event for max-level players, promising dark and thrilling adventures.
- The holiday event Midwinter Blight in Diablo 4 kicks off on December 2, promising a frosty and eerie experience.
- A new hero is coming to Overwatch. It’s Mauga the tank!
- Introducing a thrilling Clash PvP mode.
- Hanamura map returns as “Hanaoka,” blending nostalgia with new challenges.
- Competitive mode undergoes a comprehensive rework, offering enticing rewards.
- Two new Heroes planned for release in 2024, sparking anticipation and speculation.
- Detailed unveil of these additions set for tomorrow.