Blizzard announces new SoD Phase 4 endgame relics
Among other thrilling changes on the way, Blizzard announced that new SoD Phase 4 endgame relics will be available as loot drops.

In a recent SoD Phase 4 preview total, there are 12 new relics, including Druid idols, Shaman totems, and Paladin librams, that you can obtain in the upcoming SoD Phase 4. In Blizzard’s preview video, the company only introduced three relics you can get through dungeons.
The ways to get the rest of the relics remain a mystery at the time of writing, but according to available information, you will have to participate in SoD Phase 4 endgame content to get them as loot drops. Thanks to Wowhead’s dataminers, we currently know about 9 additional relics designed for Druids, Paladins, and Shamans. That being said, let’s take a closer look!
Druid idols
As for Druid relics, these Nature guardians will be able to receive four 60-item level ones, giving you a unique effect. Two of them are for Feral specs, like Tank and DPS, one is for Restoration, and the last one is probably for Balance Druid, although still unknown. All these idols require level 60 to use:
- Idol of the Grove (Restoration): When your Regrowth spell heals a target, you get an energy boost of 50 mana.
- Idol of Exsanguination (Bear): It causes your Lacerate ticks to energize you for five rage.
- Idol of Exsanguination (Cat): The energy cost for your Rake and Rip spells is decreased by five.
- Idol of the Swarm: Unfortunately, the effect it has on your Druid is unknown, as Blizzard has not finished it yet. Anyway, when more data appears, we will update this article to keep you informed.
Paladin librams
For all guardians of Light, the following Paladin 65 and 57-item level librams become available to you in SoD Phase 4. Unfortunately, Blizzard presented relics only for Holy and Protection Paladins, and like with Balance Druid; it is unknown if this spec will receive its unique relic soon. The first three librams require level 60 to use, while the last one is dedicated to 52-level Paladins:
- Libram of the Consecrated (Holy): It lowers the mana cost of your Consecration spell by 50%.
- Libram of Holy Alacrity (Holy): It causes Holy Shock to reduce the cast time of your next two Holy Lights by 0.2 seconds.
- Libram of the Devoted (Protection): Your Shield of Righteousness spell gives you an extra 35 points of block value for 10 seconds.
- Libram of Truth (Protection): It boosts the armor provided by your Devotion Aura by 55.
Shaman totems
Finally, meet the other four 65-item level totem relics created for Restoration, Enhancement, and Elemental Shamans. You must be at level 60 to use them:
- Totem of the Plains (Restoration): Your Healing Rain spell’s cast time is reduced by 100%. Drawing from the idea of Shamans using the Emerald Rains three-piece set bonus from Sunken Temple, Blizzard wanted to ensure that players did not wholly lose that set bonus as an option. Therefore, having it as a totem that you can switch on and off for different fights made sense.
- Totem of Earthen Vitality (Enhancement): When you use Rockbiter Weapon for melee attacks, you will get 2% of your total mana restored.
- Totem of Raging Fire (Enhancement): When you use your Stormstrike spell, you get a boost of 0 Attack Power for 12 seconds. Since 0 Attack Power sounds weird, we suppose this number will get fixed with the release of SoD Phase 4.
- Totem of Thunder (Elemental): Your Lightning Bolt spell cast time is decreased by 0,1 seconds.
As you can see, some specs, like Balance Druid and Retribution Paladin, lack their unique idols and librams, which disappointed the community in a way. However, we hope that Blizzard adds them shortly so that all specs do not feel neglected. What are your thoughts on the relics we mentioned above? Do you think they are beneficial? Share your opinion in the comments!