SoD Phase 4 release date: new surprise for Alliance and more!

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Moments ago, Blizzard unveiled a preview for the upcoming phase of the Season of Discovery. SoD Phase 4 release date has been revealed along with a wealth of additional details!

SoD Phase 4 release date new Alliance World Buff!

After eons of being stuck in Phase 3, finally, Blizzard has revealed SoD Phase 4 release date and a plethora of exciting features. We have compiled all the highlights in this article, so be sure to give them a look!

SoD Phase 4 release date: raids launch and key highlights

Season of Discovery Phase 4 is set to launch worldwide on July 11 at 1 PM (PDT). The two raids, Molten Core and Onyxia’s Lair will follow shortly after, becoming available starting July 25 at 1 PM (PDT). Alongside these updates, developers have provided a detailed roadmap of upcoming content, features, and changes planned for the Season of Discovery when Phase 4 goes live. Here are the key highlights:

New World Buff for Alliance: Equivalent to Warchief’s Blessing

Alliance players can now benefit from the new World Buff, Might of Stormwind, equivalent to Horde’s Warchief’s Blessing. Might of Stormwind will give you the following:

Raids and dungeons


Onyxia’s Lair, Lord Kazzak, and Azuregos will reset twice a week on static reset days:

Molten Core will reset weekly as usual.

Molten Core

Onyxia’s lair

Sunken Temple

Sunken Temple will give you a very generous amount of XP.


All Classic dungeons are now available, including Scholomance, Stratholme, Dire Maul (3 wings), Blackrock Spire, and Blackrock Depths’ second half.

World events

Blood Moon

Nightmare Incursions

New World Event: Blackrock Eruption

Participate in the new World Event: Blackrock Eruption. For more information on what it is, how it works, its system of reputation of honor and reputation, be sure to check out our article:

System updates

There are more to come in SoD Phase 4, so be sure to watch the full video here:

Excited for SoD Phase 4? Will you return to the game now that the new phase is here? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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