SoD Phase 5 updated: All Rogue Runes and locations
Here, you will find detailed information about all Rogue Runes and locations available, with new Rune guide updates for SoD Phase 5.

Table of Contents
- All Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 5
- All Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 4
- All Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 3
- All Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 2
- All Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 1
Key Takeaways
Runes offer additional spells and abilities to alter your character’s class playstyle. They can be found in the open world through various sources. Most Runes are accessible to characters of any race or faction, except those tied to specific quests or faction-friendly mobs.
- There are 12 Runes for each class in Phase 1. As for Rogue, they are Deadly Brew, Just a Flesh Wound, Quick Draw, Slaughter from the Shadows, Between the Eyes Rune, Blade Dance Rune, Envenom Rune, Main Gauche Rune, Multilate Rune, Saber Slash Rune, Shadowstrike Rune, Cutthroat.
- In SoD Phase 2, Rogue has 6 Runes: Poisoned Knife, Shadowstep, Shuriken Toss, Rolling with the Punches, Waylay, and Master of Subtlety.
- There are 6 to 7 Runes for each class in Phase 3. As for Rogue, they are Combat Potency, Focused Attacks, Honor Among Thieves, Carnage, Cut to the Chase, Unfair Advantage.
- In SoD Phase 4, Rogue has 3 new Runes: Blunderbuss, Crimson Tempest, Fan of Knives.
- In SoD Phase 5, Rogue have no new Runes.
This guide has been updated with all the Runes from Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4, and Phase 5 of Season of Discovery.
If “What are Runes in SoD?” and “Where to get all Rogue Runes in SoD?” are your questions, then you are in the right place.
Runes are a new gameplay mechanic in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. They offer additional spells and abilities, allowing you to transform the playstyle of your character’s class. Runes can be found in the open world. The acquisition methods vary based on your character’s race and faction.
There are 12 Runes for each class in Phase 1, 6 to 7 Runes in Phase 2, 6 to 7 Runes in Phase 3, 3 Runes in Phase 4, and 2 Runes in Phase 5. Previously, we have discussed all SoD Priest Runes and their locations. You can check it out here:
And now, it’s Rogue’s time! Below is the complete list of all Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery, how to get them, their locations, and even coordinates for your convenience.
Special thanks to the WoW community, and especially our readers at WowVendor, for the invaluable contribution in uncovering the Runes and generously sharing the methods of acquiring them with the whole gaming community.
All Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 5
No new Rogue Runes?
Unfortunately, there are no new Runes for Rogues in SoD Phase 5. However, unlocking specific Runes has become simpler thanks to Pix Xizzix, who now sells special bind-on-account emblems for 5x Tarnished Undermine Real each (this currency has a cap of 150 and can be earned from Onyxia, Azuregos, and Lord Kazzak). To get these emblems, you’ll need to complete shared discoveries like Dark Riders, Wild Gods, Ley Lines, or Illari Duskfeather.
Once you buy an emblem, you can send it to an alt character, who can then trade it at a Rune Broker in their faction’s city for a class-specific Rune. As a Rogue, you can use these emblems to purchase the following Runes from Rune Brokers:
- Rune of the Assailant: Costs 1x Emblem of the Violet Eye (becomes available once the Dark Riders questline is completed)
- Rune of the Poisoned Blade: Costs 1x Emblem of Dishonor (becomes available once the Illari Duskfeather questline is completed)
- Rune of Potency: Costs 1x Emblem of the Wild Gods (becomes available once the Wild Gods questline is completed)
You can find the Rune Brokers at these locations:
- Alliance:
- Stormwind: Cut-Throat Alley at [57.5, 26.9]
- Ironforge: The Forlorn Cavern at [53.0, 12.8]
- Horde:
- Orgrimmar: Cleft of Shadows at [49.5, 46.0]
- Thunder Bluff: The Spirit Rise at [22.8, 13.8]
Other Rune changes
In Season of Discovery Phase 5, Shiv is now permanently replaced by Cutthroat. We’ve also updated our guide with this change.
All Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 4
In Season of Discovery Phase 4, Rogues have three new Runes to enhance their power. Below, you’ll find a comprehensive new Rune guide for all Rogue Runes and their locations in SoD Phase 4. Detailed instructions on acquiring these Runes are also provided for your convenience.
All SoD Rogue Runes: Cloak slot
How to get Blunderbuss Rune in SoD

Blunderbuss: Fire a musket blast at up to 4 enemies in a cone in front of you for [(5.741530 – 0.255683 * 60 + 0.032656 * 60 * 60) * 192 / 100 + 48 / 100 * Attack power] to [(5.741530 – 0.255683 * 60 + 0.032656 * 60 * 60) * 288 / 100 + 48 / 100 * Attack power] Physical damage.
How to get Blunderbuss:
- Head to Tyr’s Hand in the Eastern Plaguelands. There, you will find Scarlet Lockboxes scattered around the area. Use Pick Lock to open them until you find a Sending Sigil.
- The Sigil displays arrows in the order “> v ^ <,” corresponding to the locations of the four Sending Pillars in the Eastern Plaguelands. Visit and interact with them in the following sequence. Do not use a Pillar to teleport back; it will disrupt the order. Note that dying does not reset the progress:
- Go to the East Pillar at Light Hope’s Citadel. Rough coordinates: [79.6, 60.5]
- Afterward, travel to the South Pillar at Darrowshire. Rough coordinates: [38.9, 93.1]
- Then, head to the North Pillar at Northdale. Rough coordinates: [70.5, 33.6]
- Lastly, proceed to the West Pillar at Terrordale. Rough coordinates: [18.4, 28.9]
3. You will be teleported to a house after interacting with the final West Pillar. Inside the house is a chest containing the Rune of the Swashbuckler.
How to get Crimson Tempest Rune in SoD

Crimson Tempest: Finishing move that slashes all enemies within 8 yards, causing victims to Bleed over time. Lasts longer and deals more damage per combo point. 1 point : (Attack power * 0.30) damage over 4 sec. 2 points: (Attack power * 0.45) damage over 6 sec. 3 points: (Attack power * 0.60) damage over 8 sec. 4 points: (Attack power * 0.75) damage over 10 sec. 5 points: (Attack power * 0.90) damage over 12 sec. Crimson Tempest benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Rupture.
How to get Crimson Tempest:
- Travel to Hearthglen, located in the northern region of the Western Plaguelands. Once there, defeat or Pick Pocket Scarlet Workers until you obtain a Toolbox Key.
- Proceed to the Smithy, located within Hearthglen proper. Search the open toolboxes outside and obtain the Rusty Crowbar from one of them.
- Use the Crowbar to open the chest at the top of the middle tower at coordinates [45.8, 18.3]
- Now, proceed to the tower directly across from your current location at [47, 14].
- Loot the chest on the tower’s middle level and get the Rune of the Crimson Tempest.
How to get Fan of Knives Rune in SoD

Fan of Knives: Instantly throw both weapons at all targets within 8 yards, causing 75% weapon damage with daggers, and 50% weapon damage with all other weapons.
How to get Fan of Knives:
This Rune of Knives is located in a chest in Winterfall Village at coordinates [67.70, 35.35]. Open the chest and enter the following code when prompted, after which loot the Rune:
- Frostsaber
- Owl
- Bear
- Owl
All Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 3
All SoD Rogue Runes: Head slot
How to set Combat Potency Rune in SoD

Combat Potency Rune: You have a 20% chance to gain 15 Energy every time you deal melee damage with your off-hand weapon.
How to get Combat Potency:
- Head to Felwood and receive a quest called The Wild Gods from a Shadowtooth Emissary.
- Go to Jinth’Alor, which is in the Hinterlands, and defeat elite trolls to acquire a Wildwhisper Draught item.
- Afterward, reach the Razorfen Downs zone and defeat Amnennar the Coldbringer.
- Use the Wildwhisper Draught item on the ledge so the Spirit of Agamaggan can spawn. Turn in the current quest to him and receive another one called The Wild Gods. Additionally, you will get an Agamaggan’s Roar item.
- Your next step is to collect 3x Wild Offering in Zul’Farrak, Maraudon, or Blackrock Depths. You can save time and run the same dungeon up to 3 times.
- First, find and defeat 2 or 3 bosses to make a Ghostly Spider spawn. If you have done everything alright, you will see the phrase “You feel a shadowed presence” in the chat.
- Then, use the Agamaggan’s Roar item close to the Ghostly Spider. This action will summon a Delirious Ancient.
- Defeat the boss and obtain your precious Wild Offering.
- After entering the dungeon, find and triumph over Princess Theradras. This action will make a Ghostly Raptor appear in the water on the upper level near the turtles.
- Use the Agamaggan’s Roar item close to the Ghostly Raptor to summon a Delirious Ancient.
- Defeat the boss and receive the Wild Offering item.
Blackrock Depths
- Defeat Houndmaster Grebmar, High Interrogator Gerstahn, and the Ring of Law. Afterward, a Ghostly Basilisk spawns on the Dark Iron Highway, which leads to Bael’gar. If you see the phrase “You feel a shadowed presence,” you have done everything alright.
- Then, use the Agamaggan’s Roar item near the Ghostly Basilisk to summon a Delirious Ancient.
- Defeat the boss and get the Wild Offering item.
Once you have completed all the steps, head to the Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood and receive a Hyjal’s Wisdom item. It lets you learn the Combat Potency Rune.
How to get Focused Attacks Rune in SoD

Focused Attacks Rune: You gain 2 Energy every time you deal a melee or ranged critical strike.
How to get Focused Attacks:
- Go to the Hinterlands and find a Vilebranch Mask.
- Blind the Vilebranch Mask to loot the chest in front of it and obtain the Rune of Focus.
How to get Honor Among Thieves Rune in SoD

Honor Among Thieves Rune: When any player in your party critically hits with a spell or ability, you gain a combo point on your current target. This effect cannot occur more than once every second.
How to get Honor Among Thieves:
- Before starting your journey, ensure you have completed the quest The Manor, Ravenholdt, and unlocked the Ravenholdt reputation.
- Upon reaching level 45, visit a major city to obtain an invitation letter to Ravenholdt Manor in the Alterac Mountains.
- Find Fahrad and accept the quests Fool Me Twice and The Talisman of Kazdor.
- Then, enter Zul’Farrak independently and collect 2x Vile Concoction, which you can find in Clay Vessels within the dungeon tents.
- Use one Vile Concoction on the cauldron near Antu’sul, whose satchel you must loot to get an Offering of Bone.
- Afterward, use another Vile Concoction on the cauldron close to Witch Doctor Zum’rah, whose satchel you must also loot to get a Ward of the Dead.
- Equip the Ward of the Dead item and loot an Offering of Flesh from the grave.
- Then, combine the Offering of Flesh and the Offering of Bone to get a Blood Magic Essence.
- Do you see the big stairs, right? Go in their direction, and you will see a small stone block. Jump onto it and walk to the edge. Reach the second balcony and find a small chest containing a Hollow Emblem.
- Combine the newfound item and the Blood Magic Essence to get an Emblem of Blood Magic.
- Go up the pyramid and loot the Spellbound War Chest to receive a Talisman of Kazdor.
- Return to Fahrad and turn in the quest. Then, receive another one called Best Laid Plans.
- After finding Zan Shivsproket in the basement, turn in your current quest and get another one called One Last Drop.
- Head to Silverpine Forest with your Modified Talisman and find the Dead Drop.
- Turn in the current quest and accept another one called Biding Our Time.
- Get back to Fahrad and turn in the final quest. Congratulations on obtaining the Rune of the Coterie!
All SoD Rogue Runes: Wrists slot
How to get Carnage Rune in SoD

Carnage Rune: Your abilities deal 20% increased damage to targets afflicted by one of your Bleed effects.
How to get Carnage:
- Your next destination is the Blasted Lands. Once you are there, type this macro into the chat: /way 45.3 16.4
- Find an Abandoned Cache atop the tower and open it with the help of your Lockpicking skill (225).
- Once you have unlocked the chest, you can see a Murderous Lost One.
- Triumph over it and get the Rune of Carnage.
How to get Cut to the Chase Rune in SoD

Cut to the Chase Rune: Your Eviscerate and Envenom abilities refresh either your Slice and Dice or your Blade Dance duration to its 5 combo point maximum. If both are active, only the one with shortest remaining duration will be refreshed.
How to get Cut to the Chase:
- First, obtaining the rune requires Friendly reputation with the Emerald Wardens faction.
- Once you are Friendly, purchase the Rune of Alacrity from one of the following Quartermasters:
How to get Unfair Advantage Rune in SoD

Unfair Advantage Rune: Whenever you dodge an attack you gain an Unfair Advantage, striking back for 100% of your main hand weapon’s damage. This cannot occur more than once per second.
How to get Unfair Advantage:
- Head to Tanaris and pickpocket Southsea Pirates and Southsea Freebooters until you get a Kidnapper’s Coin Purse.
- Open your find and receive a Precious Medallion.
- Afterward, go to Jabbey and exchange the medallion for the Rune of Foul Play.
All Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 2
All SoD Rogue Runes: Waist slot
How to get Poisoned Knife Rune in SoD

Poisoned Knife Rune: Instantly throw your off-hand weapon to deal normal off-hand weapon damage with a 100% chance to apply the poison from your off-hand weapon to the target. Awards 1 combo point. Poisoned Knife benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Sinister Strike.
How to get Poisoned Knife:
- Desolace: Accept the Highway Robbery quest in Desolace at an Extinguished Campfire northwest of the Kodo Graveyard [47, 54].
- Desolace: Go to [63, 39] near Kormek’s Hut. Turn it in to Bibbly F’utzbuckle and pick up the quest On the Lam.
- Booty Bay: Go to the inn in Booty Bay. Turn On the Lam in Tokal, and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her Cherry Grog. She will send you on the next part of your quest, No Honor Among Thieves.
- Arathi Highlands There is Rowboat under the bridge between Arathi Highlands and the Wetlands, around [53, 91] on the Arathi Highlands map. Interact with the boat and you will be teleported to the eastern shore.
- Find Illari Duskfeather and speak with her. For most races, she will give (two equally hostile) dialogue options; upon choosing one, she will fight you. Defeat her, pick up the dropped bag, and loot Illari’s Key. Open Illari’s Loot Cache to obtain the Jewel-Encrusted Box, then open this box to loot the Rune. Night Elves have a peaceful dialogue solution available; if chosen, she will give them the Illari’s Key to Illari’s Loot Cache, allowing them to loot the Jewel-Encrusted Box without combat.
How to get Shadowstep Rune in SoD

Shadowstep Rune: Attempts to step through the shadows and reappear behind your enemy and increases movement speed by 70% for 3 sec.
How to get Shadowstep:
- To get this Rune, you’ll first need to reach level 30. You will receive another letter in the mail from someone named C, just like you did for the Deadly Brew Rune.
- Once you receive the mail, head to Pyrewood Village in Silverpine Forest. Near the entrance, there will be a small house with a chest inside [47, 71]. Loot it to start The Eye of Bhossca quest to get the Rune.
- When you have the quest, head to the Scarlet Monastery in Tirisfal Glades. Look for the stables near the entrance and loot the chest to get a disguise.
- Head inside the Scarlet Monastery Graveyard dungeon, which is through the leftmost portal. You must be alone, you won’t be able to do this if you are in a group. Inside, use Pick Pocket on a Scarlet Scryer to get a Scryer’s Key.
- Next, enter the Scarlet Monastery Library dungeon through the portal on the opposite side. Look for a Scryer Box near the final boss and use the key to open it. You’ll loot a note from the chest.
- Head back to Scarlet Monastery Graveyard again and look for two benches between statues. Approach each one and type /sit to sit down. You’ll get a total of 3 dialogue prompts if you do this correctly. Then, look for a chest in the northern mausoleum (on the right when you enter the graveyard). Open it to loot a Reliquary Key.
- Head back to Scarlet Monastery Library and look for a Reliquary Chest. It’s in one of the rooms in the middle of the instance. Loot it for the item you need to complete the quest.
- Head back to the chest where you started the quest in Silverpine Forest [47, 71] and turn in the item. Then return to any city, and you’ll get another mail from C. Come back to the chest in Silverpine Forest [47, 71] to get the Rune.
How to get Shuriken Toss Rune in SoD

Shuriken Toss Rune: Throw a shuriken at your enemy dealing damage equal to 15% of your Attack Power, and also strike up to 4 additional nearby targets. Awards 1 combo point.
How to get Shuriken Toss:
- To get this Rune , you will need to be level 30 and have the Disarm Trap skill trained.
- Head to Swamp of Sorrows and look for a Dart Trap on a tree in the north [41, 3]. It will fire a Poison Dart if you step in front of it, so go around and use Disarm Trap to disable it. You can then loot the chest to get the Rune.
All SoD Rogue Runes: Feet slot
How to get Rolling with the Punches Rune in SoD

Rolling with the Punches Rune: Each time you Dodge or Parry, you gain 6% increased Health, stacking up to 5 times.
How to get Rolling with the Punches:
- Head to go to Camp E’Thok in Thousand Needles and find the largest tent [18, 20]. Inside the tent, on the right wall, there will be a small chest that contains even more chests. Keep opening the chest-within-a-chest until you finally obtain this Rune.
How to get Waylay Rune in SoD

Waylay Rune: Your Ambush and Backstab hits unbalance your target, increasing the time between their melee attacks by 10%, and reducing movement speed by 50% for 8 sec.
How to get Waylay:
- Travel to Deadwind Pass and speak with the Dalaran Agent at Ariden’s Camp [52, 35]. They will give you Ariden’s Sigil.
- With Ariden’s Sigil equipped, or while with another player that has Ariden’s Sigil equipped, players must find and defeat seven Dark Rider Elites after using Ariden’s Sigil to Reveal Dark Rider, which will reward them with a different Dalaran Relic. Players will know a Dark Rider is nearby if they obtain the Dark Presence buff.
- Deadwind Pass: the Dark Rider can be found at [43, 29] and drops Curious Dalaran Relic.
- Duskwood: the Dark Rider can be found at [23, 47] and drops Glittering Dalaran Relic.
- Swamp of Sorrows: the Dark Rider can be found at [69, 28] and drops Odd Dalaran Relic.
- Arathi Highlands: the Dark Rider can be found at [60, 40] and drops Whirring Dalaran Relic.
- Badlands: the Dark Rider can be found at [58, 54] and drops Slippery Dalaran Relic.
- The Barrens: the Dark Rider can be found at [52, 36] and drops Heavy Dalaran Relic.
- Desolace: the Dark Rider can be found at [65, 25] and drops Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Once players have obtained all Dalaran Relics, return to the Dalaran Agent and turn in each of the various reward quests for experience and some silver:
- Once all seven Dalaran Relics have been returned, the Dalaran Agent will offer A Service to Dalaran, which rewards the Supply Bag and contains the Rune inside.
How to get Master of Subtlety Rune in SoD

Master of Subtlety Rune: Attacks made while stealthed and for 6 seconds after breaking stealth cause an additional 10% damage.
How to get Master of Subtlety:
- Head to the Kurzen Compound in northeast Stranglethorn Vale.
- Inside the tower you will be able to talk to Wendel Mathers [44, 8], who will ask you to Pick Pocket the Kurzen Elites inside of the nearby cave for a key. While in there, you will also need to lockpick a chest, requiring a Lockpicking skill level of 125.
- Return to the tower and free Wendel Mathers.
- Head over to Booty Bay and talk with Captain Aransas [27, 76], found in the lower area, to receive your Rune. As a bonus, she gives you Jani’s Charm trinket.
All Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 1
In Season of Discovery Phase 1, there are a total of 12 Rogue Runes available. Detailed instructions on how to get them are provided below.
All SoD Rogue Runes: Chest slot
How to get Deadly Brew Rune

Deadly Brew Rune: Grants several improvements to your poisons:
When you inflict any other poison on a target, you also inflict Deadly Poison.
If your weapon does not have a poison applied, it has a chance to trigger Instant Poison as if Instant Poison were applied.
Deadly Poison and Instant Poison now gain increased damage from your Attack Power.
How to get Deadly Brew:
Alliance and Horde:
- You will first need to reach level 20. You will receive a letter in the mail, ”An Offer” from someone named C.
- Having received the mail, head to Pyrewood Village in Silverpine Forest. Near the entrance, there will be a hut with a chest inside [49, 47]. Loot it to start the quest The Horn of Xelthos.
- Head to Stonetalon Mountains [58, 51] and speak with Veenix. Then look for Venture Co. Engineers and Venture Co. Builders on the scaffolding across the lake. Pickpocket or defeat them to get a Venture Co. Work Order. Bring it back to Veenix and he’ll give you a Breaching Charge.
- Head to Silverpine Forest and enter the Shadowfang Keep dungeon [45, 68]. You must be alone for this. Stealth to the closed door that leads to the courtyard and use the Breaching Charge to open it without defeating the first boss.
- You’ll need to stealth through the dungeon and look for two Elite Rares. Gemela can be found in the ballroom by passing through the kitchen. Pickpocket her for a Sister’s Half-Key. Gefell can be found up the stairs and to the right from the ballroom. Pickpocket him for a Brother’s Half-Key. Distract can be very helpful, as there are some spots where the mobs are tightly packed together.
- When you have both half-keys, you can combine them into a Twin Key. Be sure to do this somewhere safe since using the item will take you out of stealth. Then head back down to the courtyard and enter the stables. Look for a chest and use the key on it. It will contain a Horn of Xelthos, which will start a quest of the same name.
- Go back to the hut in Pyrewood Village where you started the quest to turn it in. After about 15 minutes, you should get another mail which will contain your Rune.
How to get Just a Flesh Wound Rune

Just a Flesh Wound Rune: You take 20% reduced Physical damage while Blade Dance is active. Additionally, you have 6% reduced chance to be critically hit by melee attacks, the threat generated by all your actions is massively increased, and your Feint ability is replaced with Tease, which Taunts the target to attack you.
Tease: Taunts the target to attack you, but has no effect if the target is already attacking you.
How to get Just a Flesh Wound: This Rune is purchasable for 4 gold and 50 silver when you reach Honored with the new Supply Factions, Durotar Supply and Logistics for Horde players and Azeroth Commerce Authority for Alliance players. For more information, check out our article here:
How to get Quick Draw Rune

Quick Draw Rune: Draw your ranged weapon and fire a quick shot at an enemy, causing normal ranged weapon damage and reducing the target’s movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Awards 1 combo point.
Quick Draw benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Sinister Strike.
How to get Quick Draw:
- Human: To get this Rune you will need to collect 4 Map Pieces, dropped and pickpocketed from various enemies around Elwynn Forest. The enemies that dropped these for us were Kobolds, Defias, Gnolls, and Murlocs. Once you get all four pieces, combine them into the Elwynn Treasure Map, which you can follow to a spot near Redridge Mountain frontier (east of the Elwynn Forest) — use the map inside the hollow stump [85, 79] to reveal a chest.
- Dwarf/Gnome: Collect 4 Map Pieces, which are dropped and pickpocketed from various enemies around Dun Morogh. These pieces are dropped by Leper Gnomes, Trolls, Dark Iron Spies, and Troggs. Once you have acquired all four pieces, combine them to create the Dun Morogh Treasure Map. The treasure can be found at [80, 79].
- Night Elf: Collect 4 Map Pieces, which are dropped and pickpocketed from various Humanoid enemies around Teldrassil. These pieces are obtained from Timberlings in Lake Al’Ameth, Gremlins in Fel Rock, Gnarlpine Ambushers, and Harpies in Oracle Glade. Once you have all four pieces, combine them into a Teldrassil Treasure Map, which can then be used inside of the hollow stump in Rut’therna Village [55, 90] to dig up your Rune.
- Orc/Troll: Collect 4 Map Pieces dropped and pickpocketed from various enemies around Durotar. These pieces are dropped by enemies on Echo Isles such as Burning Blade Cultists, Quilboars, and Trolls, or by Kultirans in Tirisgarde Keep. Once you have acquired all four pieces, combine them to create the Durotar Treasure Map. Use this map to locate the southern area of Echo Isles [62, 94], where you will find the Rune.
- Undead: Collect 4 Map Pieces, which are dropped and pickpocketed from various enemies around Tirisfal. These pieces are obtained from Scarlet Humanoids, Gnolls, Murlocs, and Tirisfal Farmers. Once you have gathered all four pieces, combine them to create the Tirisfal Treasure Map. Use this map to locate the treasure chest situated under the bridge in Tirisfal Glades at coordinates [50, 54].
How to get Slaughter from the Shadows Rune

Slaughter from the Shadows Rune: Reduces the Energy cost of your Backstab and Ambush abilities by 20.
How to get Slaughter from the Shadows:
- Human: Find the Skinning House [46, 62] north of Goldshire Inn. Use the crates there to reach the roof and open the chest.
- Dwarf/Gnome: There is a chest atop the Kharanos Inn – go around the left side of the building (facing it) and go up the mountain to get there.
- Night Elf: Take down Furbolgs in Ban’Ethil Barrow Den. You will get a key from this, which opens a chest located inside the Barrows.
- Orc/Troll: You’ll find the Rune inside a Rusty Lockbox in Drygulch Ravine, above the tunnel you would use to get there. To reach it, approach the ravine from the eastern coast, where you can ascend to a higher point and peer down into the ravine. The chest is placed on a platform [53, 27] accessible either by dropping down or by performing a sprint and jump.
- Undead: Take down mobs inside the Agamand Family Crypt [52, 27] in Tristfal Glades to get the Agamand Relic Coffer Key — it opens the chest inside the crypt.
All SoD Rogue Runes: Legs Slot
How to get Between the Eyes Rune

Between the Eyes Rune: Requires Ranged Weapon
Ranged Finishing move that causes damage per combo point, increased by Attack Power, and Stuns the target:
- 1 point: [53 / 100 * ( + )] to [81 / 100 * ( + )] damage, 1 sec Stun
- 2 points: [53 / 100 * ( +* 2)] to [81 / 100 * ( +* 2)] damage, 2 sec Stun
- 3 points: [53 / 100 * ( +* 3)] to [81 / 100 * ( +* 3)] damage, 3 sec Stun
- 4 points: [53 / 100 * ( +* 4)] to [81 / 100 * ( +* 4)] damage, 4 sec Stun
- 5 points: [53 / 100 * ( +* 5)] to [81 / 100 * ( +* 5)] damage, 5 sec Stun
- Cooldown shared with Kidney Shot.
How to get Between the Eyes Rune:
- Human: For Human Rogues, this Rune is located in Cut-throat Alley within the Dwarven district of Stormwind. You can access the alley by entering a shop without signage on the outer rim of the Canals at coordinates [56.63, 29.92]. Once inside, head upstairs where a chest spawns at [61.75, 29.22]. The timer between each spawn appears to be approximately 3-4 minutes. Be cautious, as looting this chest will trigger the spawn of two level 10 Cut-throat Muggers, which will attack you (tip: if you loot the chest very quickly, you could run off without engaging in combat). Once you learn the Rune you will have access to Between the Eyes but you need a ranged weapon to use the ability and your throwing weapon will not count. This will require 10 silver to learn a ranged weapon from a Weapon Trainer.
- Dwarf/Gnome: Loot the Rune from the Dusty Crate, which is located right outside of the Rogue trainer area in the Forlorn Cavern in Ironforge, to the right of the stairs in an alcove. Upon looting the chest, two Level 10 Cutthroats will spawn and attack you (tip: if you loot the chest very quickly, you could run off without engaging in combat). To use the Between the Eyes, you’ll require a ranged weapon (throwing weapons won’t work). You can learn the ranged weapon skill from a Weapon Trainer.
- Night Elf: Get the Gnarlpine Stash Key from defeating or pickpocketing any Gnarlpine enemies in Teldrassil. Then use the key to open Gnarlpine Stash at around [37, 82].
- Orc/Troll: Head to Orgrimmar in the Drag and find the building with the Herbalism Trainer. Follow the rock wall on the right side of the building — you will see a Dusty Chest [56, 45]. Beware that 3 Back-alley Muggers will spawn when you open it (tip: if you loot the chest very quickly, you could run off without engaging in combat). To use the Between the Eyes, you’ll require a ranged weapon (throwing weapons won’t work). You can learn the ranged weapon skill from a Weapon Trainer.
- Undead: The cache for the Rune is located underwater, off of the North Coast of Brill, near a shipwreck located at about [66, 25]. The key to the cache can be pickpocketed from any nearby Murlocs.
How to get Blade Dance Rune

Blade Dance Rune: Finishing move that increases your Parry chance. Lasts longer and grants more Parry chance per combo point:
- 1 point : 14 seconds, 6% Parry
- 2 points: 18 seconds, 7% Parry
- 3 points: 22 seconds, 8% Parry
- 4 points: 26 seconds, 9% Parry
- 5 points: 30 seconds, 10% Parry
How to get Blade Dance:
- Human: Pickpocket the Defias in Westfall until you get an envelope — inside of it is a note and a key. The note will guide you to the location with the Rune chest (you can find it at the beginning of Deadmines back entrance [40, 80]), and the key will unlock it.
- Dwarf/Gnome: Head to Loch Modan and use Pick Pocket on Dark Iron Dwarves until you get a Dark Iron Lockbox, which requires Lockpicking Level 1 to open. The Rune is inside.
- Night Elf: Head to the Cliffspring River Cave in Darkshore and take down Naga mobs until they drop a key. Head to the end of the cave and look for a ledge that has a cluster of three mobs — unlock the chest on that ledge to get the Rune.
- Orc/Troll/Undead: First, pickpocket Southsea Cannoneer south of Ratchet to get the Buccaneer’s Matchbox. Follow the path up the hill [62, 44] to find a camp with a wooden log fence. Locate the Gunpowder Keg inside the fenced-in area, at about [61, 45]. Click it to make it explode. Open the chest and get the Rune.
How to get Envenom Rune

Envenom Rune: Finishing move that deals instant poison damage based on your Deadly Poison doses on the target. Following the Envenom attack you have a 75% increased frequency of applying Instant Poison for 1 sec plus an additional 1 sec per combo point. One dose is activated per combo point:
1 dose: [( * 100 / 100) * 1 + Attack power * 0.09] damage
2 doses: [( * 100 / 100) * 2 + Attack power * 0.18] damage
3 doses: [( * 100 / 100) * 3 + Attack power * 0.27] damage
4 doses: [( * 100 / 100) * 4 + Attack power * 0.36] damage
5 doses: [( * 100 / 100) * 5 + Attack power * 0.45] damage
How to get Envenom:
Alliance and Horde: Head to Durnholde Keep in Hillsbrad Foothills. You’ll find a vendor, Kris Legace, behind one of the buildings (the one with Tog’thar inside). Purchase a Hot Tip from this vendor for 75 silver. Open it to get a map and a note with a Safe Combination. Follow the river north as the map tells you until you reach the Western Plaguelands. Look for a waterfall with a chest at the base at coordinates [59, 84]. Open the chest to find the Rune of Venom. Right-click to use it and gain Envenom as an ability.
All SoD Rogue Runes: Gloves slot
How to get Mutilate Rune

Mutilate Rune: Instantly attacks with both weapons for 100% weapon damage plus additional (100 / 100 *) with each weapon. Damage is increased by 20% against Poisoned targets. Awards 2 combo points.
How to get Mutilate:
- Human: You’ll need to pickpocket Garrick Padfoot, a level 5 Human in the Northshire Vineyards in Elwynn Forest. Take the Cutty’s Note you loot from him and find Cutty, who is stealthed just south of the Northshire wall [49, 52]. Give him the note to receive the Rune.
- Dwarf/Gnome: Look for Dark Iron Dwarves south of Helm’s Bed Lake in Dun Morogh. Take them down until one drops a Blackrat’s Note. Look for Blackrat, who is stealthed at a boat at Misty Pine Refuge [57, 45]. Give him the note to receive the Rune.
- Night Elf: This Rune drops off of Lord Melenas in the cave north of Dolanaar [53, 50].
- Orc/Troll: Look for Burning Blade Orcs north of Razor Hill in Durotar. Take them down until one drops a Note from Ba’so. Then locate Ba’so, who is stealthed near [51, 58], south of Razor Hill. Give him the note to receive the Rune.
- Undead: Head to the tower in the center south of the map, near Undercity, and pickpocket Captain Perrine, who should be inside the tower [51, 67]. Then head to Brill and speak with Jamie Nore in the town hall building [60, 50] to obtain the Rune.
How to get Shadowstrike Rune

Shadowstrike Rune: Teleport behind your target and strike, causing 150% weapon damage to the target. Must be stealthed. Awards 1 combo point.
How to get Shadowstrike:
- Human: Upon reaching Level 2, talk to Rogue Trainer Jorik Kerridan in Northshire Valley [50,40], and accept the Thrice Stolen quest. Then go to the Northshire VIneyards, and in the south of the area, find the chest at [52, 51]. Inside, you’ll find the Rune.
- Dwarf/Gnome: Reach Level 2, then enter Anvilmar, Coldridge Valley, and find the Rogue Trainer Solm Hargrin [28, 67]. Accept Thrice Stolen, then head to the cave that’s on the southern edge of Coldridge Valley. Inside, hug the left wall, and near the back of the cave on a ledge you’ll find a chest with the Rune [30, 80]
- Night Elf: Upon reaching Level 2, talk to Rogue Trainer Frahun Shadewhisper in Shadowglen [59, 38], and accept the Second-Story Work quest. This quest will direct you to a ledge on the southernmost roof [59, 42] where you’ll find the Rune inside an idol.
- Orc/Troll: Upon reaching Level 2 in the Valley of Trials, find the Rogue Trainer Rwag [41, 68], inside the tunnel of The Den. Accept Atop the Cliffs from Rwag. Next, head over to the bonfire and take a look at the cliffs above Frang — knowing what you’re looking for will help you find your objective. Now go north from the bonfire, and take a left to continue west, following the cliffs until you reach a gap you can head through [40, 65]. At the top of the rise, head left at the tree and continue to the far end of the cliffs. From here, drop down and you’ll be able to jump to the chest [43, 69] that contains the Rune.
- Undead: Reach Level 2, then go to the Rogue Trainer in Deathknell, David Trias [32, 65]. Accept The Scarlet Rune, then go east and slightly south to the southeastern corner of the area. Here you’ll find a small camp [37, 65] of Scarlet Converts — defeat or pickpocket them until you find the Rune.
How to get Saber Slash Rune

Saber Slash Rune: Viciously slash an enemy for 130% weapon damage, and cause the target to bleed for (Attack power * 5 / 100) damage every 2 sec for 12 sec, stacking up to 3 times. Awards 1 combo point.
Saber Slash benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Sinister Strike.
How to get Saber Slash:
- Human: On the hill behind the Sentinel Hill Inn, there is an Elite Defias Scout with an Escape Plan buff, which will cause them to flee if they sense danger. Use Stealth to avoid detection and Pickpocket Defias Scout.
- Dwarf/Gnome: Located inside a toolbox on a platform behind quest givers at the Stonewrought Dam in northern Loch Modan.
- Night Elf: Located in a small pocket of interactable dirt between the tree roots of the Auberdine Lighthouse in Darkshore, next to where the transport ship stops.
- Orc/Trolls: You will need a Lockpicking skill of 80 for this. To obtain this Rune, head to Northwatch Hold in The Barrens. Look for a stable with a chest on the roof near the main gate. You can go around to the right and jump down onto the wall behind it, then jump up to the roof. Open the chest to loot the Rune.
- Undead: Head to Shadowfang Keep in Silverpine Forest. Standing on the bridge at the entrance, you’ll see a small platform with a chest to your left [45, 67], use Sprint to jump to it. Open the chest to loot the Rune.
How to get Cutthroat Rune

Cutthroat: Your Ambush, Backstab, and Garrote abilities no longer require you to be behind your target, and Backstab has a 15% chance to make your next Ambush within 10 sec not require you to be in Stealth.
How to get Cutthroat: Note: This method of obtaining the Rune will work for Horde players, but it’s a bit risky, especially on PvP servers.
Head to Duskwood, proceed to the Tranquil Gardens Cemetery, and use lockpicking to open the chest located in the chapel at coordinates [81, 71] in order to obtain an Engraved Silver Ring. Then pickpocket one the Defias Nightrunners on Yorgen’s farm [50, 73] or elsewhere to get the Engraved Gold Ring. Finally, type /kneel in front of the statue at the center of Raven Hill Cemetery [19, 45] while wearing both rings to receive your Rune.
How to get Main Gauche Rune

Main Gauche Rune: Instantly strike with your off-hand weapon for normal off-hand weapon damage and increase your chance to parry by 10% for 10 sec. Awards 1 combo point.
Main Gauche benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Sinister Strike.
How to get Main Gauche:
You can buy this Rune from Grizzby. The NPC is located in Ratchet. In order to purchase this Rune, Grizzby will require you to complete the following pre-quests:
- Shredder Turbochargers: Bring Grizzby 16 Shredder Turbocharger. These are acquired by using the Shredder Autosalvage Unit on Venture Co. Shredders in the Windshear Crag, Stonetalon Mountains.
- Dark Iron Ordinance: Bring Grizzby 20 Dark Iron Ordinance. These are acquired by slaying Dark Iron Insurgent in North Loch Modan, or Dark Iron Rifleman and other Dark Iron Dwarves in North Wetlands.
- Fish Oil: Bring Grizzby 24 Fish Oil. These are acquired by slaying Murlocs in Hillsbrad or Wetlands. You may also use the Auction House, as these items are fairly common.
That concludes the guide to all Rogue Runes in Season of Discovery. If you are interested in more guides on Runes, check out our guide for all SoD Shaman Runes below:
Or you can find every single Rune for all nine playable classes in our comprehensive guide on all 5 Phases of Season of Discovery here:
We hope that the guides have been able to aid you on your journey. Happy gaming!
Just wasted an hour of my life on your Envenom guide thanks
Hi Annon 👋 What problem are you having with getting the Rune of Venom (Envenom)? Let us know the issue, and we’ll be ready to help! 😊