SoD Phase 2 Hunter Rune: How to Get Trap Launcher
A quick and easy guide on how to get Trap Launcher for Hunter in SoD Phase 2.

Considered by many to be one of the strongest Runes for Hunter in Season of Discovery, Trap Launcher stands out as one of the most sought-after new SoD Phase 2 Runes. So, scroll down to see how you can acquire the Trap Launcher Rune.
How to Get Trap Launcher Rune in SoD

Trap Launcher Rune: Your Traps can now be placed at any location within 35 yards, and can be placed while you are in combat. Additionally, your Fire-based and Frost-based traps now have separate shared cooldowns.
How to get Trap Launcher:
- Desolace: Accept the Highway Robbery quest in Desolace at an Extinguished Campfire northwest of the Kodo Graveyard [47, 54].
- Desolace: Go to [63, 39] near Kormek’s Hut. Turn it in to Bibbly F’utzbuckle and pick up the quest On the Lam.
- Booty Bay: Go to the inn in Booty Bay. Turn On the Lam in Tokal, and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her Cherry Grog. She will send you on the next part of your quest, No Honor Among Thieves.
- Arathi Highlands There is Rowboat under the bridge between Arathi Highlands and the Wetlands, around [53, 91] on the Arathi Highlands map. Interact with the boat and you will be teleported to the eastern shore.
- Find Illari Duskfeather and speak with her. For most races, she will give (two equally hostile) dialogue options; upon choosing one, she will fight you. Defeat her, pick up the dropped bag, and loot Illari’s Key. Open Illari’s Loot Cache to obtain the Jewel-Encrusted Box, then open this box to loot the Rune. Night Elves have a peaceful dialogue solution available; if chosen, she will give them the Illari’s Key to Illari’s Loot Cache, allowing them to loot the Jewel-Encrusted Box without combat.
We hope that this little guide has been able to aid you in your quest to find your much-needed Runes in SoD Phase 2. For further guidance on getting all Hunter Runes in SoD, you will definitely want to explore our comprehensive guide here:
Within this guide, you’ll discover all Hunter Runes from Phase 1, Phase 2, and any forthcoming Phases as they become available. Stay informed and happy gaming!