Lost Ark Crossover with the Witcher

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Lost Ark, the famous Korean MMO, is set to launch a crossover event with The Witcher series on January 18. The event runs until February 22.

You will embark on a journey to a distant island and join forces with characters from The Witcher series to restore order and save a festive celebration from chaos. Along the way, you can expect Daily and Story Quests, new Witcher-inspired Potions, and two new Jukebox songs. But that’s not all. A new Card Set featuring five Witcher characters, a Title, and many other items await. You will also have the opportunity to purchase new Geralt and Ciri skins from the in-game store.

The crossover event will launch alongside a new update. It introduces a range of quality-of-life improvements, including significant updates to Lost Ark’s Guild system. Players can deposit money in their Guild and receive weekly income based on their contributions. The game will also feature three new Guild Research Options and three new Guild Skills. Other additions to Lost Ark’s Guilds include improvements to the Mercenary System and Raid Matches, changes to PVP rankings, and two new PVP Island Sieges.

Lost Ark is also set to receive a long list of other changes and updates, including alterations to the Quest System. Players can find the full patch notes and details on the new content by visiting the game’s website.

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