Mike Ybarra: About Diablo IV Beta and Zelda Launch Time Clash

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Mike Ybarra: About Diablo IV Beta and Zelda Launch Time Clash

Is Blizzard intentionally scheduled Diablo IV Slam Beta on the same day as The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s (TotK) launch? Mike Ybarra himself has responded to the question.

Mike Ybarra, Blizzard Entertainment’s president, recently took to Twitter to share his game line-up. Thus, exciting fans with the three iconic franchises standing side by side together on his list. From WoW to TotK and Diablo IV. However, in the comment section, an intriguing question has caught the attention of many, including Ybarra himself. It’s about the clash of time between Diablo IV Beta and TotK’s launch. After all, the two are both set to hit the screen on May 12.

Answering Dvalin’s question, the president declined any intention behind scheduling Diablo IV Beta to come out on that date. He stated that Blizzard always strives to do what’s right for their product to meet and exceed player expectations. While fans may have concerns about the timing, Ybarra hopes everyone will enjoy both titles.

The Diablo IV Slam Beta, or Stress Test, is just around the corner. It’s set to run in 48 hours and is an excellent opportunity for players to experience a more improved version of what they witnessed in March. Blizzard has been making tweaks and turns here and there after the Open Beta period was over. So, this event will give players a chance to see the progress for themselves.

Moreover, gamers who take part in this event are in for yet another shot at acquiring all of the Open Beta rewards. And once the title officially launches, they will be able to receive all that they have earned on their account.

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