Diablo IV: The Secret Cow Level

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Diablo IV: The Secret Cow Level

“Does Diablo IV have a cow level?” has been a popular question in the community ever since the game’s release.

What Is Diablo Cow Level?

The Diablo Cow Level is an iconic feature of the franchise. Usually, it’s a secret area filled with Hell Bovines — the two-legged, halberd-wielding cows with sentience. Players can explore the location for fun and reap some additional rewards. 

The tale of Cow Level can be traced back to the original Diablo game. At first, it began as a joke that spread like wildfire across the Internet. Later, it was discovered that it was all a pure fabrication of someone’s creative mind. However, the concept gained such popularity that the developers decided to include it in Diablo III. And now, as the fourth addition of the franchise has arrived, fans are excited to find out if the Hell Bovines are back in Sanctuary.

The Secret Cow Level in Diablo 4

Regrettably, there is no Cow Level in Diablo 4. In an interview, General Manager Rod Fergusson confirmed it. However, he also hinted at the possibility of having such secrets it in the future. 

“We wanted to make sure it felt authentic to the kind of gothic, dark themes we have. We’ve been really focused on trying to keep it as grounded as possible. And because of that, there’s no secret level in Diablo IV that people might be looking for as per previous games. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be in the future.”

Rod Fergusson

Nevertheless, there are still gamers who don’t believe his words. To them, the supposed absence of a cow-infested site has not dampened their speculation. Thus, fans are still diligently searching for clues that may lead to the infamous Easter Egg. There is even an entire subreddit with more than a thousand upvotes regarding the matter.


Their hope is that Blizzard may still introduce this beloved feature in a future update.

While there has yet to be any sign of the Hell Bovines’ return, perhaps, one day, the Cow Level will find its way into Diablo IV.

So, what do you think? Are you eager to encounter the Hell Bovines once again? Are you among those who enthusiastically seek the secret level? Or do you find other aspects of the game more intriguing? Let us know in the comment!

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