Playstation Studios Are Now Assisting Bungie with Destiny 2

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Bungie realized the benefits of working with a major publisher and sought support from PlayStation Studios Malaysia.

Playstation Studios Are Now Assisting Bungie with Destiny 2

Since Shadowkeep, Bungie has been developing Destiny 2 independently, without support from Activision. As a result, subsequent expansions have lacked the same amount of content as Forsaken. Before recent layoffs, the studio’s management reportedly sought Sony’s assistance.

Hailin Si, a Senior Material Artist at PlayStation Studios Malaysia, posted three works at ArtStation on various guns for Destiny 2. One of these guns is a new Exotic Pulse Rifle, and the other two are future ornaments for Forerunner (Dreaming City-style) and Parasite (Deep Stone Crypt-style). These concepts were made before August 2023 because Hailin left the studio at that time, and maybe, we’ll see his work in The Final Shape.

At the time of writing this news, Hailin had already deleted all the posts, but users managed to save some concepts, and we will post them below:

In the long term, this means that PlayStation may provide more assistance to Bungie, allowing them to release much more content than in previous years. Perhaps upcoming DLC with episodes will have much more content than originally planned, thanks to the support of external teams!

Thanks for Reading! Owl is Flying Away.

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