Garden of Salvation is getting refreshed weapon pool
It’s time to return to the Garden of Salvation in Episode Revenant!

With the release of Episode Revenant, we’re in for a lot of changes, including new exotic armor changes and awesome Iron Banner loot, but that’s not all. We will also get updated loot in the Garden of Salvation, making visiting more worthwhile.
Just like with Last Wish, you’ll be able to earn red borders from encounters to get craftable versions and a quest for guaranteed Deepsight from Hawthorne at the Tower. The new Garden of Salvation weapon versions will feature updated perks, and in the case of the local Hand Cannon, even updated elemental damage. Below, we’ve provided a table showing the weapons, their new elements, and some perks that you’ll be able to get:
Weapons | Element and type | Third column | Fourth column |
Reckless Oracle | Void Rapid Auto Rifle | Destabilizing Rounds | Paracausal Affinity |
Accrued Redemption | Kinetic Precision Compound Bow | Offhand Strike | Archer’s Gambit |
Zealot’s Reward | Void Rapid Fire Fusion Rifle | Destabilizing Rounds | Reservoir Burst |
Ancient Gospel | Void Adaptive Hand Cannon | Rampage | Kill Clip |
Sacred Provenance | Kinetic Aggressive Pulse Rifle | Demolitionist | Kinetic Tremors |
Prophet of Doom | Arc Precision Shotgun | Threat Remover | Voltshot |
Omniscient Eye | Solar Rapid-Fire Sniper Rifle | Fourth Times the Charm | Precision Instrument |
As you can see, even with the Omniscient Eye, it’s clear that many weapons are getting powerful perks and will likely make their mark in the meta. However, we haven’t even seen the Origin Trait for these weapons yet, so they can turn out to be even more powerful.
That said, these aren’t the only weapons players will be able to get during Episode Revenant, nor the only ones that will interest players. Bungie has also revealed major weapon balance changes in Destiny 2, which will shake up the meta once again, so make sure to check them out!
Thanks for reading! Owl is flying away.